Our view on map drop rates

silentman wrote:
To those who says that if they allow more drop rate for maps it would affect the economy i say this is insane.

Why am i leveling a character beyond level 70?
To see more endgame content that is challenging to me.

Maps should not be a currency item, period.
I should be able to run whatever map i want whenever i want.
Any game "if any" that hinder your progress regarding endgame is not a fun game and shows a lack of creativity because this is just the devs want to slow you down because thy ran out of ideas.

You farm for maps and you are forced to play low level maps in the hope that you can play higher level maps one day.

Grind for gear and exp is something i can understand.
But grinding for end game content?
How about we also introduce a system where you have to grind for PVP tokens in order to enter the arena?

And they still refuse to answer the one simple question:

GGG...will the ability to do end game contents be based on RNG/Luck/Chance?

They're more of a currency sink than anything else really.

You just throw tons of alts and alchs at them and hope for something good.

What else are we going to do with all those alts that collect up?
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
ampdecay wrote:
silentman wrote:
To those who says that if they allow more drop rate for maps it would affect the economy i say this is insane.

Why am i leveling a character beyond level 70?
To see more endgame content that is challenging to me.

Maps should not be a currency item, period.
I should be able to run whatever map i want whenever i want.
Any game "if any" that hinder your progress regarding endgame is not a fun game and shows a lack of creativity because this is just the devs want to slow you down because thy ran out of ideas.

You farm for maps and you are forced to play low level maps in the hope that you can play higher level maps one day.

Grind for gear and exp is something i can understand.
But grinding for end game content?
How about we also introduce a system where you have to grind for PVP tokens in order to enter the arena?

And they still refuse to answer the one simple question:

GGG...will the ability to do end game contents be based on RNG/Luck/Chance?

They're more of a currency sink than anything else really.

You just throw tons of alts and alchs at them and hope for something good.

What else are we going to do with all those alts that collect up?

Use them to get jeweler then fusing?

And my comment wasn't regarding the maps being a currency sink that's a whole other beast.
I'm talking about the tying the End content which every one who finished the final difficulty should enjoy.

Am i crazy because i think End game content should be open to every one not based on chance?
FFA loot = Single Player Game
Level 60 maps no. But those are almost given away these days. Higher level maps, yes. You make a choice of stacking currency to roll mods or buy/craft gear. You can kinda do both, but its not the easiest thing to do.
ampdecay wrote:
bredin wrote:

the problem will go away with a good trading platform.

I can see how this would work, those few guys who get so many maps its impossible for them to do them would just easily trade them off to someone who doesn't get any.

only problem is, this would start to disproportionately concentrate the wealth of the game into the hands of the lucky few who get more map drops then everybody else.

This is where botters could also come in, keep rolling characters until you get ones that have good drops, and then bam set up sites that sell them for real money.

Making global drops better for everyone could help avoid that situation, if it were to happen.

Um... so it wouldnt "disproportionately concentrate the wealth of the game into the hands of the lucky few who" play the higher maps?

I fail to see the difference.

And i really dont think you understand... how the hell could a botter know in advance which of his chars would be on the right tail of the distribution? And having shown that one toon is on the right tail, this being a RNG, theres no causation between past performance and future payoff.

Improving the global drops (and I'll say this again...) will only succeed in shifting the problem to a higher level. All that will happen is that the same people will be complaining a little bit later. Its nothing more than a delaying tactic until the situation occurs again.
It changes nothing fundamental.

Anyone calling for the global improvement in drop rates is just horribly naive (or ignorant) of basic statistical distributions.

Theyre the same people who think that printing more money fixes economies. After all if everyone had more money everyone could buy more stuff right?

This is exactly the same principle, and it would only be a matter of time before people were calling for another raising of the drop rate so they could 'progress' more. It would be an unending inflationary spiral. Exactly the thing that GGG sought to avoid by eliminating gold from the game.

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RandallPOE wrote:
Burgingham wrote:

I have never dropped such a ton of maps like I do now since the patch. I will never again run out of maps, I constantly see them dropping everyhwere. Each map I run usually drops 1-3 maps. It is really good what they did here and everyone complaining is insane.

let me guess, level 60 maps?

Not exclusively. I cannot say much on lvl65+ maps though. That I gotta admit.

You need to think outside the box of closed beta here

Well, your examples cannot think outside said box either since you have to take into account the additional content coming up. I am not sure how much two additional acts till release will add, but I am pretty sure it will reach into lategame and will change the mechanics on how maps are being valued and dealt with.

Criticizing the status quo because you cannot get a satisfying endgame experience out of it has only very limited validity. Never forget you are here to test, not to play. So a lack of a fun enabling experience for this point in time cannot on its own be something to criticize.
Burgingham wrote:

Criticizing the status quo because you cannot get a satisfying endgame experience out of it has only very limited validity. Never forget you are here to test, not to play. So a lack of a fun enabling experience for this point in time cannot on its own be something to criticize.

Actually that's what we are doing...testing and telling how did we like the product so far.
I fail to see how can we judge the game without playing it.

FFA loot = Single Player Game
Burgingham wrote:

Criticizing the status quo because you cannot get a satisfying endgame experience out of it has only very limited validity. Never forget you are here to test, not to play. So a lack of a fun enabling experience for this point in time cannot on its own be something to criticize.

I have to disagree with this, we are here to tell them what is fun and what isnt. Saying we shouldnt be having fun now is ignorant.

About the map issue, I believe like another poster said that making the drop rate higher will not fix the issue, I believe it is the option to do harder maps to get more maps to drop, but how do you afford to run these harder maps when the items you need to roll the harder maps are not common enough for the maps to be harder?

Chisel also IMO should be rare because they dont add anything to making the map harder just give bonus. I would like to see something that increases the drop rate of maps but makes the maps harder.

All in all I love this map system, I think its working well just needs a little tweak.
So I found a map and decided to use the 4 chisels I had saved. The map was tough but I went for it. I died and when I re-entered the Eternal Laboratory all my portals where gone. I was a little pissed off!

I then joined a 2 man group with another bloke and he put up a portal for me, upon entering that portal my maps portals where there.

I found this very odd.
a Dolphin is just a gay shark....it's true ummhmmm
kowari wrote:
So I found a map and decided to use the 4 chisels I had saved. The map was tough but I went for it. I died and when I re-entered the Eternal Laboratory all my portals where gone. I was a little pissed off!

I then joined a 2 man group with another bloke and he put up a portal for me, upon entering that portal my maps portals where there.

I found this very odd.

Sounds like a bug, and just report it.
Being level 78, I don't really find it enjoyable to play anymore. To have any chance of high level maps, I have to spend way more currency than I get from a map. And the low level maps( 60-64) aren't interesting at all, as they give no real xp nor high enough level items.

So it's basically just about wasting hours grinding one low level map after another( and slowly running out of non-map currency) in the hopes of eventually getting a higher level map or two which are actually useful. It gets old very quickly. At this point an infinite-dungeon with ever-increasing level/difficulty is sounding a lot more appealing, if only because of a more consistent challenge and xp/itemlevel reward.

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