Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" You may be right. Like I've said, though, I just think the risk of damaging the game overall is too high to not look at other options and consider this an absolute last resort. Either way, a separate league still runs away from the core issues as opposed to addressing them. Personally, I'd rather see the problems fixed. " I don't think trying to get crafting on the same level as trade is a realistic objective to begin with. The only real way to do so would be to introduce definitive recipes like you would see in an MMO. It's the certainty that gives trading the edge, even if item and orbs drop rates were increased exponentially. I don't know about anyone else, but I would hate to see GGG go the route of MMO like crafting in which you know what the end product is going to be each and every time. I just find that so boring in comparison. I'm not looking to get crafting on par with trading. I'm looking to get to the point where taking part in the crafting system represents a meaningful choice at all points in the game. Right now there is a "choice", but not a meaningful one. The scales are so heavily tipped in favor of trading that crafting, especially when you're at those mid game road blocks, is nothing more than a waste. I think that's truly a shame and shows an area where GGG have put blinders on themselves, especially if they think getting a 4L is the only issue. " Apples and UFOs, dude. SFL is not the same thing as D2's offline mode. If you want an offline mode, push for that. Trying to equate one to the other, though, dodge's the issues being debated. Last edited by Thaelyn#0781 on Sep 12, 2013, 1:31:41 PM
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1+ SFL non-competitive UFO'S brought apples to earth! The Samsquench is a migratory animal! As leagues change so shall the players. Those that want a SFL will eventually get such but the issue then is making a better crafting/more specified orb recipes,ex: orb of transfusion+ weapon with 3 cold mods= orb of cold(only adds/re rolls cold mods). I have suggested this idea on a few other threads but not here. I feel that a temporary SFL would be best on the grounds of eventually becoming permanent because GGG needs to test/balance things for the solo oriented non-trading players once this is done the new rules/drops can be combined to a extent with standard to better balance the players experience.Thus I will add a new suggestion to the SFL list, number 5. SFL:1)No trades with other players.2)Increased orb drops NOT items.3)No mf rolls on blue or yellow items.4)No party benefits,No loot allocation timer(what drops for you is yours alone).5) New crafting recipes that allow new specialized orbs,ex:orb of fire/cold/lit(only rolls/re-rolls respective elemental mods on a item) I also would like to re-affirm that at the end of the league all players would be erased so players leave with the experience not the loot like supposed HC players. The mention of SFL being like d2 offline is yet another excuse, SFL would not be like off line d2, please elaborate on the similarities? cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) Last edited by Finkenstein#5181 on Sep 12, 2013, 2:30:39 PM
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" Me me me me! Too bad they "kinda" confirmed they won't do it for "security reasons". Anyway the game will be filled with bots anyway, it's just a matter of time lol UNBREAKABLE SYSTEM NO ONE CAN HACK! sure why not. i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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" Why push for offline? The devs won't do it because they don't want the game hacked. I don't see how equating them dodges the issue. The same things that are appealing about offline are appealing in a self found league. Drops based around no trading/maybe solo but at the same time everyone in the league has to play legit. That sounds pretty cool. Standard Forever
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Self Found league will separate the men from the boys. There is no other way to get ahead in the game other than to play an ARPG. No scamming morons in currency exchange, or trades, and no RMTing. If you want something, there is no other way to get it except for playing the game. The only way to prove you got your shit legit and didn't RMT it is to play self found league.
Self found league will probably be the best league for any new player to start in. They can focus on playing the game without having to worry about the value of specific items, or getting screwed in a trade. Running end game maps with entirely self found gear would be one hell of an achievement. To get ahead in self found you would have to: -Acquire sets of leveling gear for a variety of build types -Acquire a good pool of skill gems -Utilize whatever pieces of GG gear you do get. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Sep 12, 2013, 3:46:34 PM
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" More good arguments, nice Really can't see the release without an option similar to Solo league, really *Solo I mean self found bla bla. i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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To the ones who say you can play self found without a league, well nobody is going to believe you, because gamers frequently bullshit and exaggerate. Example, you get to level 90 in standard and claim you never traded for any gear, people are gonna be like "Cool story bro". And you would have absolutely no way to prove otherwise. Level 90 in self found league will be an achievement that nobody can deny.
The only way to truly be recognized as not being a bullshitter is if you're in a league where nobody can trade. And If I'm gonna set personal limits on a particular way of playing, then I'd rather join a league where those limits are in place for everybody, because there is no way to chickenshit out of it half way and decide to trade for an item. That means I am fully committed to self found with those characters regardless how much the RNG screws me on drops. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Sep 12, 2013, 3:56:03 PM
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Also people are going to have issues in Self-Found league that they wouldn't otherwise have in the other leagues.
