Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

got the dps up to 110k using cyclone + melee dmg on full life + added fire damage + concentrated effect. running herald of ash/hatred/herald of ice. RT/dodge build.




2x cwdts running enfeeble and EC/IC/increased duration
capability to run PoL for tough palace mods (that's why i took the intelligence node)
daresso's salute optional, although i lose PoL. with sick intel stats on rings or by running rare intel boots maybe u can get around this. the steps are integral to the defensive capabilities of the build tho imo.

6k life
445 armor. don't get hit by phys nukes. might need a manual enfeeble/vaal IC/vaal grace.
32% evasion
40% dodge phys
46% spell dodge
27% block phys

swap gems are life leech and purity auras.

maybe it's better to run cwdt+warlord's mark and a manual enfeeble so that you don't die to the first hit from, say, books thrown at you with added damage mods or precinct boss hitting you before she's blinded. warlord's mark adds alot of leech which might be better then enfeeble over the course of a fight that doesn't end instantly.

so far what i've chosen to do is to take every damage notable available. maybe it's better to stack life up to like 6.8k or so. iunno.

if you need resists diamond skin and sentinal are easy.

might drop trickery and the intel node later.

i'll probably grab berserking and celerity with the last points if i ever level that high.
Last edited by sawseech#6289 on Mar 10, 2015, 9:31:34 AM
i tried my cleave with taste of hate + atziri flask and i gott 315k dps. but till cant find a way to improve defences
Has this build been updated for 1.3? The 1st page doesn't reflect that.
All that and a bag of chips!
How the hell do you guys get so much dps ? I only get like 14k on my cyclone.
so how do you even have so much evasion rating when you use the crappy gear? why are you not using support gem blind?
i cant view build
What you need, please pm me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

☞ IGN:Ok_Baby ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
which way must i go first - left\right?
is the blender dead? ;-(

Didn't seem to work too well with me when I tried to make it... lost a lot of life...
this build still works fine =) 33k dps with 5k hp

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