Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]

The only reason why people want a self-found league is because they feel RNG is broken. They aren't entirely wrong. Again the ones who complain Vs the one who find it has no issues is basically Less play time Vs someone who has too much time.

If they balance that out you won't need a self-found league. It's that simple.
TheAnuhart wrote:
Wraeclastian wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:
You answered your own question.

So how exactly did you challenge my solution by complaining about RNG and trading?

Where did I mention RNG? I love RNG.

As for trading, well duh!!

People want a no trade league (which I personally don't think is possible in PoE)

You, likely don't think it is, too. Or at least you object to the proposal.
But your reason is flawed, you state you can just 'not trade'. Which, with an amount of time, is true to begin with. The amount of time may or may not be suitable to different people. In actual fact, to me, it was suitable. It meant I could play this path of least resistance shopping game in a more hardcore way and a way that would utilise my time where the shopping model wouldn't. It would also give challenge and put me at the mercy of RNG (hey look!!), the need to struggle, the need to prioritise items and stats that I have available. It would also mean that for me to overcome challenging walls in my way, I have to put in effort, combat, build choice and bang my head against it. That's great.

I did all that, I now outlevel and outgear any none gated content, hell I faceroll 77s.
But now the alternative to shopping is faceroll lowball.

It's a problem.

You are one of those who type alot and at the same time says very little.

No one obliges you to trade with anyone. This game can perfectly be played solo if you truly desire. Close trade channel. Close general channel. And there is your solution.

I can hardly put as much time into this game as the majority of players. Yet I don't complain.

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Last edited by Reinhart#6743 on Sep 22, 2013, 4:49:50 PM
200+ pages in several threads and the anti-sfl brigade still don't understand why we want SFL.
Reinhart wrote:
You are one of those who type alot and at the same time says very little.

Or you don't read, or don't comprehend?

Reinhart wrote:
Close trade channel. Close general channel. And there is your solution.


Casually casual.

Kellog wrote:
200+ pages in several threads and the anti-sfl brigade still don't understand why we want SFL.
I'll admit I still don't understand why you want SFL (although I have my theories). However, I'm able to understand the desires of most other people just fine.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

+SFL daily bump

I don't get why these Boring Punters keep nay saying it is one thing to disagree but it another to take it to a insulting level(see what I did there it's insulting), wake up not everyone wants to play your way and as much as you think you can empathize, DON'T ScrotieMcb the first pitfall of understanding is thinking you understand, it's OK if you don't get this philosophical point wouldn't expect you too.

I care about balance this is true but I also prefer a different way to play this game and that is what leagues are for. The economy is a joke and the crafting isn't far behind. I know GGG is busy but I have faith this will be addressed in a more formal format, eventually...

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Finkenstein wrote:
I don't get why these Boring Punters keep nay saying it is one thing to disagree but it another to take it to a insulting level(see what I did there it's insulting), wake up not everyone wants to play your way and as much as you think you can empathize, DON'T ScrotieMcb the first pitfall of understanding is thinking you understand, it's OK if you don't get this philosophical point wouldn't expect you too.
You have two choices which aren't assinine:
1) Either discuss in a manner which you expect others to understand.
2) Refrain from discussion.

If all you can manage is discussion which you don't expect others to understand, and which they don't, there's a phrase for that: illogical gibberish. If that's what you're interested in, please do it in forums other than these.

That said, I wasn't trying to insult Kellog, although I am indeed frustrated by him, just as I am with you for the quoted portion above. I genuinely don't understand why he says the mostly false things he does.

SFL posters I understand:
DijiGo (well, in terms of his SFL desires; in terms of his hatred of me, not so much)'
iamstriker (and with hatred; if he ever asks I could elaborate)

SFL posters I don't understand:
TheAnuhart (no one confuses me more)
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Sep 22, 2013, 8:06:04 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:

DijiGo (well, in terms of his SFL desires; in terms of his hatred of me, not so much)'

Hatred is a very strong word, and as usual in your case, hyperbolic and unsupported.

I don't hate you; I find some of your posts exceedingly annoying, especially with respect to the SFL, where peoples' views and play style motivations differ greatly from your own.

IMO, you have posted more long-winded, exaggerated, emotive & unsupported, doom and gloom rants about SFL than anyone else on these forums. Not only that, you've routinely insulted us, and used much stronger language against us then I've used against you. I could easily find a dozen very good examples, because they will likely all be in my post history.

However, I do admit telling you to "fuck off" once, and that was in response to a post of yours calling us self-founders "haters" and "progression cheats" (seeing the irony yet?)

The issues associated with self-found play just happen to be the most important issues for me by a country mile, so if you keep posting this stuff, I'll keep calling you out. Capiche?

Last edited by DijiGo#2281 on Sep 23, 2013, 1:35:19 AM
Reinhart wrote:

No one obliges you to trade with anyone. This game can perfectly be played solo if you truly desire. Close trade channel. Close general channel. And there is your solution.

I can hardly put as much time into this game as the majority of players. Yet I don't complain.

The point isn't being forced to trade but that trading is the obvious way to go. Orbs are mostly just currency because using them is generally a bad call. Saving your orbs for the item that you want is much smarter than using them up and not being able to afford good upgrades.

The game can be played self found, but that doesn't mean its actually fun to do it that way.

ScrotieMcB wrote:

iamstriker (and with hatred; if he ever asks I could elaborate)

Please spell my name correctly. What do you mean with hatred?
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Sep 22, 2013, 11:08:49 PM
Wraeclastian wrote:
MierenEronaile wrote:

Yep, telling the devs what we think would be good for the game to have during the games fucking Beta is useless.


Some people...

You have to remember that the people on the forums represent a very small percentage of the players. The number of people who actually want a self-found league are probably 1% of the population at most.

67% of statistics are made up.

The fact you think that a forum topic with this much input and discussion is only constituted by 1% of the playing population just illustrates that you are either deluded, willfully ignorant or trolling. It is true only a subset of the players participate in the forum discussions. It is probably also true that of those that do only a subset of those favor a SFL. However I suspect that alot of those would prefer to see the flaws in the trading, economy and progression corrected rather than a separate SFL.

I think the critical fault in game progression currently, trading or otherwise, is that there is several brick walls that result in a requirement to clear low level areas for vendor sales to produce currency. Ultimately a reasonable amount of this would be acceptable, but this seems to be excessive at the moment.

In addition to this. There is no "progression" when using currency yourself. Gathering currency and then using it yourself could ultimately just result in you still being in the same place or behind where you started. On the other hand gathering currency and then trading has guaranteed progression path. Fixing this would probably fix a large amount of the issues and requests for SFL if that is what GGG would prefer.

I think this would best describe SFL progression in current leagues
1. Work all day for $200
2. Go to the casino and play the pokies for 20mins spending all your hard earned cash in the hopes that you win a new pair of socks.
3. If you win socks the socks that you win are a size to big and they are white spots socks instead of black business socks. Take them to the cashier and sell then for 1c.

1. Work all day for $200
2. Stand in the middle of the City and yell at the top of you voice, for 4 hours, that you want to buy a pair of black business socks.
3. When a guy turns up, hope you can talk him down from $400 to $5 which is what they are worth.
4. Fail. Repeat
5. 3 days latter the same guy starts following you around asking if you still want to buy his socks.

Hopefully people can see why an SFL is so attractive for people that wish to avoid the 2 above situations. Both of these take way to much time and detract from me killing zombies and skeletons which I consider more fun. The above 2 scenarios are IMO not enjoyable.

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