Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
Much better than a solo self-found league would be to up the chances for decent to good gear to drop, e.g. for weapons to be biased towards dps-enhancing mods. And to up the chances for blue and yellow gear to drop.
At the same time yellow and maybe blue monsters might be much more difficult to defeat. So that the game experience would look like this: Rather than like this: |
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When the solo self found player looks at the other players with their rare uniques it isn't that they're being asked to be given an item for free. It's that when you play solo you have to actually find the exact rare unique item you want yourself. You could find and earn 100 exalts worth of stuff were you to trade, but if that one item never drops and your build is dependent on it you could spend a ridiculous amount of time and never get to a point of semi-completion. And I find the currency penalty odd and annoying. Monsters dropping less because you're higher level. That seems to suggest a deeper flaw in your game. The game is built around 'balancing the economy', around multiplayer. You're trying to stop inflation when the game is a digital printing press for currency and items. And the more fruitless things you do to try to 'keep it in check' the more you tend to hurt the solo player.
Think about how many of your decisions were influenced by how it would affect the larger player base who trades and plays with other people. And then you have the people trying to play it as a single player game. These people get jacked. The entire balance is working against them and then to spite them instances close their portals because they don't have a buddy to hold it open for them while they take their time in town. I've played entirely solo self found in Hardcore, Anarchy, and my brief Onslaught playing (laptop+ sketchy wifi = dead). I've played hundreds of hours (500+ easily). I've got an 86 on Hardcore and an 84 on Anarchy. I quit last when I got tired of looking for a single rare low level unique. I haven't seen a single one drop in my entire time playing so decided to make a concerted effort to try to get it before going back to maps. Over a week later I still hadn't found it and I got tired of trying and my stash, despite 0 currency drops, was actually getting a little stuffy making things difficult (holding items for the recipe takes up a lot of space too). I've saved up to almost 1k alterations and 650+ chance orbs from the recipe, vendoring uniques with their counterparts. Perhaps if I blew all that on the base item I might chance one... or more likely waste the entire pile of currency and have nothing to show for it (and then I wouldn't be able to turn it into scours to re-roll higher level gear). I played Diablo 2 multiplayer, but being on wifi with a laptop makes it difficult in this game so I just decided to play it solo. Desync and lag (internet & fps) are bad enough solo. I've never been a fan of trading though. There's also the mapping system which is rather unkind to solo players. I'm sure a ton has been said on that front. Also the game being incomplete and people being stuck playing level 66-70 content when they're 85+ makes things painfully slow and they have to trouble themselves with the map system and possibly never being able to find what they need. And then you have to spend tons of currency on a new item to be able to use your skills. I wonder if the whole chromatic orb thing is a mistake. Having to craft every item you get to be useable just so you can have extra currencies in the game. I wonder if a flat cost system on some of these things would be better or if the systems were fundamentally changed in other ways. In Diablo 2 you found new items and you were set. You didn't have to then RNG your way past two to three potentially prohibitive systems to be able to then use them with your skills. Take all these things and others in cumulation and you have a frustrated solo player looking for a separate league (which doesn't have Standard as a parent league) where the rules are a bit different. Not all these problems are strictly solo problems, but the solo player feels them all the most. |
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Thank you for all that feedback on a self found league. I really appreciate the process behind decisions at GGG.
I think the issue with self found is that it's all about the drops and how rewarding it feels to see an upgrade drop for your character. I don't care about top players or ladders, it's just for me playing self found feels like I am gimping myself just because of how I want to play. It is just far too inefficient to play self found when I can just trade. If I play for 100 hours and trade what I find, then my character will be significantly superior to if I played 100 hours self found. Why- because currently the easiest way to progress in terms of gear is through trading. A similar argument but not entirely the same thank god, is the d3 action house. When something dropped in Diablo you immediately thought " how much gold can I trade this for?" Because usually the items were not an upgrade, but you could trade the gold you received for that item to purchase something that was. The single best feeling in POE is finding an upgrade yourself. Seeing that drop that makes you go "oh shit awesome, I'm keeping this' I want to win the lotto a few times and see that fat loot drop for my toon. It is much more rewarding then investing saving up and shopping around, trading and working -rather then just killing some mob with my sheild charge to the face;). Don't make me shop online for my steak when I can grab my bow, run outside and hunt the beast down... Peace. Stay out of the shadows
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One small point, self-found doesn't implicitly mean solo. This has been discussed in the self-found suggestion thread The Self Found League
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Read all the thread, all the twenty pages.
