What is the formula for critical strike %
" In the few tests I did with characters and your PHP page, it appears you are calculating it exactly the same as the game does - what is wrong? Edit: The character page assumes you're fighting a monster of your level (for now). Edit2: There is no base critical rating. Characters start with 0. The critical strike value is "mincapped" at 5% if you would go below 5%. Last edited by Chris#0000 on Sep 8, 2011, 1:39:32 AM
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" Quoted for the lulz Let me take some screenshots. like i said level 36 witch chillin town ![]() Chance to crit = 0.0570979570456 is what I get from your formula. rounding to the hundredth and then multiply that by 100 for the % i should have 6%... Where does the 3% come from and why do i have 6.3% when I get 1 orb? ![]() The purpose of argument should not be victory, but progress. Last edited by wickedhood#0007 on Sep 8, 2011, 1:57:27 AM
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znowstorm - I articulated myself appropriately considering the type of response I felt your post deserved. Thank you.
Chris - So what you're saying is that although the numbers might not be perfect, the result is what you intended: ie scaling and lvl penalties. Um.. all I can say is I hope not. |
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" You're right that these values for your character are not being calculated correctly. I'll clone the character to our local server and get someone to investigate tomorrow. To me it looks like it should say 5.7% without the power charge and 8.7% with the power charge. " Can you be more specific about what problem you have with it? Currently it is intentional that there is a penalty to critical chance if you hit a monster that is not of your level. If we removed this element, then you'd have an insanely high crit chance against substantially lower monsters, and an unreasonably high crit chance against higher monsters. We want to reduce both abuse cases. This is pretty standard in games that use ratings of this type (such as Diablo 2's attack rating calculation, for example). | |
thank you sir.
The purpose of argument should not be victory, but progress.
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I already said what my problem with it is -_-
The way your formula works, the penalty is very severe at low levels and insignificant at high levels. This means that the difference between a lvl 99 and a lvl 100, for example, will be very close to nothing, giving no real incentive to level up. As an example when I played diablo II way way back when it came out, I had a lvl 88 sorceress that could easily kill a lvl 99 because there was so little difference between the levels. The system you're setting up with that crit formula (as well as issues with passives/support gems, but I wont get into that here) seems as though it will do the same thing - discourage continuing and progressing in the game. Why bother getting to lvl 100 if I'm only some small percent stronger than I was at lvl 90? Sure, SOME people will do it anyway, as they did in Diablo II.. then again there weren't many other gaming options on PC at the time. At lvl 39 I'm already starting to feel like I'm not getting much stronger when I level up.. and good gear is so uncommon that I wouldnt even consider trying to get it a proper motive to play. Lost my train of thought due to guildmates rambling in teamspeak, hopefully I was thorough >_> |
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Also I see no problem with flat crit percent on gear. You have flat cast speed and spell damage percents, why not crit?...
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" Isn't that an inherint thing though? Going from level 1 to level 2 is doubling your level, where going from level 99 to 100 is increasing you level by only a small percentage of it's current value. Going from level 2 to 3 doubles your number of passives, and that's always going to be a more significant difference than gaining one more passive when you already have 98 of them. Out of interest, how would you propose to implement a system which avoids such things? | |
" In that (those) picture(s) you show your spell critical rating, and your [attack] critical chance (and do not show your [attack] critical rating). Spell critical chance is currently not shown on the character sheet. The problem is that you're presuming you're spell critical rating affects the "critical chance" value on the character sheet. The explanation for your 6.3% with power charge is that your un-orbed (non-spell) crit chance is 3.3%, and the power charge added 3% to that (the min 5% is not a base, but a set value if it is still under 5% after all modifiers) On another (though similar) note someone told me that spell critical mechanics and/or calculation is not the same as normal critical calculation/mechanics. I have no proof otherwise, but I don't see why it would the case so I don't believe him. Can anyone (maybe Chris) confirm that it's the same? (putting spell crit chance on the character sheet will pretty much fix this problem) Fresh cakes for all occasions. Delivery in 30 eons or less Call 1-800-DOMINUS Remember - 'Dominus Delivers' Last edited by Xapti#6455 on Sep 8, 2011, 4:25:07 AM
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Oh you're right, that was spell critical rating. Can you show me the actual critical rating for your character, wickedhood, so that we can work out if it's correct?
Edit: I'm definitely looking forward to tidying up this ridiculous system... Last edited by Chris#0000 on Sep 8, 2011, 4:23:48 AM