RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

AMC93 wrote:
I have a Marauder FPer that I'm trying to fund with Void Batteries, or eventually roll a Witch FPer. I'm struggling with the ES though, I have almost max level auras because I took them from my 84 FPer. I'm stuck at like 2600 ES, ironically found an andy ring. It proves pretty difficult to get ES on a belt that's good or without life. Since I can't get too much life or my RF will hurt even more. Still can't run RF. At the moment I'm pretty gear dependent because of Haste, probably will take it off when I can run RF since that will be plenty of DPS. Hoping to get the culling strike unique too.. But yeah it's rough to get a decent MFer. I wouldn't say it costs 10 chaos to be honest, you need a high ilvl wondertraps to be able to 3 or 4link them. And then you need andy rings... I was running without an andy ring and lvl 18 rarity, lvl 17 quantity(20% quality). I was at 200/51 and barely finding ANYTHING. I got the rarity unique gloves, made a new rarity ring, and the andy ring helped boost me up to like 325/51? I think. I wouldn't say it's cheap, you definitely need to invest a bit since the springleaf alone is 2-3 gcp. And then you need some high ES gear or your stuck farming at the docks like me :( I have a 6link but I can't roll ES well enough, been using a buncha chaos as I find. Need at least 350+ hopefully I get it.

I can actually do Lunaris, but desync screws me over alot. As of now my gear is:


Just thought I'd give an opinion to an already newbie-Sporker. Not to bash the maker of this guide in anyway! A+ on the guide

You need spring leaf, or rise of the phoenix unique shields to maintain RF :). Or you have the shav ring with 4% regen. In high gear cases vitality might be enough if you have loads of energy shield.
Pydien wrote:

You need spring leaf, or rise of the phoenix unique shields to maintain RF :). Or you have the shav ring with 4% regen. In high gear cases vitality might be enough if you have loads of energy shield.

I don't recommend using the shav ring for Docksing.
You are losing one rarity spot on your gear.
Hi for your maps build you start from a shadow but the other one is a witch. So is it better to run this build as a shadow or a witch?
The point of the Shadow build was to get to Golem's Blood for the 1.8% ES regen. I don't know if going all the way to IR and Golem's Blood is worth it, it's hard to tell. As an alternative, you can spend ~10 points into the Marauder side of the tree to get Troll's Blood.

As for Witch vs Shadow, the difference that I can see is Shadow is more damage, while Witch provides more mana regen. Of course, as a Shadow you can just chug potions, which is why I went with Shadow.

The point is to get enough passive regen so that you can drop Springleaf and use a Rise of the Phoenix shield or a much better ES shield. Of course, all of this is moot unless you have a Shavronne's chest so you can dodge Chaos damage.
Last edited by seiferoth10 on Aug 18, 2013, 5:07:09 AM
IR makes you be able to use Grace Auras and use EV/ES Shield, which is better then Ar/ES Shield that doesn't get the bonus Increased Ev from the Shadow ES nodes
PLEASE dont believe piety is easy to kill with this trash guide. RMT Panko sends another one to SC.
Last edited by jack603603 on Aug 18, 2013, 9:46:31 PM
Pandarz wrote:
Thanks I'm new to the game and I'll probably use this build when I create my character

If this is your first character ever, I dont recommend this build purely because of the endless grinds you will be doing in docks/lunaris. You wont be able to do any maps. Rather pick a cookie cutter build (CI Spork, LS, LA, etc) that's relatively fun and enjoy the game beyond the endgame Lunaris temple level.

Only try this build if you already experienced the game and need currency, imho.
I've given up trying to use Power Charges with this build, I don't think it's worth the effort. I already have enough stuff to do between recasting totems, casting Conductivity, spamming mana pots, throwing Fire Traps, opening chests, picking up loot, and running around like a moron so I don't die. For bosses I have Concentrated Effect/Increased Burning Damage/Fire Trap/Fire Trap so I can just blow them up.

This is what I'm looking at for my final build: Passive skill tree build.
Am i wrong or a high rolled Divinarius is a more solid choice over Moonsorrow?
JoopO wrote:
Am i wrong or a high rolled Divinarius is a more solid choice over Moonsorrow?

It depends on your build. If you got Crit multiplier it will be better. If you stacked up ele / spell dmg it wont.

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