Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" This needs to be said a million times over. D3 players could have forced themselves to play self-found. Didn't stop them from quitting. |
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" Your ideas were well put and was a nice read. Only if devs could also gain this perspective in regard to subject.. No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
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" I will add suggestions like this under the Dev responses in the 4th main post. If GGG has a problem with a separate league, maybe we can help with other suggestions. I know there was a similar suggestion in here some posts ago but I can't find it anymore. Sorry! Thanks again for this rich discussion and nearly always polite attitude in here. I am certain that GGG still reads along so don't get yourself discouraged and continue to discuss the topic at hand. For or against, I don't care. :) So far I added many points to the first posts. If I missed something important, PM it to me. |
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Add Fourist's post, that's all the devs need to read (also from an Eternal supporter)
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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" I see his post and his reasoning, however it is already mentioned in the Pros part of the first posts. If people still insist in adding various "thoughts" in the 4th post, I would also need to include the opposition. ;) I think both positions are summarized in the 2nd and 3rd post. |
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" Thank you for finally replying, how come the previous and much longer thread gets ignored? I've been posting and watching the 90 page SFL thread since it started and just a few thoughts on your comments " Exactly this. I've posted a few times about the frustration of going from 40 to 67 with not a single useable drop till I quit that char in frustration. All the players who say you can play self found with no worries in default, this point shows what a lot of the complaints and desires for a SFL come from. Even a dev admits there are "issues" with progression. So very true, hit a wall and have no upgrades for the next 20+ levels till you quit out of frustration. It's not an enjoyable way of playing and one of the reasons that SFL was requested. " I've seen no issue of this in the long SFL thread. In general the complaints are that trying to play self found in default is painful, unenjoyable and frustrating, esp as you get past the lower levels. In my opinion the majority of self found players don't give a monkeys about what some player with the ultimate traded gear is able to do. I know I'm not bothered in the slightest. I just want to be able to enjoy playing a damn good looking and moving ARGP (which PoE is) self found, at my own pace not caring if I'm the slowest or what any other player is doing. " Sorry to disagree, but I have seen almost none of this in that thread. " I read it differently and agree with Cronk that there is no desire or want for a ladder or competing against any other players in the SFL thread. The way I read it regards "competing" is that because the game is based around trading and the mobs are designed for a player who has traded and thus has decent equipment, a player who plays pure SFL is at a disavantage "unable to compete" against mobs especially in the over 40 level area and you just hit a wall and are unable to progress with no gear upgrades. " I appreciate that you can never please everyone at the same time. I have stopped playing quite some time ago for the main reason that playing self found is fun up to the late 30s then just painful and not enjoyable at all. The other thing I enjoy abouit self found is that it keep me playing for years and keeps me rolling new chars. All due to finding kit my current char cannot use, but would be ideal for a different build. Also being able to use the crafting orbs for crafting without having to worry that the one exalt I find in 50 levels is going to be needed to buy upgrades as it's the only way really to progress. Sorry for the long waffle. I like PoE and the game is enjoyable at the start playing self found, but rapidly becomes painful and not fun. Fix the issues with gear progression and you might well find the request for self found separate league will stop. |
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" I'm just one, and I know there are others, because I have read many of their posts over the past several months, and not just in the SFL thread. I quit D3 after just 2 months because of the economy, and have never been back. I quit this game about 3 weeks ago, because of the economy, post rarely now, and only on this issue. A SFL, or something that serves the same purpose, is the only thing that will bring me back. I played solo and self-found and didn't exist as far as the rest of the population was concerned, but my Support $$ are worth the same as any 1000+ hour streamer/trader/bleeding edge ladder competitor. I got a few characters into the 50/60s in CB, have a couple similar in OB, and my Duelist that is 80. From my point of view there is no point and no fun in playing anymore Self-Found, that is the only way I want to play; and it the SINGLE reason that I quit. I am not alone. |
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I think for the next hardcore league they should have an expanded decent league. Add more levels and some side areas for xp grinding. Keep the chests at the ends of the levels and include the stash. This would give players the self-found league that they are looking for.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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Link: My first post in this thread.
