Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]

Qarak wrote:
Isn't there a way to link a single post?
I can't see it :\
In most browsers...

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When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 28, 2013, 4:44:18 PM
A couple refutations for the people who are willfully choosing to ignore or misrepresent our concerns:

"Adding a self-found league will further fragment an already divided community!"

Well, no. I already do not participate in your "community". You will never trade with me. You will never group with me. Adding a self-found league takes nothing away from you that you already do not have.

We already have Onslaught, Anarchy, Hardcore, and Standard, but somehow adding a self-found league is just going too far?

Paid Leagues?
In addition, we plan to allow guilds or groups of players to pay for the creation of their own league with a choice of game rule modifiers. Only players invited by the people who paid for the league can create characters in these private leagues. This option helps cater towards any groups of players who want to play online together but don’t want their playgroup to have access to items traded from external players.

A league is often proposed as a solution for people who want a more self-found friendly ruleset, but this isn't the only option. You could easily add a "self-found" checkbox to character creation that applies a hidden buff to your character that disables trading in exchange for improving currency drop rates and item rarity.

"You just want the game to be easier!"

Yes and no. I think the drop rates of currency and the drop rates and quality for rare items are too low for the game to feel satisfying and rewarding to play as a solo self-found character by the time you're pushing into merciless and certainly when you get to maps.

Will better drop rates make the game easier for me? Sure, being able to find some upgrades would be better than the nothing that I'm getting now. No one is asking to be showered in Shavronne's Wrappings and Soul Takers, but the other extreme where I can find ZERO upgrades while leveling from 70 to 80 isn't acceptable either. Will better drop rates make the game easier for me than for people who don't play solo self-found? Hell no.

The fact is, participating in trading on top of all the benefits you can take advantage of while grouping IS the easy mode in this game. In addition to safety in numbers, shared auras, and faster clearing speeds, groups benefit from better drop rates simply from grouping, can tackle and sustain tougher maps with better drop rates and quality, and can run dedicated MF cullers with no loss in efficiency, and all these benefits are multiplicative. Grouping is many times more rewarding than playing solo, and when you don't find what you want you can still easily trade your leftover items and currency for decent upgrades. If the drop rates are tuned to be "fine" for these players, then they are downright miserable for us.

I'm not asking for parity with these players, but the current disparity is punishingly lopsided. Again, no one is asking to be able to play for 2 hours and get as much out of this game as someone who plays 10 hours a day, but the difference in reward for the same amount of playtime is simply too great right now.

"GGG will lose money on microtransactions if they support solo self-found players!"

They already have hundreds of dollars from me, so, no. I've bought several packs to support the game and show my thanks, and I like my characters to look cool even if no one else ever sees them.

On the other hand, I have several friends who I cannot recommend this game to, because they quit Diablo 3 when they hit the Inferno brick wall, and I know they'll have even less tolerance for how grindy and sparing the drop rates are in this game.

The great thing about POE is they already have the ability to give us what we want, they just haven't chosen to do so yet. Whatever they ultimately decide to do is up to them, and I'm not going to be angry if they decide to do nothing. They will continue to make the game they want to make, and I'll continue my search for a game that can keep me entertained longer.

I'm not stamping my fight or issuing any ultimatum, and I don't begrudge any of the money I've already contributed to them. I just think it would be a shame for them to lose existing players and lose out on potential players when they could easily accommodate them without impacting their "hardcore" players. Your game will still be here.
^ I'm masturbating to this post
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
12013 very cool post sir, well written and well presented.

Qarak, not so much.

I agree with the stance that current grouping + trade + the benefits from grouping, make this the current easy mode. There is a reason why people call self-found a masochistic enterprise within poe. So i dont understand the argument that we want to have an "easyer" game.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I masturbate only to very cool and well presented things ;)

But you get the point of my approval of that post
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
Aside from dividing the community (which I don't think is a great argument), a more important issue for GGG may be the effect on player retention, they probably have to be very conservative with this and it's probably really hard for them to gauge.

Saying PoE is forgiving, with the exception of some strange methods, would be entirely incorrect. It's made for pain in many respects.

If you think about it, it may be entirely possible that many players even keep on playing PoE due to hitting 'walls'.

Otoh, I think they could get a skewed perspective on this. I imagine there are quite a few people who will bash their heads against this wall for some time, eventually breaking through, but perhaps tired and soon to retire. Another group feeling as if they've now achieved their goals. Others will simply give up but others yet will find new reason to continue to play.

Then you also get experienced players, looking for more from the game so to speak, but the difficulty (and it's certainly not just difficulty, the accessibility that goes with it is important) can quickly 'explode' due to general balance if you try to only make it harder, particularly when it comes to say, something like damage scaling in non-standard races or leagues.

For instance, how many people will be playing self found solo melee in a long term BLAMT league? People can only take so much and do tire. Maybe someone just wants to screw around in a sandboxy environment.

Regarding paid leagues:
Paid leagues relate to and may interfere with the idea of SFL.

A simple lack of information on paid leagues is another issue worth considering, but GGG need to seriously evaluate difficulty and general balance in that respect. You can offer me potentially the greatest, most feature-filled gaming experience in the world, but if difficulty (as a vague term, this obviously includes balance issues) isn't tuned to the point where I find it in an acceptable range, it's entirely meaningless. The obvious example being players who find SF tiring and quit (of course, I have no data about this), as it is.

Regarding races:
I'm sure many self-found players like playing in short solo races, but how many don't or want to have a longer term character or experience? It's not like these races are THAT popular either, not that I would ever want to see them go.

12013 wrote:
Everything this guy said

I'd gladly drop more cash to have this functionality installed. I personally don't even care if it is solo or allows group play (as long as you were limited to grouping with other self-founders).

In a nutshell, the game (particularly the end game) seems to have been built under the assumption that you are taking advantage of trading and/or group play. I have stopped playing for months now because of the reasons mentioned by others (especially 12013).

I think a very large part of D2's fanbase was the solo players and since D3 did not deliver it, I hope that POE can pick up their failure. I would gladly purchase a "Self-Found Character" that contained some special self-found tabs and applied the IIQ/IIR boost + trading block + other self-founders grouping limitations discussed. GLADLY.
Last edited by darkcoug#7799 on Aug 28, 2013, 5:22:43 PM
darkcoug wrote:

I think a very large part of D2's fanbase was the solo players and since D3 did not deliver it,

On a side note, apparently console version of d3 does support single player

Talk about adding insult to injury
Dogs Summoner -
Thanks for the continuous participation everyone!

I added remarkable player feedback and thoughts in the 5th post.
I preferred actual self-found feedback over thoughts,
because it could be of more use for the developers.

Sadly this made the collection biased.
If you miss important opposition in this collection,
PM me with information about it!

I also needed to limit the amount of posts given.
Else the idea of a convenient collection of feedback portions would be obsolete.

Hopefully this collection makes it easier for the Devs to comprehend the discussion at hand.
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 28, 2013, 5:38:30 PM
Amiag wrote:

On a side note, apparently console version of d3 does support single player

Talk about adding insult to injury

Really? Why limiting the experience of players by adding the single player? It goes against their policy!!1 I will NEVER understand Blizzard >:|

BTW Diablo on console is a damn joke. The first was pretty good, since the time it came out. It was actually interesting lol. I can't even imagine D3 on console.

Let's not derail the thread tho
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian

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