For the sake of argument, suppose you got a good MF character in self found league, and you can farm up tons of rares. What happens when you run out of wisdom scrolls? Uh oh!! Can't just buy them in bulk from players anymore, and now you gotta farm up a pool of wisdom scrolls before you can even ID those rares, LOL!! Welcome to self found league. Don't like it? Go back to standard league (AKA Hello kitty adventure island) |
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Or you could also sell the low value items/orbs
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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I thought about it and I am a mainly self found player. Yes I buy gems and sometimes a sweet Orange item. Just because I am not that good and I am not that lucky too but most important I am a 1 Char guy. I dont run multiple chars. When I die I reroll thats it.
If you would give them a self found league I believe you have to remove the penalty for outleveling a zone. You can have a unlucky run and you outlevel Act 1 or 2 by 8 or more levels till you found the pieces you need to bring resistances up for example. But i think a self found league is bullshit. I know I am not the best player and I dont know as much about the game like others. For example I love Vaal but I am always so scared. So I want gear where I feel save. I could just go for small tricks and get a spectre chaos damage pet and kill him much safer this way. What I do once I heard about it but I dont think all people know or are willing to find out how to trivialize such fights. I mean I just 20 min shield charged till he died on merciless and it was a no brainer but thats not the point. Sry! This is something that happens to me everytime and I know when I finally reach my farmspot to grind gear for Maps/Piety I am already to high level and the chance to get an item is so low that it takes even much longer. This is the only frustrating moment for me everytime I roll a new char because my old died. I know it will happen and I just pray that it will not hit me that hard this time. But this is an overall problem for many players and thats why Act 2 is kind of a problem. And I don't think you can fix this in permanent leagues because bots will just abuse this hardcore but we could test it. And yes people are willing to spend Real money for Gear (and buying currency to buy gear well its the same) and well lets face it Pay 2 Win. What we as a community could try for the next 3 month leagues is a system that simple says "we will remove the rarity penalty as long as you did not progress to the next zone or level zone. To see how hard the impact through bots, hardcore farmers will be. It will hurt but in the end you need to collect data right. *Lets say you are grinding Ledge cruel what is a LvL35 Zone: As long as you did not finish a zone that is higher you don't get a penalty for this zone. So you go straight to ledge and farm it, don't do the side zones that are higher because when you reach the ledge your rarity will not get punished because you outleveled it. *Or more simple: As long as you did not kill mobs at the rocky climb your rarity will not get a penalty. *Or even more simple: As long as you did not enter the prison the ledge has no penalty. After you progressed you get the natural penalty. I don't know how you coded it but giving the natural rarity penalty just to currency would be great I think. So people can find the gear that helps them but it would not just be an explosion or rarity / quantity currency farmers. And as Gear is available for progress people can progress with more pleasure because all the time something is dropping so the chances are ok. You get some low currency ofc to craft blue items that can and will help (new char, lvl58 still a crafted blue ring with just fire resi and hp) and close the gap. Maybe test it for Maps too in this 3 month league but I dont think its needed in permanent league for reasons that are obvious. But well lets try it right. This would be my suggestion. A real closed self found league is just something people want because they can't just resist and want it know. The game is fine for self found you just need time. And if you are not a powerhouse and I am not one I know this could easy take years to get to a point where I could just crush maps like for example Kripp. Its like if you ask people: I give you 100 Dollar after a year or 102 dollar if you wait 1 Year and 1 day. People will wait this one day because its 2 Dollar more. If you ask them if they want 100 Dollar today or tomorrow they will get 102 Dollar the opposite happens. People will take the 100 now. Thats how our brain works. And yes this is a scientific test. So GGG lets try this in the next 3 month league, you get the data you need to understand what will happen to the economy. And the feedback of players that are hitting the problems and want a fix because they care to much about this game but are not able to change their attitude. And it is understandable that playing 10-20 hours a month and still grinding act1/2 cruel/merci is not attractive for them. Sry if my English is not the best. If you like the Idea and you want to hire me you can do, or send me a Pizza <3 ps: I did not read the thread just responses by GGG. So if my Idea is already posted I am sry. I did not read it so if the person that posted the same Idea is a rich woman, you wana marry me? Why you should try Harcore Last edited by tadl#0113 on Sep 12, 2013, 4:41:27 PM