Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
I'll set it a day for now.
The first 5 posts are updated till this point. If you miss valuable points in the first 5 posts or have constructive feedback concerning them, PM me. Small reminder: " Thank you for your awesome contribution to this thread. You guys really rock so far! Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 28, 2013, 7:33:20 PM
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I mainly play solo self found. Sometimes I have to buy the occasional item, but I generally have a good crack at finding/crafting an upgrade before I do. I try and play as much as I can and I have a few hundred hrs clocked up I think and have never made it into a lvl 70 map, nor have I found anything remotely god like IMO.
I love the game but it is getting tedious grinding day-after-day, hour-after-hour with nothing to show for it except, of course, when I do normal Merveil runs :(, which is where I get most of my currency. I have tried trading and creating a shop but frankly that is not a sub-game I want to make time to play (I have monsters to smash don't ya know). If I sell stuff I can only buy stuff or craft with the profits. Well, I want to find good items not buy, and from looking at other peoples attempts at crafting I am really put off from trying, as I'm pretty sure it would make me quit. My experience with trying to get any links or colours has been most frustrating. Maybe RNG is not on my side, but this isn't the first game. In fact its been every one. I know RNG is a part of many games but I really wish people would consider conditioned RNG aimed at preventing long periods, if not an infinity, of not having at least one godly item (I know it's subjective). It's great to say if you play as much as the streamers do then you'll be bound to have as much loot as they do. However, that's flawed. RNG can mean that you can play for as long as you want and still not get lucky. Frankly from a lifetime of gaming and growing up owning an arcade I think RNG is retarded. Yes have randomness, by all means, but put a bloody intelligent algorithm around your core RNG to factor in time played as a weighting constant or something. Well done GGG on a great game. I love levelling new characters. The progression, early on, is just right. Just around Merc, however, it takes a turn for the worse. Grind to 80 finding next to nothing get bored start again (rinse and repeat ad nauseam). Just gimme some bloody items already, I'd love to try some of the more gear-centric builds but cant find any of the uniques, or rares for that matter, to pull any of them off. -- I don't think this gaming experience was intended, however, perhaps my expectations are off. I'd like to think I'm a bit masochistic and hence love a good gear grind but jeez is it unrewarding here. Take it as you will, I'm easy. I just want a better game for all, hopefully. :) PS: If you want me to formulate a conditional RNG algorithm that takes in time played and all the uniques (with easy addition of future uniques) drop chances ect. I can and will PM me! |
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" That about sums it up. Even if you stick it out at 80+. it's a hundred+ hours of nothing. If I see one more bloody Crest of Perandus...., and every single rare that drops, is junk. I'm trying to stick it out, as there's alot about it I love, but collecting scraps and chasing the proverbial carrot is getting old. |
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" OK, deleted long wall o' text. Quarl: If you'd like a descriptive story of how a guy who loves ARPG's and item farming came to feel despair about item farming in an ARPG let me know and I'll send you a PM. I suspect that you need to talk to some dissatisfied players and get more than just the math. I think you need a descriptive story that talks about both the raw math and the emotions that came along with it. I've said this before but here goes. I'm a guy who loves ARPG's and I love farming. POE is written by a development team I'd love to love. It uses a funding model that I'm highly supportive of. The fact that I have come to see POE as I do is wrong somehow. I should have been a slam dunk for you. You need to understand why and then work to fix the problems which I suspect are partly perceptual and partly mathematical. FWIW, I'd recommend finding a few players who you trust/respect/whatever and then do a skype conversation with them. I imagine a real voice conversation would cut through the noise a zillion times faster than any number of wall o' text posts. Ideally these players would be drawn from alpha and closed beta so we could dispense with the learn 2 play noob discussions and get right down to the facts. I'd start each of these conversations with a query about what the "perfect game play" would look like to that individual player. For me... A few hundred hours per character to get to a few steps below BiS. This allows me to play with the skill tree in a reasonable fashion and build characters for fun. My current assessment of POE looks more like 2-3 thousand hours per character (witness Anuhart's post). So to do what I think of as "fun" in this game each character would be several years worth of effort. I would think of 300 hours farming (more for particularly noxious gear builds) as reasonably appropriate. It is important that this farming produce some sort of reasonably regular reward or the whole pop the pinata thing becomes... well.. unrewarding :) I don't trade. I don't group. My comments reflect that. Last edited by snapple99#2919 on Aug 28, 2013, 9:46:54 PM
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Glad to have a dev response on this topic. To me, the reason I want a self-found league or a league balanced around solo play, is because we currently have a system the incentivizes group play - for no reason at all. This isn't an MMO so why do groups get advantages? Why are there more mobs which allows for more kills/more loot etc? Could have more mobs but less xp and drops in line with solo play right?
