RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

Makcu wrote:
Bioman1000 wrote:
The 2 BM uniques only need to be put on when you cast the auras, then you remove it and put normal gear, that's why you don't see them as main gear in people's post.

Do not mislead people. Next patch will fix that exploit.

Fixed an abuse case where auras would maintain bonuses from equipment if you changed out of that equipment in town. Upon changing area, auras will set themselves to the current level from your equipment. Other similar abuse cases will be fixed in the future.


if you read carefully, ggg didn't say it will affect the blood magic trick
it is about the level of aura, which is the trick of switching between aura gems of different levels to turn on lv20 (or 22) aura even you if don't meet the int/dex/str requirement
Master 8: All
CyclERa 93 TS/Puncture, CyclEWS 89 LL-ST
thread /463641 GMT+8
Which one do you recommend: Redbeak or Moonsorrow for dual spark low life? Tooltip dps is almost the same, dont know which one is better...
CygnumX wrote:
Which one do you recommend: Redbeak or Moonsorrow for dual spark low life? Tooltip dps is almost the same, dont know which one is better...

Hmmm... rebeak will hit harder - longer shock stacks, moonsorrow is gonna hit more frequently - chance for shock stacks.
Actually I guess it doesnt matter ;p
RG_PankO wrote:
CygnumX wrote:
Which one do you recommend: Redbeak or Moonsorrow for dual spark low life? Tooltip dps is almost the same, dont know which one is better...

Hmmm... rebeak will hit harder - longer shock stacks, moonsorrow is gonna hit more frequently - chance for shock stacks.
Actually I guess it doesnt matter ;p

Ah, kk :) What about heartbreaker, do u think it fits to the build?
I have a Marauder FPer that I'm trying to fund with Void Batteries, or eventually roll a Witch FPer. I'm struggling with the ES though, I have almost max level auras because I took them from my 84 FPer. I'm stuck at like 2600 ES, ironically found an andy ring. It proves pretty difficult to get ES on a belt that's good or without life. Since I can't get too much life or my RF will hurt even more. Still can't run RF. At the moment I'm pretty gear dependent because of Haste, probably will take it off when I can run RF since that will be plenty of DPS. Hoping to get the culling strike unique too.. But yeah it's rough to get a decent MFer. I wouldn't say it costs 10 chaos to be honest, you need a high ilvl wondertraps to be able to 3 or 4link them. And then you need andy rings... I was running without an andy ring and lvl 18 rarity, lvl 17 quantity(20% quality). I was at 200/51 and barely finding ANYTHING. I got the rarity unique gloves, made a new rarity ring, and the andy ring helped boost me up to like 325/51? I think. I wouldn't say it's cheap, you definitely need to invest a bit since the springleaf alone is 2-3 gcp. And then you need some high ES gear or your stuck farming at the docks like me :( I have a 6link but I can't roll ES well enough, been using a buncha chaos as I find. Need at least 350+ hopefully I get it.

I can actually do Lunaris, but desync screws me over alot. As of now my gear is:


Just thought I'd give an opinion to an already newbie-Sporker. Not to bash the maker of this guide in anyway! A+ on the guide
IGN: UrName(Standard)

IGN: Mr_Freezy(Anarchy) or S_P_O_R_K_E_R (Anarchy, usually on this one now for farming)

or just add AMC93
Amm... Dual totems is the way to go for farmer.
Because as they attack you can pick up items. While if you yourself have to attack you are unable to pick items in the same time ;p
I'm running Vitality to get enough regen. How high should i lvl it considering that the strength requirements will be too high to max it out?
Cycl3 wrote:
Makcu wrote:
Bioman1000 wrote:
The 2 BM uniques only need to be put on when you cast the auras, then you remove it and put normal gear, that's why you don't see them as main gear in people's post.

Do not mislead people. Next patch will fix that exploit.

Fixed an abuse case where auras would maintain bonuses from equipment if you changed out of that equipment in town. Upon changing area, auras will set themselves to the current level from your equipment. Other similar abuse cases will be fixed in the future.


if you read carefully, ggg didn't say it will affect the blood magic trick
it is about the level of aura, which is the trick of switching between aura gems of different levels to turn on lv20 (or 22) aura even you if don't meet the int/dex/str requirement

Ye when I posted that the patch details had not been released yet.
However as Cycl3 stated, this patch should only affect the Alpha's Howl "exploit" - though granted, we don't know for sure.
But it will be definitely fixed later on yes, doesn't stop you from using it now. Even better actually since the prices of BM uniques might go down a bit.
Even without BM items Low Life Sporkers will be just fine.
Thanks I'm new to the game and I'll probably use this build when I create my character

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