Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]

iamstryker wrote:
Wraeclastian wrote:

The number of people who actually want a self-found league are probably 1% of the population at most.

People said the same kind of thing about people who were against the old competitive looting system.

The loot fiasco was a real issue, unlike the need for a self-found league. There was also a lot more people interested in seeing a change on both the forums and in-game.
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Qarl wrote:
I can give my current thoughts on self found.

In the existing leagues, there is nothing stopping anyone from playing self-found, and we know many of our players do. We also have players that only engage rarely with other players, trading and partying occasionally.

So, as you can play self found in an existing league, I doubt we need to separate out the leagues. The question then is, are there progression problems with self found. I think there are two parts to this:

Can you play through self found? Currently there are issues with this, especially around the 40s. One of the main problems here is the availability of 4-linked items. Gear progression gets hard here, as replacement gear requires both beating existing gear in stats, and in skill support. This isn't usually an issue earlier, as you aren't needing full skill sets, and can skimp on stats and still progress quickly.

If we are going to make changes, it will likely be on the ability to make or the availability of 4 linked items.

The second issue is, what is the player expectation of self-found play. In general the main issue comes when players look to the top of ladders and to streamers to direct what their play experience would be like. This gives players a very distorted view of what they should be able to achieve. In general these players are pushing every advantage they can from trade, long play, group play.

Often, when I get told - "everyone is doing X", and I have a look, there are often only a handful of people doing, its just often these are the most visible. An example of this is 6-link Shavronne's. If I look at over level 90 characters, in all leagues, played in the last month, well under 50 players have Shavronne's Wrappings equipped. And if I look at the stats, if you want to die, wear a Shavronne's.

We will not be making a league to make it possible to replicate the play of these players. 1) We don't think its needed. 2) From past experience, if we make accommodations to make it possible to replicate these players, these players will still beat you. If we made a self found league with competitive advantages but solo play, you'll see the same players on top of those leagues, and we'll get a new set of complaints from people who want to replicate the achievements without the same investment.

maybe if you didnt make it take 20000 jewelers and 200000 fuse to make decent links on an item self found would be more viable
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ScrotieMcB wrote:

SFL posters I don't understand:
TheAnuhart (no one confuses me more)

Care to elaborate?
Exactly what is it you are having trouble understanding, I've made myself quite clear numerous times.
Casually casual.

Wraeclastian wrote:
The 5 advocates for a self-found league who keep bumping the thread in hopes of GGG putting it in the game isn't going to make a difference.

A self-found league would neither help or fix anything.

I would rather GGG put time and resources into fixing things like desync before wasting time on a league that isn't needed.

Desync will never be fixed. It can be slightly reduced but never truly fixed. It's how ARPG's are designed. Every game has it but this one has it worse due to the small team working on this game.

SFL has a better chance of making it because it's easily doable. I agree that it will lessen the population by doing this. The only other way I see this working is increase orb drop rates in standard league and leave HC the way it is if people love it the way it is now.

After all the ones who spend the most absurd amount of time on this game are in the HC leagues.
Wraeclastian wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Wraeclastian wrote:

The number of people who actually want a self-found league are probably 1% of the population at most.

People said the same kind of thing about people who were against the old competitive looting system.

The loot fiasco was a real issue, unlike the need for a self-found league. There was also a lot more people interested in seeing a change on both the forums and in-game.

And yet there were still people against changing the loot system who called us minorities like you did above. They were very wrong and people against SFL might be wrong as well. There are regular threads complaining about bad crafting/RNG and poor drop rates. Also plenty complaining about trading. You can consider most of these threads to be people who would support a self found league. When you think about it like that its a lot bigger than you might think.
Standard Forever
Thaelyn wrote:
Wraeclastian and Reinhart.

People who want better self found play want it because the game presents you with roadblocks that are all but insurmountable without trade or a dose of luck akin to hitting a powerball jackpot. We want a way to get around these roadblocks to continue enjoying the game without having to buy our progress in game or facing an utterly demoralizing slog through hundreds of hours of the same content hoping to get a lucky drop that usually never comes. It's not being jealous of people who post on the forums or of streamers. It's about making measurable, even if incremental, progress toward whatever goals we set for ourselves in game.

Finally a post that comes to the point. Thank you for that !!!

1) Which kind of roadblocks do you speak of when leveling up a character to 70?

2) What are your goals in this game?
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
iamstryker wrote:
There are regular threads complaining about bad crafting/RNG and poor drop rates. Also plenty complaining about trading. You can consider most of these threads to be people who would support a self found league.

How can you assume that, when SFL doesn't fix these issues?
I, for one, stopped playing because of the drop rates. I do expect progression to slow as I advance, but the game just seemed to stop offering progression for time spent at some point. Farming docks for a week, and maybe being 4 chaos and a GCP ahead? No thanks. I'd support a SFL, just because the basic leagues are for people who either don't enjoy progression (unless you're one of the lucky), or don't have to work for a living.

Out of curiousity, did they ever get the forum based trading thing going? Or at least fix trade channels so your not randomly assigned? I always thought that might help the game a bit, since the drop design is based around a global economy, yet the trading 'system'... not so much.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
One question: is that Self-found league supposed to be HC / SC or both?
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
iamstryker wrote:
And yet there were still people against changing the loot system who called us minorities like you did above. They were very wrong and people against SFL might be wrong as well. There are regular threads complaining about bad crafting/RNG and poor drop rates. Also plenty complaining about trading. You can consider most of these threads to be people who would support a self found league. When you think about it like that its a lot bigger than you might think.

There was only the same 3 or 4 people complaining about how they enjoyed ganking drops by using cheap tactics like frostwall. They were in fact the minority. Not only on the forums but in the game also. Don't you remember how almost every game said "ninjas will be kicked"?

Trading, crafting, and RNG are more important issues than needing a self-found league also. A self-found league is the most unimportant thing the game could possibly need because you can play that way already.
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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