I then read people saying that those who DON'T want to team but want incentives of their own are "crying" or "asking for handouts" - as if joining a group while the top dps members slaughter everything for you isn't a handout itself. It just doesn't make sense to me. If PoE is a game designed to be played solo - then make it that way, and if it isn't, don't claim that it is. Also, the RNG in this game needs work. No, I don't want 6-L gear with perfect rolls after running a few dungeons - or even a thousand. What I do want, and what Qarl touched on, is the ability to pick up marginal gear with crap slots and links and turn it into decent gear with decent slots and links, but right now I just don't see it. Right now I hoard all my currency drops to use one whatever item is closest to perfection already, because I realize the chances of actually making something decent is quite slim. I am fine with being forced to grind for a year to get godly gear, but I don't want to have to do that to get decent gear. I think it's an issue that most players will tell new players to hoard currency items to buy items with, rather than using those items to craft their own gear, because now... this great innovative system is no different than the gold based system they abandoned. If you're going to spend so much time implementing a system that wraps currency with it's own sink - encourage us to use it. "the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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" Yeah, I agree it's not necessary. I play solo most of the time. And have only traded for two items: Elemental Hit. And a fair fellow gave me some 4L gloves. The vendors just refused to offer any for days and days and they were essential to be able to wear my armor upgrade. " As I've gone on about, the game is just about assembling the triforce of power: offense (sockets), defense (affixes) and item find (affixes, space for which can be partially offset by skillpoints into resist). 4L are not that hard to get at the endgame. It's the coincidence of odds converging on a disposable non-max drop that's the issue. Making them easier to acquire would mostly just create the possibility of someone actually getting to use those pre-50 rares. Where I'm at wealth-wise now involves two main crossroads: * 5 and 6 link body pieces. I know full well it'll cost me hundreds and hundreds of orbs for either. The grind, I don't mind flushing a dozen hours of my life down the toilet for no gain. But the idea that after it's all done I'll be left with an even weaker item (and we're talking a 5th tier item at best here; 2.8 usable affixes) is beyond the pale. * Alchemy Orbs. I wish I had an effective way to farm Armorour Scraps in order to get some. But the only effective way to craft rares is to have a ton of item find, to get them alch shards and Chaos Orbs. Which means (trading for) Wondertrap and using auras on life. And abusing the defective Righteous Fire. And not playing any other character. I understand fully that I'm completely gimped compared to those who choose to participate in the botconomy; no human can compete with a machine. And that you can't want what you have. But in the long run would it break the game if upgrading a crap ilvl 35 item to rare only cost the equivalent of an Orb of Fusing? " While the hump of grinding stuff to get ready for maps is very tiresome (same three zones (two in my case, as The Dock remains an FPS deathtrap)), especially having to stay awake to be able to cheat out of the death penalty... For me a bit of the malaise comes down to how there's only a few basic builds, really. Everyone's a Paladin, a Necromancer, an Assassin, and one of a Sorceress, Amazon, or Barbarian. The homogeneity is probably the biggest weakness of the game tbh. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Aug 28, 2013, 10:23:20 PM
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" This again. I addressed this earlier, but I will again. SF is a legitimate play style, for sure. Its also a choice, and you have the option to have a harder game by not using all of the tools at your disposal. If he decided to play self found, he must understand the limiting aspect of it in a game designed to be played online. OF course, the harder experience is actually more rewarding, when he does finally craft / drop that awesome gear. For your second paragraph, an increase in drop rates on a SFL is indeed making the game easier. As you can play SF only in standard since it is a "legitimate playstyle" already. It would make the game easier, as people playing in such a way already are not trading. Also, I again have to state that they will not make a league that is easier than the parent leagues. Advocate short term leagues Descent style, and you have a case. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
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I'd assume a SFL wouldn't allow trading correct? So, increasing drop rates in such a league seems perfectly balanced to me.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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" It would still make it easier than the parent league. As they can play that way already. The reason I say it this way is that I simply just do not see a SF realm on the horizon. It would have to feed into a league we have now. Except for going the Descent route. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
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"So suggest that all leagues be changed, which would benefit solo players everywhere. Personally, I think grouping should have advantages. Even strong advantages, maybe as strong as a 2x multiplier vs solo. Unfortunately, the current system allows for 3.5x and sometimes 5x multipliers for group vs solo (examples are map cost per player, and zero-MF solo vs zero-MF in a group with Culling MF support). That's too much. Maybe you don't agree with me fully and think that grouping should have no special advantages whatsoever, and that's okay — that wouldn't stop a coalition of reasonable people from finding common ground and making an successful argument for reducing, but not eliminating, the overpowered incentives for group play. It would be a step forward. Instead, a good segment of this potential coalition is radicalizing themselves with talk of banning trading and trying to form a separatist movement. They literally want to play a different game, instead of fix the current one. If you can't see how that's counterproductive to the game's future, you need to take a step back and look at the big picture. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 28, 2013, 10:54:11 PM
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