Removing nudity from model files - Bannable?

Sunshimaro wrote:
As european i have to admit that i've didn't see any nudity in this game, yet.
Please show me and stop this mindless argument, i'd have asked for altering the textures only.

By the way you have to expect people loving this game, therefore defending it.

Someone posted a picture of an endowed statue earlier in the thread, just one example of many instances of nudity. It's not distracting, I just don't see why it's necessary to have or how it adds to the gameplay or plot.

I don't care if other people like the nudity, and I understand GGG's motive behind putting it in the game. You like the boobs and what not in the game? Great, I don't care, enjoy it all you want.

I just want to know if I'll get banned for removing it for my own copy of the game. Obviously this means I'm wrong, possibly retarded, and need to "grow up" or fuck off and play something else.

Jason_GGG wrote:
Please refrain from antagonizing other forums members, further posts of this nature will be removed and may result in an account probation.

As for the original question, any modification of the game files is not permitted and can result in an account ban.

Thanks, didn't see your post before replying. Guess that's that, then. Oh well, back to Torchlight 2 I guess
Last edited by Trinexx on Oct 24, 2013, 9:30:50 AM
Sunshimaro wrote:
As european i have to admit that i've didn't see any nudity in this game, yet.

A simple visit to Rome or Paris puts the supposed in-game "dongs" to shame (on a related note, some of the postcards you'll see on Italian souvenir stands are pretty hilarious this way). I don't think any European who's been to a museum will make too much of a digital statue.
A Belligerent Expert System
Last edited by Rogomatic on Oct 24, 2013, 9:44:38 AM
Trinexx wrote:
Sunshimaro wrote:
As european i have to admit that i've didn't see any nudity in this game, yet.
Please show me and stop this mindless argument, i'd have asked for altering the textures only.

By the way you have to expect people loving this game, therefore defending it.

Someone posted a picture of an endowed statue earlier in the thread, just one example of many instances of nudity. It's not distracting, I just don't see why it's necessary to have or how it adds to the gameplay or plot.

I don't care if other people like the nudity, and I understand GGG's motive behind putting it in the game. You like the boobs and what not in the game? Great, I don't care, enjoy it all you want.

I just want to know if I'll get banned for removing it for my own copy of the game. Obviously this means I'm wrong, possibly retarded, and need to "grow up" or fuck off and play something else.

Jason_GGG wrote:
Please refrain from antagonizing other forums members, further posts of this nature will be removed and may result in an account probation.

As for the original question, any modification of the game files is not permitted and can result in an account ban.

Thanks, didn't see your post before replying. Guess that's that, then. Oh well, back to Torchlight 2 I guess

It's not your copy of the game, you have an account that you're allowed to use to connect to the game with. That's as far as your rights go. And like I said earlier, you an't be banned as there is no client side checks for such things, the only thing the games check is stuff like map generation graphs an changing those just stops you from connecting, you wolundn't be banned.

As for the plot, it's a word where there is dead babies on the beach, rivers of blood and floating bodies everywhere, people are crucified , people are turned in to strange mutants. And it's a world where criminals are just dumped and are left to survive on their own. You somehow think that there wouldn't be nudity in such a world? You think the mobs in lunaris level 3 wouldn't be naked? You think a STATUE wouldn't be naked? Do you get mad when you see ancient greek or roman statues irl then? Because I don't know if you know this, but nude statues used to be popular.
Last edited by oBLACKIECHANo on Oct 24, 2013, 9:43:47 AM
Trinexx wrote:
Someone posted a picture of an endowed statue earlier in the thread, just one example of many instances of nudity. It's not distracting, I just don't see why it's necessary to have or how it adds to the gameplay or plot.

I don't care if other people like the nudity, and I understand GGG's motive behind putting it in the game.

Act 3 has a very Greece/Romanian like setting.
And that is how (many) Greek statues (and paintings) look like. Nude. With chunks and tits free from clothes.
It's considered as art, for some increases the atmosphere and creates a more believable/acceptable setting/world.
Absolutely nothing wrong with putting it in.
"@mfqxCdudknodq".map(_ + 1 toChar)
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Act 3 has a very Greece/Romanian like setting.
And that is how (many) Greek statues (and paintings) look like. Nude. With chunks and tits free from clothes.
It's considered as art, for some increases the atmosphere and creates a more believable/acceptable setting/world.
Absolutely nothing wrong with putting it in.

I understand the point you're making, and I don't disagree with it entirely. I just don't see how the game would suffer from not having it. But I digress, I've gotten my answer. I wish it was a different answer, but oh well. I'll go play something else when my kids are at home.

It's not the end of the world.
Trinexx wrote:
I understand the point you're making, and I don't disagree with it entirely. I just don't see how the game would suffer from not having it. But I digress, I've gotten my answer. I wish it was a different answer, but oh well. I'll go play something else when my kids are at home.

It's not the end of the world.
Well, the same could be said about the gore, too. How would the game suffer without the blood, dismembering and what not? Or about many other things.

Different people like different art style, prefer more realistic graphics or more comic styled graphics and the list goes on and on. Because everyone has his own taste and preferences.
This counts for the artists and graphic designers of PoE as well. They have their taste and style and this in return effects the game and how it looks now or will look in future.
"@mfqxCdudknodq".map(_ + 1 toChar)
Trinexx wrote:

I understand the point you're making, and I don't disagree with it entirely. I just don't see how the game would suffer from not having it. But I digress, I've gotten my answer. I wish it was a different answer, but oh well. I'll go play something else when my kids are at home.

It's not the end of the world.

You cant be serious , and actually how your kids will suffer from have it in game ? few years ago we had just big leaf between the legs ..

Just because it's your 'copy' of the game doesn't mean you get entitled to special treatment. If you're SERIOUSLY worried about your kids seeing animated statue dong, just close and lock the door when daddy is having some alone time with "Path of Sexile".

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