Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

G4ndi wrote:
ressiv wrote:
G4ndi wrote:
life leech in tree is overrated, im using atm my build which i posted here and works very well.
86lvl and doing easy 75-76 maps solo (coz still didn't go 77 and higher but will do soon)

e: ambush league ofc

Could you post your gear with gem setup :)?

@sawseech thanks for your respons on the dual strike tree question, very helpful!

yeah, theres my gear also gem setup in items

belt sucks tho, but will buy trires+life soon when anyon is sellin coz on noone there with trires

You get by okay with no leech on gear for life/mana?

You get by okay with no leech on gear for life/mana?

for whatever reason it's saying my taker is a siege axe

oh nm, that's the other guy :D
Last edited by sawseech#6289 on Mar 16, 2014, 6:47:37 PM
hey so is there a tree? that the maker of this build has posted? thats been tested? and work? the one in the 1st page seems soo randomly putteghtere
Last edited by Radagastt#5613 on Mar 16, 2014, 8:14:13 PM
what lvl are you whats ur stats? and items? i got bor and soultaker so my tree might be differnt
Radagastt wrote:

You get by okay with no leech on gear for life/mana?

yes, lgoh works very well
Picked up a Q20 faster casting to link with blood magic and vulnerability.
dirtydevil87 wrote:
what lvl are you whats ur stats? and items? i got bor and soultaker so my tree might be differnt

Level 81. I mainly farm Piety with this character, so my gear isn't anything special. Probably the worst gear of any of my characters to be honest:

been trying this build on ambush

Currently trying to figure out what I should do with this build, I am not pleased with how the survivability is turning out. Started witht he tree posted ont he first page, and with nearly every life node I am sitting at only 2.6k life, and while the damage is decent (10.4k dps at level 64), I find that i am dying too often.

thinking of respeccing to one of the other trees that were posted that have better life, but not sure how to go about it. I would be respeccing the majority of damage nodes that I have, so I don't know how much my DPS would suffer.

this is where my tree is currently at.
was modified slightly to use wings of entropy, because wings is considerably cheaper than most good 1 handers.

current gear

will be switching to this chest once I level, and then a bringer once I can afford one

Last edited by mardukthewolf#5333 on Mar 17, 2014, 7:14:19 AM

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