Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
What gems to support on dual strike with a 6-link?
I dont use bor but was Lucky enough to create a 6-link. I'm going to use it for mf'ing so item rarity has to be in it. Where do I get life leech from? I see a lot of current gear from people without life leech gem... Last edited by ressiv#3478 on Mar 15, 2014, 5:13:22 PM
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" My gem setup: CWDT->enfeeble->enduring cry->decoy totem grace->reduced mana->hatred->portal (red slot) faster attacks->leap slam->whirling blades vulnerability->blood magic->increased area of effect with this setup i can swap in/out: purity of elements purity of X reduced mana which allows me to run a 60% aura and 2 40% auras; my typical setup is 2x 60% auras and casting vuln on demand |
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" Dual strike needs heart of oak in my opinion but the rest should be the same. |
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new 118 point tree, pretty optimized, and good for all weapon configs:
path of life variation (boss killing tree): Last edited by sawseech#6289 on Mar 15, 2014, 8:31:42 PM
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" Are these trees also for dual strike version or only cyclone? |
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The more that I play with this new tree the more fondly I think of the new armor mastery perk. It adds 2% movement speed (or 2/34ths or 5.88%), 18% more armor (which probably lets you facetank the acad boss and residence touch of god effortlessly), and 5 life to go along with 2% more melee phys (via +10 strength).
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" These trees are made with cyclone in mind but can definitely be played with dualstrike. The primary consideration is that with dualstrike you're liable to be stunned very easily by charge attacks and heart of oak does alot to mitigate that. These trees are pretty tight, so finding two points to move into heart of oak can be pretty tough. There's also the option to just play the tree as is with dual strike and see how it goes and make your own changes as circumstances require. Going this route, you'll need to agree with the general philosophy of the tree, which is basically life and damage and armor/mitigation as you can find it. I do think that a fully optimized tree for the endgame duelist probably does take the low line between the duelist and marauder trees, bypassing the templar nodes, but I'm trying to find something more universal that everybody can play and which also works for me. My efforts are primarily self serving :) Died on academy to 3 additional projectiles librarian, hence my newfound appreciation for the armor/speed/str hybrid node. Here's my current lvl 90 tree (experimenting with more mitigation and taking the hybrid nodes by resolute technique): Target 118 point tree (feeling satisfied w. the amount of life that this tree takes): Modified build; everyone is taking the low line through the endurance charge; let's take the high road! It's rare to get 4 charges up in a properly hard bossfight anyways. Taking the high road and, oh, grabbing both life wheels! What I consider to be the reference skeleton build: I've respec'd into the taking both life wheel variation, and here is my health and damage by the numbers at lvl 90: 5665 life -> -200 life 193 energy shield 48756.8 (final) dps -> up from 44k ish Last edited by sawseech#6289 on Mar 16, 2014, 2:38:33 AM
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I think I may have created something beautiful.
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" what are your thoughts about cwdt - enfeeble - during cry = decoy have you tried any other set ups, or is this the best one?? also would i be able to have blood rage on a switchable weapon, cast it and then just keep hitting until it goes away? I mean im getting carried away with cwdt, however are blood rage and vulnerability really that useful??? Last edited by bowen123#5553 on Mar 16, 2014, 4:11:41 AM
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Any reason to not run vaal's pact? And how bout not using resolute technique, and running swords with average crit? are those viable ideas? thanks in advance.
Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot who cant hunt, fish or ride.
Lowballer - Ancient tribal slang for a total waste of time, and hence, will be totally and utterly ignored. |
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