Replies to stuff since then: "
Then suggest that orbs be made untradeable. Your post, boiled down to its most basic premises, is "1) Trading is nice. 2) Having an established currency for trading sucks, because you never get to use it unless you're ultra-rich." I'm inclined to agree with both points.
What I'm not inclined to agree with is that we should sacrifice point 1 for the sake of point 2. "
You actually have that backwards.
The trading of BiS gear (and fun uniques) is actually the best thing that trading accomplishes. Anyone with a brain extracts their fair share in exchange, so there isn't an unfair advantage in trading, the buyer pays through the nose as they should; what it does is lessen the RNG impact by allowing you to farm a shitload of other stuff (or, alternately, the other fellow's BiS gear) as an alternate method to being lucky enough to loot it yourself. The worst thing that trading can do is make the trading of mediocre items easy. Look at it this way: BiS and other solid items have been traded heavily in every ARPG in which trading was allowed, and it didn't cause an economic meltdown. What Diablo 3's auction house facilitated was the quick and easy trading of shit gear. In every other ARPG, players started off self-found, and only really engaged in trading once they were established; with Diablo 3, even the tiniest pittance of early-game gold could be used to buyout a weapon upgrade, because everyone sold everything. The point of ARPG trading is to minimize the end-game grind by trading epic for epic. What bad trading does is minimize the early-game grind by trading shit for shit. "
Interruption time: No, you couldn't. Do all self-founders think that, if you decide to trade, everyone else you decide to trade with is the biggest idiot in the history of time? In order to get an Exalt off of someone, you have to trade them something equivalent to an Exalt. You make it sound like deciding to trade summons a cadre of leprechans who all shit glorious sparkling currency directly into your stash.
Trading's not that great for making a profit. Trading is pretty good for evening out your luck. If the game's been feeding you a lot of Cartographer's Chisels, but you're not ready for maps yet and you need Fusings, trading is pretty awesome. It's a great supplement to farming; it's not a good replacement. The rest of Doushibag's post, which I won't quote, is basically "solo self-found is hard." The self-found part isn't all that bad; the solo part is. But the proposed self-found league isn't a solo league; the problems with solo have to do with IIQ/IIR and group bonuses, not trading. "
Low drop rates in the endgame are much more likely a result of balancing around IIQ and IIR than they are a result of balancing around trading. You are scapegoating.
Common trades — such as trading up Alterations into Chaos Orbs — isn't really much of a chore. Now trading for something specific and rare is a bit of a chore. But isn't trying to find it self-found also a chore? Would you really be engaged in trading if it was that easy to farm? Self-found is not solo; all solo-based (anti-multiplayer) arguments are invalid. "
These tools already exist; it's called playing a summoner and stacking IIQ and IIR. Trust me when I tell you: self-found works perfectly fine with 100 IIQ, 300 IIR, and a skill that does all the tanking for you so that you can have negative resists in maps and not die (too often, anyways). Grand total my summoner traded for Multistrike (for fancy zombies), the Perandus Blazon belt, and two Reduced Mana gems. Which I guess is another point; even with all my IIQ I still didn't find those natural; if I was really self-found, I guess I would have ran a mule. The point is that if you think increasing drop rates is going to magic Reduced Mana gems into your stash, you're wrong.
As I mentioned earlier, the only things my summoner has traded for are Multistrike, two Reduced Mana Gems, and the Perandus Blazon belt. Let me tell you, these is nothing boring about those three gems. I love the fuck out of them. Multistrike in particular. Best 3 Chaos ever.