Still don't see a real and good reason not to satisfy all these players (including me). GGG wants to force players around trading and partying? That means you're doing something wrong. Having played Diablo since it first came out in '96, I know what I'm talking about. This game has much potential. How did I find it? A friend of mine told me: "Hey look, I finally found the definitive Diablo 2 clone, try it out!" One week later he told me: "Fuck it, it will become worse than D3 if trade is the main point of the game. I'm leaving remove me from friend." Well, my thought? Trade should not be the main point of the game. The main point of a videogame, every videogame, should be the enjoyability. And after hours of playing it, it starts to fade for me. I was so excited when I started playing this. Now I'm like "meh, let's find another clone lol". Also, here are the best answers to which no one has answered yet, so I won't repeat myself since these things have already been said:
" i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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" After reading this part I could see that there is some misunderstanding. I don't know anybody who wants to play a new solo/self-found league with current droprates. Such that in multiple threads solo/self-found was named craftsman league by the players. In the current system it is just stupid to use currency for crafting as anybody could buy way better gear by trading with less currency. I will talk personally; I never bought a rare item in-game which means that even though I know its stupid I waste all my currency for crafting. In light of this what I really expect form a solo/self-found league is; when I use 2 chaoses on an ilevel 40 item, I don't want to feel stupid. Parties, all of this trading is not what I consider a hardcore gameplay experience. Solo/self-found will fix all of these for me. Finally, even if you don't make an official new league please at least give the community the paid option.
About solo or not
Even if it won't be solo, a self-found league would be a perfect alternative for current leagues.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes. Last edited by ignarsoll#5178 on Aug 28, 2013, 4:10:07 AM
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" There's 2 People who made these statistics. I think I don't need to call any names :D IGN = DeizeCoC, DeizeCi, DeizeNUTS
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I can understand the desire to play in a self-found fashion.
What I can't understand why you guys want the game changed and/or a designated league. It seems that whenever people attempt a rational discussion with a self-found player trying to understand why the game needs to be changed to accommodate this play style, logic chases them in circles: "Well drops need to be increased so I can compete and have fun!" Compete with who or what exactly? It's you against the game. If this isn't intrinsically fun, or if finding loot -is- the fun part, why do you want to significantly reduce the game's replayability by finding the best items prematurely? "Well it's too hard to find awesome gear the way things are!" I'm sorry but this is an exaggeration born of the forum hive mind. You don't need pieces of gear that would sell for 10+ exalted orbs to play and enjoy the game, even maps, and it should be a very, very rare occurrence to see something like a shavs drop for you. "But I can't clear maps as fast or run with as much MF as that guy with 50 exalts worth of gear!" Why is this a surprise? If a player chooses to only use gear they find, they -should not- expect to be on par with players who trade. Even if a self-found league existed with something ridiculous like 1000% increased drop rates, you would still not be as well-geared as players who trade for gear in the normal leagues,, even if you play significantly more. "Well drops need to be increased..." Etc. Note: I'm not bashing the self-found play style, I'm just curious why players feel that increased drop rates are required. |
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" Curious? Read all the twenty two pages, probably you'll find something ;) i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
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Crafting orb drops are balanced around trade. The reason we want a self found league is because we want to craft instead of trade. Increasing drop rates while disabling trade is the simplest way to enact that balance change.... alternatively gear drop rates could stay the same and individual orb drop rates could be retooled to promote crafting.
simply disabling trade is insufficient to make this other playstyle fun. Alot of interesting things could be done like maybe rare / magic items never drop and the only way to get things is by using orbs on white items. The point isn't that the game is horrible now (it's not).... its that it could be so much better and have more variety and cater to more playstyles. Last edited by silvershadows#0884 on Aug 28, 2013, 5:15:05 AM
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