Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" Never really understood why people do that. I get more than enough from transmutation orbs. Standard Forever
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Rather than shooting for the stars and asking for a league, how about a self found forum first? There are over a dozen trading forums, surely a single forum for self found wouldn't be excessive. Regular build guilds tend to assume you have access to uber (or at least decent) items, so they really aren't applicable to this play style, a separate place to discuss is needed. As a new player I'm a bit dismayed that there's so little info out there of how best to go about playing self found - in fact if you google search "self found" pretty much all you can find is threads wanting a SFL.
I also think it would cut down on the people here who think that self found players just want a handout from the devs - the current situation of only seeing self found players in a thread about wanting drop changes does fuel the theory that self founders are just whiners. If they could see that self found players actually are into trying to figure the game out and help themselves it would help. Also I think a more structured discussion rather than massive thread would be better to tease out what the real issues are and perhaps give the devs insight into a more targeted fix than just "increase drop rates". |
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" The only way in a SFL that you could prove you got your shit legit and not from a carebear orb orgy EZ mode is if drop rates mirror the current leagues. And really, at that point, just have a checkbox for self found at character creation so everyone will know that you are a selfie. Of course, any craven person who subsequently trades (from lack of willpower or otherwise) will lose their selfie digital badge of honor. |
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" Way to completely miss the point. Also, drop rates being the same as current leagues would defeat much of the purpose of having a self found league. Trading is the easiest way to play this game so the carebear orgy you describe would be all of the current leagues. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Sep 12, 2013, 8:44:10 PM
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" I don't know why you keep focusing on the "elitist" position. I can count the total # of people in BOTH major threads on one hand, that "only want to play with other SF-ers". It's not my position, never has been, and isn't the position of the majority of posters in these threads, especially the Suggestions thread. Read the OP in that thread again. That's all I want, there is no elitism. I'm a nobody, (yeah, quote me mother-fuckers) but I'm still a paying customer who just happens to play solo, who wants a sandbox, league, call it whatever you like - that is free from any balance considerations introduced by the mechanics of trading. THAT INCLUDES BROKEN TRADING, FIXED TRADING, ANY TRADING, FFS. We are not "hiding from" the game's issue, we want a DIFFERENT PLAY STYLE. A play style that cannot be realised by just polishing the existing game. " I don't think anyone has told you to shut up, but it IS POINTLESS arguing with you, when you attribute motives to SF supporters that are simply not true. Carry on, continue arguing with that very small group of elitists, but the bulk of us are not of that mindset. SFL goals, and game-improvement goals are not mutually exclusive, unless you hold the position that regardless of motive, a SFL will damage the game. Hold that view if you like, but I won't waste my time arguing back and forth over it, like I have done in the past. " Incorrect, as I've explained above; zero trading INFLUENCE on game balance, can only be achieved in a SFL. It's a completely different play style we're asking for, and nobody else needs to support it, like it, or even be the SLIGHTEST BIT INTERESTED IN IT, for it to be valid. " It was a really fucking serious question, and since nothing you've said in any of your recent posts (including this one) has touched on what I've explained at great length YET AGAIN, I rest my case. Now that was a little condescending, sorry. Last edited by DijiGo#2281 on Sep 12, 2013, 9:56:02 PM
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Unfortunately, I haven't, as yet, seen what these so called 'consequences' are supposed to be. I've herd people suggest there will be a mass exodus to SFL, leaving the trading game less then viable, but I seriously don't believe that, at least not long term. As I've said before, a lot of those who like the idea of self-found will, unless they currently play this way, probably find the reality to hard and revert to a trading league.
" Unfortunately, I still don't understand what you believe the consequences will be, if SFL becomes reality? " I think more to the point, there's no 'real' crafting in this game. As someone in another thread pointed out, the word doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the description of the game. From what I can see the closest GGG gets is: " As I've said before, there's little chance of any major changes to the current regime; because of this, I frankly believe the only opportunity the SFL community has of being able to play the way they would like, is in a dedicated environment. Edit: Fixed quotes. Last edited by Kellog#5737 on Sep 12, 2013, 10:30:26 PM
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" You do, even if you don't agree. As I said before, a league with increased drop rates is too effective a lure, I think. I believe it would pull so many people from trading leagues that self found players and traders would simply trade places in terms of who is at a marked disadvantage. Right now the way the game is made creates an environment in which self found play is under-supported. Alternatively, pulling too many players away from trade leagues to SFL creates an environment in which the trading play style is wholly under supported. You may be right that any such migration would be short lived. My concern centers around the possibility that it wouldn't be. I don't want to see GGG drive away any of it's players, whether they prefer self found, solo, trading, grouping, or standing on one leg atop Brutus' corpse hula hooping and singing Lady Gaga. I think creating a separate league, as it has been requested, represents an inordinate risk in doing so, as does doing nothing. " I'll concede that crafting may not be the best name for the system as it is implemented in PoE. When I use the word, please understand that I'm referring to taking a piece of equipment and through the random addition or re-rolling of modifications, making it into more than it was to begin with. I know I'm definitely in the minority with this view, but I actually like the wild randomness of the system. It is, as it has been described numerous times, like a slot machine. The issue, though, is that (to continue this analogy) when you walk into the PoE casino, the house tells you that you may only pull the slot 2 or 3 times. If you want more tries, you have to give your winnings to someone else in exchange for their 2 or 3 pulls. " I do agree that the radical changes that I personally think are needed are unlikely. That said, I think the league described in this and the suggestion thread are equally unlikely. |
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" I'll chime in: 1. GGG will spend time designing, setting up and maintaining a SFL. This can mean resources will be denied from fixing these issues on other leagues. 2. GGG may see less incentive in fixing these issues on other leagues after SFL is introduced. 3. Player population is already spread thin through-out the leagues. Introducing a new league (perhaps even two for sc/hc) will split the community even further which makes grouping harder. 4. Due to the variety of requests raised by SFL promoters, the likelyhood of GGG implementing a self-found league that pleases all SFL promoters are slim. 5. With the trading aspect out of the game, the supply&demand aspect will also be gone. This means that builds which were balanced by the economy will no longer be. The strongest builds may be just as easy to get as the weaker builds, making the choice easy and reducing build diversity for self-found players. As for crafting being "hopeless", I'll copy what I wrote in another thread: Currency is getting traded away instead of being used for crafting by the vast majority of players. Increasing currency drop rate as you said won't change a thing, and adding a bind-on-pickup mechanic is just taking options away from the player. What needs to happen, is to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. Let me explain: If I get an exalted orb drop, trading it away is pretty much my only way to get other items. This is because the overwhelming majority of good items are held by the top percentage of players. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't just because they have more time on their hands, it's because they stack MF and are willing to put up with the uncomfortable ways of selling their gear. I sincerely believe that if MF becomes non-mandatory, and selling your items becomes a more comfortable experience, then the playing field will be even, and more players would be incentivized to use currency instead of trading it away. In other words, the current methods of "Getting ahead" are boring. If the game encouraged actually playing the game instead of maintaining a forum thread, and doing challenging maps instead of farming docks, then end-game will become a more balanced playground, and the effect of only the top percent being "allowed" to use top orbs will be diminished. Last edited by Novalisk#3583 on Sep 13, 2013, 1:05:01 AM
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" I addressed the point I wanted to address. Sitting in trade chat for hours looking for arbitrage opportunities to fund gear upgrades is harder (and takes more skill) than chaos spamming and alt-regal spamming in a hypothetical SFL with WAY MOAR ORBS than currently available. |
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" THIS POST NEEDS TO BE STICKIED STAT! The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
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