Legacy items
If PoE doesn't use a SQL-based database, it likey still follows the similar rules of design: Every item owned by a player exists in the form of an instantiated object in an array.
In order to change all items of a given type under given parameters, a search algorithim needs to be employed to find/select all items matching the desired criteria. These items then need to be changed to new criteria. The first part is the trickiest part -- ensuring that you properly change only the items you want to and don't make unintended changes to other items that might qualify. For uniques, this is not an issue, but for rares, this could be. In any case, it really isn't that complex of a problem -- unless PoE's database system is custom-made, poorly designed/structured, or both. It still would require at least developer spend their afternoon writing a perfect script to update a given unique -- and if they did this to all uniques/rares in the future that need to be rebalanced. Writing a generic procedure to update items is definitely do-able and possible but would consume a fair bit more hours. Is it worth however many development hours it would take? Just to piss off a lot of users who paid an arm and a leg or were lucky to find one genuinely good item? To make a bunch of perpetually unhappy people who are just envious of the luck/wealth of others pleased for ten seconds? I'd say not. It'd undermine the spirit of the game - that the items you find are yours to keep forever, unless you choose to sell them. You should never feel like your items can become worthless at the drop of a patch. PoE is about items. That's the resonating theme of this game. My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282 Last edited by anubite#0701 on Feb 11, 2014, 7:27:50 PM
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" Some people care more about their gear than they do about the game itself. GGG should quit balancing standard at all since so few people care about it anyway. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Feb 11, 2014, 8:03:32 PM
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just want to say again because people don't seem to notice:
This wuold need to be done for any changes to the mods an item can roll. Because otehrwise legacy items exist. You could say it would only need to occur for items that are nerfed, okay then that would be any nerfs to any items. Uniques which have ADDED effects, such as koams fire damage, this is something that would require a custom change aswell. People wearing an onyx amulet that now has +9 all stats when before it was +17 will rage because the people with +16 have it all set up already. And yes, legacy items existed WELL before silverbranch, they just weren't unique items. Ever heard of 1-150light dmg wakes? Or of the old tri ele bows which make the current elemental damage bows look like a joke? |
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" Your missing my point, all your doing is just SPECIFICALLY targeting exact items that YOU personally do not like. You do not give a literal rats ass about "legacy balance." At best your just QQing that some people have legacy items that are "op". None of the people that QQ about legacy items really care about "legacy" items either in relation to balance, they are just jelly or some shit that there is old kaom's and they can't get it anymore with some weird ass justification of "balance" to remove it from the game. Unless GGG wants to fix/reroll EVERY single legacy item that ever existed period and somehow gets everyone to reroll them/autocratically changed stats there is literally no point in listening to people QQ about "old kaom's" or "old soul taker" in the "fun leagues." Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Feb 11, 2014, 8:24:38 PM
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" How exactly is it weird ass justification if GGG believes the same thing? Their the ones who made the decision didn't they? Everyone points at the possible bias in people without legacies but usually don't say crap about the possible (and likely) bias of those who have them. Standard Forever
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" That is actually a good point, its not just uniques that got nerfed/buffed. Its becoming more and more clear, that if you wan't to be consistent with the whole "legacy items shouldn't exist", it would be a major pain in the ass. In fact, in this case of the elemental tri bows, it may not actually be possible if the mod tables are timestamped As an explanation, you could have had tri bows at a point in time A, which had a range of 1-200. At some point in time (lets say B), it gets changed to 1-150 Now to be fair, when nerfing OP legacy items, the item should still hold its relative strength. That is, if you had a bow that had 180 damage (which is 90% of the max, being 200), the nerfed value should be 135 (which is 90% of 150) Now lets go through the cases when we go looking through every persons item 1. Hit a tri elemental bow that has a value of > 150. This is clearly OP (i.e. version A), so we can do what we just said above 2. Hit a tri elemental bow that ahs a value of < 150. So wtf do we do here? If we don't have a timestamp of when the person item mods were last changed (i.e. the item initially dropped, or they used a divine), its impossible to do anything "fair" here. We have no idea if the item's mods were obtained at point A in time, or point B (it could be either). If we do have a timestamp of the item when its mods were last modified, we can still do what we did with case #1, but calling it completely fair is starting to stretch it. This version of the item is currently not technically OP (since it falls in the 1-150 range), its only retrospectively OP, so what decision do we make exactly? Honestly GGG should have created proper migration scripts when dealing with the whole legacy situation, its becoming more apparent that trying to fix all legacy item content now may not even be possible to do fairly |
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" Agreed, it's only the abusively broken Uniques that deserve a Vendor Mirror buyout. " No, it's because Legacy worship promotes RMT-fueled BiS obsession that trivializes the game and dismisses any build that doesn't indulge in the most expensive pay2win trophies. What's worse is that GGG has shown a deplorable tendency to muck around with the Passive Tree in vain attempts to reign in the worst OP Unique abuses. This has often penalized players and builds across the board who had nothing to do with the exploits GGG was trying to fix. Why is it perfectly fine for our entire build to be arbitrarily yanked out from under us whenever GGG sees fit, while grossly unbalanced relics from the Open Beta remain untouchable? If full respecs are an adequate consolation for obsoleted builds, Mirrors should be fair compensation for owners of OP Legacy Uniques. |
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Just make all the items that were changed unidentified again. for everyone.
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" GGG doesn't believe in the "same thing." thing, they still exists and they are in the "dumpester" league the perfectly fits what a "fun" league is. I'm not even really talking about bias, I am talking about people who say they care about "balance" when really they are legit just talking about 3-4 items completely missing there are TONS of other legacy items that are "OP" but they don't care about them. " There is going to be "RMT" fueled" BIS obsession with items that trivialize the game regardless if they exist or don't exist in the "dumpster" league. Changing around the passive tree is up to GGG vision of balance, I have no idea what does that have to be with "exploits." You are literally going all over the place to "justify" trading in mirror for 3-4 legacy items and then act like the game is balanced once that happens. I already gave you a news alert, there are metric shit tons of legacy items that are OP and not OP. Unless they change every single one to be "fair" then it isn't a change of balance and more follow the lines of what I already went over. (Players QQing about certain shit being unfair) |
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" I think it's obvious who could care less about gameplay balance in the so-called "dumpster" league. |
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