Our view on map drop rates

arual wrote:
Gelsamel wrote:
3 - When using the laboratory WITHOUT a map, it takes you to a specific low yield endgame map.

Er... Pyramids? There's a portal there and everything...

this would be a viable option if pyramid at level 80 wasn't equivalent to going afk in camp in terms of gaining xp
teek wrote:
arual wrote:
Gelsamel wrote:
3 - When using the laboratory WITHOUT a map, it takes you to a specific low yield endgame map.

Er... Pyramids? There's a portal there and everything...

this would be a viable option if pyramid at level 80 wasn't equivalent to going afk in camp in terms of gaining xp

But if the content ends at level 70 and farming pyramid up to 70 is possible then the point still stands.

Edit: Not that I dislike the original idea, just saying.
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Last edited by wiggin#5896 on Sep 18, 2012, 11:55:55 AM
Pyramid is not close to being the same as the maps system, even just the lowest level tier (currently L60). One is always the same. The other gives you seven different types of environments, with added variety through the possible mods on the maps.

To get somewhat back to topic... I don't really have don enough Pyramid runs and could just have gotten lucky, but: Could it be that the drop rate of maps is now okay in non-map environments but low when actually running maps?

I've now gotten three maps in four pyramid runs whereas previously I was getting one every 2.5 runs on average.
When running maps themselves I got 5 maps from running 12 of them, with decent mods (either +size or +% from mods).

Is this in the same region everyone else is seeing?
ethone wrote:
When running maps themselves I got 5 maps from running 12 of them, with decent mods (either +size or +% from mods).

Is this in the same region everyone else is seeing?

Additional size doesn't help too much anymore. Try doing maps of 80% or higher quantity--there's no way you won't become self sufficient in maps. You might not be able to maintain high-level maps, but that has been a problem since the beginning.
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions.
Ran two 80+% iiq quantity maps today and didn't get one map in either of them.

Drop rates really need to be up'd a lot in my opinion.

One reason is I like doing public map parties and the more maps that drop the longer the party can keep going. So far high level map parties have been the funnest times spent playing this game. But when you're only getting maybe one map back per run its not as fun as it could be.

Also, have only found 1 chisel since this patch.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
I'm playing less and less POE and I want to post feedback,

Map drop rate increased ? What a joke...

Increased Quantity don't affect map drop rate anymore ? What an horrible mistake dear devs... what about my MF gear ? I do remember that YOU said, ok guys we want you to have a farming gear and a dps gear, now that the map drop rate is not affected by IQ WHAT THE F**** ?

It is hard as hell to sell objects for orbs, orbs seems to have an incredible high value for most players (maybe because of the damn rarity if you don't have crazy damn Mf gear, mine is 123/372 currently and the orb drop rate in maps with a buddy is low). So, I run for crappy items (most of the time, sometimes it is ok but nobody want to buy it... the market sucks, where is the trading system ???????????????????????????????????????????????)

We don't use Chisel ? Maybe because they are as rare as GCPs... and the effect of chisel is so crap... + why would I use chisels on maps knowing that IQ doesn't affect the map drop rate ????????????????????????????????

Maps are still cancelled due to crashes even if we experience less crashes since the last patches.

the end game is broken, like tons of people are saying, it sucks to have to farm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN LOOOOONG
Think about players that have a life, omg, it is so frustrating to love a game but hate the end game ! We want Maelstrom of chaos back and improved. Pyramids sucksssssssssssss !!!

Maelstrom BACK Maelstrom BACK !!!!

Vaphobos wrote:

We don't use Chisel ? Maybe because they are as rare as GCPs... and the effect of chisel is so crap... + why would I use chisels on maps knowing that IQ doesn't affect the map drop rate ????????????????????????????????


The IIQ of the maps themself does affect the map droprate IIRC (the devs said that they want people to try even harder maps to keep their map stockpiles up), only IIQ of your gear doesn't affect it IIRC.
Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P
Current OB success:
top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9)
Don't rage over beta changes. I personally think the drop rates are OK for low level maps, and a bit low for higer level ones, which is making them exclusive. I feel like this is exactly what are devs aiming for.

my low level map experience since the patch
Since 9.12f
  • I ran 55 maps lv 60-63, most were level 61, two 60s, six 62s, eight 63s.
  • 75 maps dropped for me in those; lv 60-64.
  • 10 maps didn't give me any map, the rest gave me 1-6 maps.
  • Average IIQ was 55%, I usually spent one alchemy orb but I experimented with alternate orbs too.
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I feel there should be an abundance of maps instead of a short supply. Of any level.

That would encourage people to ALWAYS play harder maps because then you wouldn't have to worry about not completing it or not getting another since you have so many to begin with.

So far this is the only thing in this game I would like to see more accessible.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
wiggin wrote:
Don't rage over beta changes. I personally think the drop rates are OK for low level maps, and a bit low for higer level ones, which is making them exclusive. I feel like this is exactly what are devs aiming for.

my low level map experience since the patch
Since 9.12f
  • I ran 55 maps lv 60-63, most were level 61, two 60s, six 62s, eight 63s.
  • 75 maps dropped for me in those; lv 60-64.
  • 10 maps didn't give me any map, the rest gave me 1-6 maps.
  • Average IIQ was 55%, I usually spent one alchemy orb but I experimented with alternate orbs too.

I agree with this, lower level maps you can get maps most of the time (enough to keep staying in maps) if you have 50%+ IIQ.

Its progressing that's the problem.
But I think I figured out how to progress also, you just do crazy hard maps. IIQ+80%

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