Why I'm quitting PoE and no longer recommending it to friends

Its only possible for your character to "go backward" if you decide to indulge in a massive gamble and fuse a 5-link in hope of getting 6-link or chaos a strong 5-affix in hope of getting a perfect 6-affix.

No one did this in d2; they used the almost perfect item while trying to make/find a perfect version. Dont see how anythings changed here!
IGN: KoTao
I think its fair to say that this game is all about 'itemisation' and GGG wants to ensure that items that drop are valuable in some way. I really like the fact that orbs can send you backwards (like if you re-roll a 5L).

Think about it, if everyones items could ONLY get better, then really good items will inevitably become less valuable. This takes out any excitement when you actually find a drop because you wont even care that you found a 6L..
Russell wrote:
With an online its generally best to balance things towards multiplayer. As that's what the mass of players tend to do. Just think if every item was easy to get and worth nothing at all. Would you still get that sense of awesomeness when you find it? Knowing there are another 20k players selling it for one orb of chance : P
I think its important to make sure PVP is balanced, but I think you are just making assumptions if you think 6L will beat someone else easily. I'd be fairly confident I could beat someone using 6L with my lvl 6x char with only 3L items. There is so many more factors at play here that 6L just ISNT going to have the overwhelming effect you think it will. But nevertheless, it will probably require some sort of balance, but making it easier to find 6L isnt a real solution if it just de-values the worth of our items.

KoTao wrote:
Its only possible for your character to "go backward" if you decide to indulge in a massive gamble and fuse a 5-link in hope of getting 6-link or chaos a strong 5-affix in hope of getting a perfect 6-affix.

No one did this in d2; they used the almost perfect item while trying to make/find a perfect version. Dont see how anythings changed here!

In D2, your skills are still as good as your skills regardless of the item you are using. The items you have augment the skills you have chosen and can use regardless of the items worn (ie the levels you have pumped into the different skills). I think weapons are an exeption to non magic users in D2 (which was changed in D3 where even magic was based on weapon attack to align it with melee/ranged attacks skill maths).

In POE, to be able to have a skill that does X you must have Y sockets, Z type of sockets, and then have them fused together. That's assuming you got an initial good drop for the magic component. That complexity did not exist in D2.

Char progression impact of items:
D2: each skill will get more powerful as you level (not random). A better item may improve the output of the skill (random).

POE: each skill gets more powerful as the gem levels (not random). Mutations of the skill occur through having fused sockets (random) and correct coloured sockets (random). Mutations of the skill impact the input of the skill (higher mana costs differnt/increased effect). No linked sockets = no mutations = less choice of skill utility/power. A better item (ignoring sockets) may improve the output of the skill (random).

The point is there progression line for getting higher socket links and therefore higher skill utility. Skill utility ends up being linked to pure RnG rather than a progression line such as XP grinding for levels.
Metronomy wrote:
I think its fair to say that this game is all about 'itemisation' and GGG wants to ensure that items that drop are valuable in some way. I really like the fact that orbs can send you backwards (like if you re-roll a 5L).

Think about it, if everyones items could ONLY get better, then really good items will inevitably become less valuable. This takes out any excitement when you actually find a drop because you wont even care that you found a 6L

I agree here with most of this. I just don't like that my skill progression is bundled into RnG. Items should effect the output of the skill, imo, not the inputs. That is why there is increased mana costs associated with using support gems. You need to find a way to fuel the extra utility/power.

Why are skills stunted by RnG? A skill should have X power regardless if I wear items (white) or not. The skill should also cost X amount regardless of items (white). Magic items can effect the output (eg increased fire damage). That should be RnG, that should be what you are farming/orbing to get. My skill setup should need to change if I want to use a different piece of equipment.

All that said. I do like the itemisation of everything. I just want my char progression (passive and active skills) to be non-random with loot drops providing the lottery of extra awesomeness. That being said, the system is still mostly good due to being able to "craft". Perhaps some rare items being available to "craft" better or more importantly, more controlled are needed?

Now that's an idea! What if there were items which allowed you to reduce the RnG component when you were "crafting"? So you could in theory (with this very very very rare drop) actually craft line by line what you wanted. Needing the ultra rare item would mean that 6L, and perfect items would be ultra rare, but that would be a reason to go farming X area. You can get XP, and you can get the item that allows you to progress (forward) to your goal.
KoTao wrote:
Its only possible for your character to "go backward" if you decide to indulge in a massive gamble and fuse a 5-link in hope of getting 6-link or chaos a strong 5-affix in hope of getting a perfect 6-affix.

No one did this in d2; they used the almost perfect item while trying to make/find a perfect version. Dont see how anythings changed here!

Yup. You fuse the white 6s in your bank while wearing your 5link.

I have never found a 6s chest on the ground that had such good mods I felt I should wear it while also trying to fuse it. And I've played a lot of PoE.

Player behavior already eliminates the downsides of going backwards.
Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Sep 6, 2012, 11:51:49 PM
TheSwampDog wrote:
aimlessgun wrote:
It sucks at our souls to know that after spending 400 fusings, our next fusing has exactly the same chance of producing the 6L as our previous 400.

Just a last reminder, since it cannot be said enough:

You keep saying this, but then you post stuff that contradicts it.

aimlessgun wrote:

*Alternately to a recipe, if you simply make it automatically 6link on the 1000th fusing, you will increase the amount of fusing available, but by such a tiny amount as to be basically undetectable. If you picture the distribution of "number of fuses to get 6link", which I assume looks like a bell curve, picture the very very very tiny end being chopped off. AKA essentially no real economic effect, but many psychological benefits.

