Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" Would not touch a character bound self found. Account bound is the way to go, otherwise you remove one of the main incentive to roll new chars in self found...finding that amazing ranged item with your melee char, or a melee item on your ranged char, etc, etc. It's still all self found. |
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It seems those most in time with the thread are all happy that a self-found should be account bound rather than character bound. I'm ok with that.
But can anyone think of disadvantages to this that could be ironed out prior to creation? How would a 'cheater' try to manipulate this? If none, all well and good. |
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" I can't follow, please elaborate. Your post before was a nice discussion incentive, thank you! |
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" The only way it would be manipulated is if there was partying up + same increased IIQ rates. Then people would multibox and have only the main pick up all items. If there is no partying (something I'm not completely decided on myself) then there is no problem. If all items dropped are permanently allocated and BOUND to whoever they are allocated to, then there is no problem. Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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Here's another thought. Since I don't partake of trading, it's largely based on speculation, thought experiments and random observations on the forums. Feel free to prove me wrong.
One problem with trading in a game like this is that it quickly becomes incredibly one-sided. Once the first players get to endgame and beyond, they start farming it for even better equipment. Their killing power, and thus farming speed, grows fast. In the process they find cartloads of items that are not useful for them, and some of those are still very powerful. The natural reaction is to trade them for something that is useful, which usually means currency. Now, in theory anyone could replicate the efforts of these power players, given enough time. But we're not talking about a single player. Trading also occurs between them, effectively pooling their efforts. In a few weeks they will advance further along the game's equipment curve than an average player would in a year. The spoils of their farming will flow down to those with less time in their disposal, providing an easy way to skip ahead. The primary effect of this is that trading is always a superior way of acquiring better equipment. There are players with stash tab upon stash tab of rares waiting to be sold. A secondary effect is that wealth, in the form of currency, accumulates in the coffers of the power players. Currency sinks are created, and they have to be large enough to absorb the combined income of thousands of players. In PoE's setting, this unfortunately means that only the richest have a reasonable chance at crafting something meaningful. The sad part is that this is virtually guaranteed to happen in a game with unrestricted trading, and it's impossible to combat with simple changes. Increasing or decreasing droprates by moderate amounts will only change the timescale. Extreme increases in droprates will reduce replay value. Reducing the variety of items will make finding upgrades easier, but will make the game bland. A self-found solo league puts everyone on an equal footing by preventing the pooling of resources. Progress is based solely on how much time the individual player puts in the game, and the skill of that player. Since no pooling can happen, droprates and crafting chances can be adjusted to match a single player's income. |
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" +1 i don't even care about ladders why wont we convert standard to self found (as a graveyard league) no trading... since you died... and drops are higher since you are in 'heaven/promise land' lol economy is already fubar in there Last edited by arbait_333#0948 on Aug 30, 2013, 12:54:02 PM
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What about skill gem availability for self found players? Should we all be forced to play multiple toons to get quest gems? Drop only gems like multistrike are almost mandatory for good melee toons.
Any chance we could get a gem vendor who sells gems after they would become available from quests and after level requirements are met? As far as drop only gems could we either get their drop rate slightly increased to the same level as quest gems or possibly get them added at an extra cost from the gem vendor? I dont think either of those requests would break the current economy. If Im wrong please show me how. Thanks in advance. IGN: DeathIsMyBestFriend, Illirianah
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oh qarl did i ever told you i love you :D thank you so SO much <3 . made my workday so much easier =)
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I only play self-found, even though i am on a break playing right now.
I think the only time I traded was when I sold a nice unique due to the forum. I never had problems in the 40s, more like in the 50-60s and above. Phywaehikye - 77 Ranger / Anarchy
SaucyBBQ - 67 Ranger / SC Raphens - 53 Witch / SC I supported GGG with around 30-40 euros, because PoE is a great game! :) |
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GGG could try a temporary 4 month self found league non-competitive in which at the end all characters and equipment collected is erased. Parties could be allowed but no benefits like increased drops will come of it just harder monsters. Exiles shouldn't be so welcoming to party, their exiles!, but if people really want to party it should still be allowed. SFL:1)No trading with other players.2)Increased orb drop rates Not items.3)No party benefits/no loot allocation timer(what drops for you is yours alone).4) No mf rolls on blue or yellow items SFL is about the game experience not the economical trading grind something that Descent races has exhibited could be possible in POE. The issue with SFL will be balance since POE isn't balanced for solo players as much as it punishes solo play for party play which in turn makes everything to easy and players just rush through things in party:( I solo a lot but still buy micro transactions and I never race so to me races are a waste of time especially since players that race just sell their awards, these awards should be untradeable to help smooth the economy or just give them orbs for awards(that seems like a no brainer), everybody wants a exalt or eternal and inevitably these awards are traded for such thus increasing inflation but of course GGG knows this already. I have never had a issue with finding gems except for the extremely elusive elemental hit IDK why it never drops for me... +1 SFL, remember to bump the SFL 90+(almost at 100)suggestions thread if you feel this idea is of that much importance to you, I know I will. cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) Last edited by Finkenstein#5181 on Aug 30, 2013, 1:38:08 PM
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