Our view on map drop rates

The mods Slayer is talking about all skew probability in your/his favour.

maze = more monsters = more chances for a map to drop
more magic monsters = better chances for drops = more chances for a map to drop
larger pack size = more monsters = more chances for a map to drop

Therefore he does know what he is talking about.

Think of this example. You have a probability of something dropping a map of 5%.

Your map will only have 99 monsters. all white. 1 boss.

Slayers map will have 149 monsters. 50% blue. 1 boss.

Who do you think has the higher chance of getting a map. I'd put money on Slayer any day. I won't always win, but I'm hedging my bets in the right direction. That is how you abuse probability.
BRavich wrote:
Now you're suggesting we rely on probability so that we have a smaller chance of getting screwed over by probability. I still dont think you understand the nature of probability.

I fail to see how this changes anything about the fact that some players will get maps and some players wont regardless of their actions. Tipping probability in your favor has nothing to do with the majority of complaints people have with the map system.

Why would tipping probability have anything to do with complaints?

From what I've read, most people dont like the map system because it is a currency sink. Which is a valid criticism. Yet, you do not have to play in maps. When I farm for orbs to craft, i tend to not do so in maps. They're small and inefficient.

When I wish to gain exp and level, I play maps.

I like the fact that you can choose two different paths for your exile to follow. Besides, once OB comes out. People won't be "map locked" from items. Given the current lvl of items, I would be willing to say that max non-map lvl in OB will be 69. This is because there are lvl 71 items.

So, all maps will be for is exp. Not for farming (which is currently the case anyways). If you wish to attain extremely high lvls, be prepared to pay to move at a faster pace.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Dec 13, 2012, 10:54:32 PM

Oh thanks for clearing that up, knowing that all maps will be for is XP. For a moment I thought compelling gameplay would be factor.
You know very well what I meant flab.

I'm discussing the in-game outcome of things.

Besides, until the map mods and how they calculate IIQ (has been brought up before) is altered. It's all about rolling good mods (usually easy ones) and taking whatever it gives you in terms of the rest.

Considering GGG has said that they want the game to be challenging, this goes against that pretty hard. So, in all honesty, I am expecting a change to the current mechanics of maps.

At least in terms of mods->maps. The current one is simply too easy.

EDIT: Just to make myself clear. Flab, it is about compelling gameplay. Meaning, you should have to think about what you're doing with the mods you roll (is this difficult and will kill me & does this difficulty provide sufficient rewards for trying).

Currently, it does not.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Dec 13, 2012, 11:42:37 PM
Yeah and you know I was being an ass, somewhat jokingly, maybe.
Sometimes it can be hard to tell.....

We've gone back and fourth on quite a few topics.

I enjoy this map system, and I would like if MoC would come back. As long as there was a reason to use maps over MoC. This being since maps are a currency sink, while MoC is not.

Anyways, I like the drop rates now. However, for the love of OB, please make either A) The Vaal equivalent in A3 have a 100% chance to drop 1 first time killed, and have him have 50/50 thereafter.

Or allow lowest lvl map to be purchased from Vendor for Alch/Chaos.

I personally don't need it, but it would make a lot of the current complaints go away about the fear of running out completely.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Dec 13, 2012, 11:48:13 PM
StillSingle wrote:
Your map will only have 99 monsters. all white. 1 boss.

Slayers map will have 149 monsters. 50% blue. 1 boss.

Those are some ridiculous examples, 50% more blue from a base of zero is still zero. But you're also ignoring the fact that the quantity % on a map sways map drop probability more than the percentage that is shown. Quantity has for a while been a bigger factor than anything, as it should be (save the magic+ bug that previously existed) as you should get rewarded for more difficult mods. /end rant

That said, there are certain mods on certain maps that are more valuable than others, I couldn't tell you specifics even if I wanted to, as I haven't tracked things close enough, but I remember from experience that certain maps with the 'maze' mod made the map a ridiculous amount larger, whereas others did little to the map size. On the former, the maze mod would be most valuable, on the latter quantity, or some combination of quantity and other "helper" mods (more rares/magic/etc) would be best.

I've gone through and alched everything with far greater success than using alts on maps until I got 2x desirable "helper" mods. Those helper mods are near useless on their own, whereas quantity is not. But as Slayer said, most maps have a sweet spot, figuring out which mods are best per individual map type is the trick. Perhaps this is something that needs a google doc or wiki to allow users to share their experiences?
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
SL4Y3R wrote:
Why would tipping probability have anything to do with complaints?

From what I've read, most people dont like the map system because it is a currency sink. Which is a valid criticism. Yet, you do not have to play in maps. When I farm for orbs to craft, i tend to not do so in maps. They're small and inefficient.

If maps were actually a currency sink, you'd be able to buy them from vendors, and from most players' standpoints, that would be a huge improvement. The problem that people have with maps goes much deeper than the fact that it is a currency sink.

I like the fact that you can choose two different paths for your exile to follow. Besides, once OB comes out. People won't be "map locked" from items. Given the current lvl of items, I would be willing to say that max non-map lvl in OB will be 69. This is because there are lvl 71 items.

So, all maps will be for is exp. Not for farming (which is currently the case anyways). If you wish to attain extremely high lvls, be prepared to pay to move at a faster pace.

If that were the case, it would be a massive improvement, but I still dont see why it's necessary to lock players out of content based on luck.
IGN: Iolar

It seems that, like me, you'd want more traditional progression. It's not gonna happen though, we're the minority here. Most people don't seem to have issues with the map system, so it's pretty much hoping for something else for end game (custom leagues). Unfortunately, I have my doubts about our options regarding this (options for custom leagues).
Where do you get the impression that we are that much of a minority? This entire thread is full of posters dissatisfied with the system on some level.
IGN: Iolar

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