Getting the 'perfect' item, like a 6L, should never be a guarantee IMO.

so you'd prefer that items with 6 sockets sit in inventories becoming obsolete to the players still leveling up because the number of fusings needed to achieve a 6L is so great if you don't happen to luck out early and to hunt down 400+ fuse orbs makes the player out level the items usefulness or worse the orbs degrade the item so frequently the players get fed up with the game.

most games with crafting have some kind of increased chance of success items either as cash shop items or rare drops depending on the game or the character has better chance by increased skill in crafting.

having a one in 300,1000,100000 whatever chance to get lucky each time you use a fuse orb will drive a lot of players away from the game.

simple fact is a player who's made it to level 60+ should by all rights be able to achieve at least one 6L during the process of getting to that level.

currently the system doesn't. one 6L in a 60 level run is not "OMG they made the game too easy!!!!! WTFBBQSAUCELETTHESKYFALLNOW!!!1111" game breaking or even economy breaking. think of how many fuse orbs people collect in 60 levels. the problem with the current system is simple when you get to maps and the difficulty level is ramped up (just like : cruel to merciless ) MAPs need a stepped up either defense or attack by the player thing is by then they don't have the go out and level grind since the regular zones are falling below the characters level and maps can only be accessed 1-6 times each <<< not exactly grinding friendly.so the alternative is either armor or weapon upgrades to do endgame and most players by level 60+ have found decent equips to even get to maps yet the limitations of maps use and the upped difficulty/level of MOBs pretty much demands the player upgrade the only way that doesn't mean "Korean" game grinding.(diminishing return play) or for the D2'ers level 98-99 character playing "it'll take how many cow runs to level?).

Dragoneyes001 wrote:
simple fact is a player who's made it to level 60+ should by all rights be able to achieve at least one 6L during the process of getting to that level
Trolling eh? getting 60+ takes an average of 24 hours, 6L would be worthless within 1 week if you did that...This is NOT a simple fact, it is the exact thing we want to avoid. Are you in favour or against a recipe? Im having trouble actually seeing what your suggestion is to fix the issue? (I like the recipe idea)

If its to make 6L easier to get, then I would have to disagree for the points already covered. The only argument I have seen FOR making 6L easier to get is because it might be important for PVP, but I think PVP should just be balanced in a different way other than making 6L easier to get - its a bit early to arbitrarily state that you wont be competitive in PVP if you don't have 6L.
Metronomy wrote:
Dragoneyes001 wrote:
simple fact is a player who's made it to level 60+ should by all rights be able to achieve at least one 6L during the process of getting to that level
Trolling eh? getting 60+ takes an average of 24 hours, 6L would be worthless within 1 week if you did that...This is NOT a simple fact, it is the exact thing we want to avoid. Are you in favour or against a recipe? Im having trouble actually seeing what your suggestion is to fix the issue? (I like the recipe idea)

If its to make 6L easier to get, then I would have to disagree for the points already covered. The only argument I have seen FOR making 6L easier to get is because it might be important for PVP, but I think PVP should just be balanced in a different way other than making 6L easier to get - its a bit early to arbitrarily state that you wont be competitive in PVP if you don't have 6L.

the speed at which you get to 60 is irrelevant.

its the balance of power a character of that level should have attained that is. PVP has nothing to do with whether you have 6L's or not. nor does the balance between melee and ranged.6L is a craps shoot item problem is a player could "Never" see one regardless of how many characters they make and how many fuse orbs they toss at items trying to get a 6L.

trying to make 6L the cats ass of trading is a piss poor way of bolstering the economy since as the game ages there will be an ever increasing amount of 6L's produced because of the lucky strikes that shear numbers has to produce.the rarity factor the devs seem to want wont last past the first month of open beta but the players leaving because the game simply wont create a 6L when they would begin to need one will.

as much as some here want this game to be they're private challenge. "Devs. Don't ever make this game easier" (because some will enter any thread and troll about how ANY change will make it too easy. unless its something they want changed then you get 50 pages of guessed mechanics math and half page explanations of why its such a great idea) the vast majority of players want the game to be fun and rewarding. that means at least a reasonable chance to achieve some of the higher level items when crafting. the reason I said at level 60 there should be at least ONE 6L pretty much assured to a player is the "fun and rewarding factor" and the onset of end game play. getting one 6L now does not mean the best 6L either.
keeping the totally random chance to get one will see far more players tossing the game aside than the devs seem to be willing to admit.

simple way to do this and not even touch the chance math is add a quest reward for level 60 characters that is either a 6L item or an item that drastically increases the chance to get 6L when you try fusing. or better yet the quest is a map which you need to beat the boss to get a 6L drop from (would be random chance of what the drop is making trading the drops another bonus aspect)

Last edited by Dragoneyes001#5936 on Sep 7, 2012, 9:36:43 AM
double post edited out
Last edited by Dragoneyes001#5936 on Sep 7, 2012, 9:35:11 AM
Twenty fusing orbs and no 4L ilevel 50 QuillRain sadface.

I understand why 6/5L should be rare, but I do think orbs of fusing are currently way too valuable. For 20 fusings I could have probably just BOUGHT a 4L Quillrain, or a dozen alchemy orbs. Took me about a week and a half to farm those 20 fusings! I just don't see them that often.

They need to introduce more ways to gamble for links I think, as fusing orbs are just too uncommon for the randomness of getting the desired link count.
My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
Last edited by anubite#0701 on Sep 7, 2012, 10:03:03 AM

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