Our view on map drop rates

accidental double post
IGN: Iolar
Last edited by BRavich#4397 on Dec 14, 2012, 2:06:44 AM
Well, you may have a point, I'm not sure. I gave up.
I held back with feedback since the last legacy migration because I took my sweet time levelling up and held on to the few maps I found to run them with a friend.

Now we're both disappointed. We don't have many maps. I've been doing Pyramid runs and I'm averaging somewhere between 1 in 3 and 1 in 4. Full clears. I might have found more large chests than maps in the last few weeks.

I'm a long way from being sure I will not run out of maps in the near future (15 maps in stash, although some of them rolled so badly on the alch I don't think we can run them with our characters), so each map we run is filled with anxiety of whether or not we will find another map or two to keep going. We rolled blue maps with +magic/rare/area/maze and came out at finding around 2 maps for every 3 we did. That just blows. I love maps, I love how even just level 60 maps offer much more variety than any of the progression areas like Pyramid or Fellshrine. Some base tilesets but random enemies and on top of that the random modifiers (if we could actually just run whatever we rolled, instead of re-rolling for the same handful of modifiers to ensure we don't run out of maps even quicker). Since our anxiety reached critical level, I alched some L60 maps and we ran a hard but high itemquantity % map (89%) as a test. At least we got three new L60 maps out of it, but the cost was high. I wasted some alchs (and maps) to even get that map, and I know I can't do that for every map as I clearly lack alchs/chaos to do so.
So we can't find enough maps "normally" and don't have enough currency to roll/reroll them to what apparently we're supposed to be rolling for to sustain maps. Does anyone not see how annoying and frustrating that is? I wish this game wouldn't just stop dead at L60 unless you're farming all day and have a high tolerance of initial time investment to get the maps bit going.

Please just let us buy L60 maps from the vendor so we don't fall out of endgame and so I don't have to do Pyramid runs during the week in the hope of getting a map or two to run on the weekends.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Sometimes it can be hard to tell.....

We've gone back and fourth on quite a few topics.

I enjoy this map system, and I would like if MoC would come back. As long as there was a reason to use maps over MoC. This being since maps are a currency sink, while MoC is not.

Anyways, I like the drop rates now. However, for the love of OB, please make either A) The Vaal equivalent in A3 have a 100% chance to drop 1 first time killed, and have him have 50/50 thereafter.

Or allow lowest lvl map to be purchased from Vendor for Alch/Chaos.

I personally don't need it, but it would make a lot of the current complaints go away about the fear of running out completely.

It appears to me as the current map system could use a little tweak anyway. And i agree that maps should stay as something desirable. Like, when finishing act3 merciless one would progress to the Maelstrom of chaos, or the Eternal Laboratory. Whereas the Maelstrom of Chaos would be balanced in the way, that a lot more white items would be dropped? The Eternal Laboratory would offer increased rarity overall. That might work.

What bugs me as well, is the missing lore around the Eternal Laboratory at the moment (maybe that will change with act3 - i firmly hope so).

As of now, one is simply thrown into running maps around 60, without real insight of what made such a tremendous ability possible. Sure, no ARPG really needs an all explaining story. But, i think in this case PoE really needs to continue in creating an authentic feel and atmosphere.

On a second thought: I wouldn't mind gathering ressources, or farming bosses to get more maps. Aynway, it all comes down to additional content, like dynamic ingame events, challenges, maybe even daily quests stuff.
Last edited by Visuv#1278 on Dec 14, 2012, 5:47:58 PM
I really like the idea of having level 60 maps for sell at 1 alch each. I would definitely see myself in situations where I would be buying them.
General Racing Guide for Act 1
level 60 maps are not hard to come by, but lvl 62+ maps are really rare. When you are at lvl70+, doing lvl 60,61 maps is just boring, even with hardest mods.

Maybe make a recipe: 2 of same lvl maps for 1 +1 lvl map
Sorry to necro this thread but do GGG consider the current drop rates fine?
IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger.
Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won.
Lvl 69 and have not found a map yet.

The item is yours when it is in your bag.
I feel the best way to tackle it is this

Currently you run a 70 map and the chance of you getting a 66 map out of it is higher than another 70 etc.

the best map you can get is 72. And thats fine, but the chances of a massive downgrade should be reduced.

I dont think the map drop rates are harsh myself - i am sustaining maps. What i feel to be harsh is the chance to progress up maps without spending an absolute fortune on your maps which is unrealistic for the majority.

for every map that is going to drop from a white mob the chances should be more like this for say a 70 map and the same for others - obviously more thought on the exact balancing figures so that to upgrade maps takes some time but should happen as you lv a couple of levels.

lv70 30%
lv69 30%
lv68 20%
lv67 15%
lv66 5%

Thats for every normal mob when a map drops a 30% chance you will stay the same but if you drop its likely not going to be a huge drop.

from a magic

lv 71: 20%
lv 70: 35%
lv 69: 20%
lv 68: 15%
lv 67: 10%
lv 66: 5%

Thats for every magic mob when a map drops a 55% chance you will upgrade or stay the same but if you drop its likely not going to be a huge drop.

from a rare:

lv 72: 10%
lv 71: 20%
lv 70: 30%
lv 69: 20%
lv 68: 10%
lv 67: 8%
lv 66: 2%

Thats for every rare mob when a map is dropped and rolled for its level 60% of the time you will upgrade or stay the same etc etc.

I have had 2 level 70 maps. thats my best. I've rolled them but i cant afford to spend 10 chaos rolling them perfectly. I set myself a limit currently and that is:

66,67,68: transmute, alt, lv 68 if amazing possibly regal
69, 70, 71: possibly chisel, transmute alt regal at least, maybe alch the higher ones
72, 73, 74 chisel, alch, chaos a few times
75, 76, 77 chisel, alch, chaos lots, exalt if awesome map

I litterally can barely afford to do as much as this. I am losing currency and not finding enough stuff to sell to get it back.

Its kinda often a case of climb to 70...................... and drop back down to 66
climb to 69..........................and drop back down to 66
climb to 70......................drop back down to 67
climb to 69..................drop back to 66
climb to 67...................drop to 66
climb to 69..............drop to 68
climb to 70...............................boom back down to 66 again

again and again and again.

I am lv 77 atm and i can still get like 5% from a 66 map but its not ideal. And i cant see my fortune growing much so like when im 85 its going to be painfully slow to level. I personally feel that everyone should be able to get to 85 comfortably, 85-90 fairly slowly, 90-95 slowly, 95- 100 very slowly.

My build isnt finished until 93. It gets better at 80 and good at 86/87 ish.

meh, guess you just have to handle it as it is but i do think it would be better if it were easier to climb maps.
old thread from closed beta

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