Perandus Blazon... I'm not so sure. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off with some other belt there. I mean, IIQ, okay, and the Dexterity is kind of handy. That's about all that's exciting about it. So believe me when I tell you, if your friend is bored with the items he traded for, what it means is that he chose poorly. I can understand how a failed theorycraft or overestimating the worth of another item can leave you dejected afterwards; and if you're not the only one overvaluing an item, or if you figure out a way to salvage your failed theorycraft, in no time you're trying to trade off the old and get the new. One thing I've noticed with my melee characters (definitely not self-found) is that a failed or struggling build often leaves you desperate, and even though you kind of know it's time to reroll, you feel a temptation to go on a trading spree to improve your gear in a futile attempt to make things work. The result is almost always failure. Your friend needed to reroll anyway; it just took him a while to realize it. "
I find myself in much closer contact with idiots and children discussing topics in the forums than trading. I mean, what contact; you just type $wts ItemLinks, or $wtb multistrike, every few seconds, maybe switch trade channels and spam it again. Or put up a shops thread and let other people search it with shops indexers. Not exactly what I'd call deep immersion.
You are not required to spend a large amount of time trading. Now, stacking MF or grouping with someone who does? Yes, that's required. But trading? Not much. You already have the opportunity to log in and play self-found. I have, and I will again. This is an ARPG. Therefore, no matter what you do, you are spending 100% of your time looking for an upgrade. "
If you don't want to be forced to interact with other people, then complain about the bonuses parties get. Trading is nice, but it's a far less required part of the game than either grouping or MF stacking. Oh, and that difficulty you're having creating your new and imaginative builds? That's due to lack of MF stacking, not... whatever it is you're scapegoating.
Trading in PoE isn't some kind of magic fairy land where great upgrades can be found at these ultracheap prices. I thought so before; I know better now. Sellers know that items are scarce overall, and they've collectively chosen to charge a premium. This is the opposite of the Diablo 3 behavior, and considering the risk of vendoring them instead of selling I'm not sure why this is the case... but the point is that upgrades don't come cheap. I just blew through all of my Fusings trying to 4L some gloves (and failed after over 60 Fuse... frustrating), but I'm not planning on trading for an upgrade to my chest... I'm planning on possibly trading for some Fusings and getting this chest I self-found six sockets, then six links. I'm not rich or anything, my gear's okay but not great, it's just that people are charging 5-8 Exalts for anything decent and 6L these days, and at that prices I'll make my own, thanks. So no, trading isn't some path which leads to the Dark Side. It's cool and can work, but this actually isn't Diablo 3. "
If you had played for any significant amount of time with even 100% IIQ, you'd know what a ludicrous statement that is.
What's really amazing is how many of these self-found supporters actually would hate to be restricted to self-found. Trading is the kind of thing I can understand hating sometimes — sometimes things just don't go your way, it can get frustrating — but who here intends to self-find every non-quest gem they'll ever need for their build, or create a series of mules to ensure each and every one of those quest gems? Trading is actually awesome for that.
You're somehow missing your own point. They are able to actually set and work towards goals in this game. They are able to leverage the creative possibilities of this game to the fullest. So which of these seems more likely to you:
1) They are the same human beings you are, and anything they can do, you can do too. 2) Ancient aliens. 3) Funded by one-world government conspiracy. You don't need a self-found league to be like a streamer. Just do the things they do. They have Twitch channels; just watch them for a bit and copy their notes. "
This is a guy who wants to play in a self-found league not because he wants to cheat progression nor demands increased droprates nor is complaining about trading, but because he realizes that the game is a little harder without trading, and would like the challenge. I detect no hater in him; I have nothing bad to say.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Qarl, at this point the players asking for Self-Found are just doing it because others said it's a good idea and they like feeling righteous, there's very little thought that goes into it.
The reasons why people want a self-found league are valid and I'm sure you guys are working on it, but the actual idea is simply not good enough and has too many downsides. Don't cave into community pressure on this one, it's mob mentality at this point. Last edited by Novalisk#3583 on Aug 28, 2013, 10:08:41 AM
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