RG_PankO's Onslaught Cheap Farming Build - Low Life RF Spork without Shavronne's Wrappings

I build a Witch using this build ans it works quite well for docks so far.
May i ask what your resis look like? i only see fire resi on the equip you posted.
How much ES you recommend to not die with that low resists?
Next question is, what do i have to know about going to lunaris?
actually never really farmed there, just ran thru it while finishing difficultys.
is there also just cold and fire? or also lightning?
and maybe other things you should be prepared for?

Thx for the Build anyway, already found 2 exalts in docks last days
Prograx wrote:
I build a Witch using this build ans it works quite well for docks so far.
May i ask what your resis look like? i only see fire resi on the equip you posted.
How much ES you recommend to not die with that low resists?
Next question is, what do i have to know about going to lunaris?
actually never really farmed there, just ran thru it while finishing difficultys.
is there also just cold and fire? or also lightning?
and maybe other things you should be prepared for?

Thx for the Build anyway, already found 2 exalts in docks last days

I have -13 cold and light resist, but 82 Fire, with my current gear setup.

Finding 2 exalts in docks was just your luck.
I've farmed for months now, never found 1 exalt in docks.
But I've found alot of good rares that I've sold.
does thal also work for lunaris or you just do docks with that gear?
RG_PankO wrote:
Please use the formula provided in first post to calculate your burning damage to yourself and the regen of your ES. Most probably your ES value is too low. Unless you are using a spring leaf, with it's insane regeneration, you neeed a good ES value.

Thanks! You were absolutely right. I didn't have the ES to sustain it. ^^. Fantastic build. Once I get double andvarious (had to sell to get a good armor) I'm specing out of CI again and running this build. It is awesome!
Last edited by DestroTheGod on Aug 6, 2013, 5:19:03 PM
Using this build for my witch(Lv:73) in Onslaught atm (No Shavronne's yet) and it works very nicely with all of the ES regeneration and DPS, it also gets me good gear and currency. I can do any difficulty for Brutus/Merveil and Normal/Cruel Vaal/Piety, I need better ES gear and Shavronne's before I can do Merc Vaal/Piety. I can still do things easily except for areas with chaos damage in Merc. Merc Mudflats Chaos dmg Rhoa isn't really an issue since I can just turn off my low life auras and go nice and easy until I kill the rhoa. I would recommend this build for anyone else that would want a good farming build and knows about which areas have chaos dmg. :)
Fly you fools.
Last edited by Tee_Tah on Aug 6, 2013, 6:21:54 PM
I could swear that power charge on crit doesn't work on totems, I could be wrong. But I don't think it effects it at all lol.
IGN: UrName(Standard)

IGN: Mr_Freezy(Anarchy) or S_P_O_R_K_E_R (Anarchy, usually on this one now for farming)

or just add AMC93
AMC93 wrote:
I could swear that power charge on crit doesn't work on totems, I could be wrong. But I don't think it effects it at all lol.

Totems cannot gain charges.

Totems benefit from your power charges.
IGN: Manthra_Ackbars
Dear Panko,

Thank you so much for this build. It was a great introduction to how to Spork :D I found the videos informative and it was really amazing of you to take the time to post this up :3.

I look forward to more great things.

p.S I am currently now at 68 using your build :D and have got all the uniques so gonna have a blast farming
"The question I must ask is, not what I can gain but what can I do."
Hey guys,

Thanks RG_PankO for a great guide. The only cheap farming build guide out there!

I want to talk about drops as I noticed something interesting.

I am farming Docks for quite some time now. The variance in rare drops is quite significant from 1 run to another.

On some bad runs I get 3 rare, but usually I get about 1 inventory of rares in 1 run.

The thing is, on some rare occasions I get 2.5 or more inventories of rare items. When it happens to travel to town to vendor rares when I barely started the run, than I know for sure that in that run I will get 1-2 uniques. I just noticed this last night.
After I went to town 2 times to vendor rares when I was half way through the run I was thinking "This run MUST drop at least a unique!" and guess what, it happened. I got the Voidhome.

I don't know why there is so much difference in quantity of rare drops from 1 run to another but it's very significant.

I am running 66 IIQ / 215IIR. It's not that high but it's working.

Just wanted to share with you guys my thoughts on this matter.

Good Luck farming!
Last edited by nebunelux on Aug 7, 2013, 4:14:13 AM
is there anything else then the pure amount of ES that determines the speed of the ES regain?
just swapped this


and now my ES seems to regenerate much faster. and my ES just went from 4830 to 4880, so the regenerate should not be that much more from the increased ES.

Edit: well.. nevermind for some reason it regenerates slow again, whatever that was
Last edited by Prograx on Aug 7, 2013, 5:00:46 AM

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