In response to how "GGG always addresses anything Evasion related"
" But the likelihood of getting 1-shot is exactly the problem. It's the reason evasion isn't viable. Changing it to an RNG system won't do anything about that at all, it'll just make it more random (obviously). If you run armour, you can prevent almost any physical 1-shot save for a select few stupid things like Kole. With IC you can have so much ES that your pool is just bigger than almost any single instance of damage that anything can deal, plus you're free to run two or three granites so you effectively have a constant 6-10k armour. An evasion build is more or less mutually exlusive with armour and ES from items, you won't be able to wear hybrid gear if your goal is to focus on avoidance. You still need to use life flasks, however, and you'll probably have even less life than an armour build would. This would be fine if the damage levels were similar to other games, but it's not -- PoE's damage is retardedly out of order and just completely absurd. It's the elephant in the room that causes almost every single problem with the game, including the fact that evasion is rendered unviable due to the fact that you can't survive the hits you inevitably do take. Most games have gameplay based on sustainability survival. They're about being able to survive the general incoming damage, not the size of the individual hit. In most games, 50% mitigation is as good as 50% avoidance because getting hit once is not what kills you, it's taking too much damage throughout the fight. If you have 10k life and mobs hit for 1-2k, 50% evasion is basically as good as 50% mitigation. If you have 4k life and many thing can hit for 5k base damage, 50% evasion is completely worthless in a game where evasion and mitigation are pretty much mutually exclusive. That's another part of the problem: defensive stats being mutually exclusive. In other games, mitigation comes from the fundamental properties your armour while avoidance comes from additional affixes on your items or from other sources entirely. I actually can't think of another game that does it like PoE does. Having three mutually exclusive primary defensive stats is the root of the problem because it makes it impossible for most builds to raise two of those stats to a sufficient number. You can't really play CI if half your gear is evasion, you can't play evasion with armour gear, you can't wear evasion gear if your build is designed around getting high armour... well, except for the Iron Reflexes wildcard which is tacked on in order to partially band-aid this problem and at least give you the option of just cheating and turning your evasion stuff into armour. Changing the entropy system to RNG will do nothing unless the entire damage system is also overhauled. That's the central issue of PoE, the thing that breaks everything. Evasion would probably be fine if not for the fact that mob damage is universally too high by an order of magnitude. It's the reason people stack armour and life to absurd extents, it's the reason so few builds are endgame viable, it's the reason the game is in rapid decline and has been hemorrhaging players for a quarter of a year. Most people don't like playing a game where the difficulty is completely artificial and takes the form of just having mobs do way too much damage, and most people don't like finding that their seemingly sensible builds don't work because of poorly designed game mechanics. PoE has a serious problem that, if unchanged, will cause the entire game to collapse at some point when people get tired of being forced to play tanks and of getting 1-shotted on a regular basis, but that problem is not evasion. The unviability of evasion is just a consequence of that problem. Last edited by engqvist85#1368 on Jun 15, 2013, 7:18:19 AM
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Being one-shot is balanced if there exists the opportunity to move out of the way of the attack.
I haven't reached the end-game yet so I don't know how GGG handles all of these one-shot attacks, but ideally such attacks should be well-telegraphed and stuck on large monsters which move slowly. So far this seems to be the case through Normal/Cruel with Vaal and Brutus being the obvious high dmg hitters. And here, Evasion and Armour are balanced reasonably well. Assuming you don't take the Duelist passive, Armour slows you down and forces you to tank these large hits (if you don't pop a flask to gtfo) and Evasion does not so you can just run out of there instead. I don't think ES slows you down either, but it provides somewhat of a middle ground, granting you a larger health buffer if you get hit by the huge spike, but forcing you out of the battle afterwards to regen if you do take the hit without the benefit of Evasion's projectile dodging. Of course this does lead to complaints about desync. That can't be helped in this game. So far I haven't been slammed because of it though. Still, if it's general mobs oneshotting then there's a problem, assuming that the build's ratio of expected instance damage to the build's HP/ES totals has stayed reasonable, and that "stayed reasonable" has not consumed all or most of the passive points. That is, a non-tanky build should be able to mitigate reasonable levels of damage through good play. A tanky build should just be able to soak most damage. Last edited by discrider#2589 on Jun 15, 2013, 11:17:46 PM
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" How do you know this? What makes you say this? Entropy will be guaranteed hit miss hit miss RNG could be miss miss miss miss, hit miss miss hit, hit hit hit miss, miss miss miss hit, etc. How are you so sure you will also get stunlocked with rng in the same situation that got you stunlock with entropy? " Once again, why are you making assumptions? So are you saying the rng outcome will always be the same as entropy outcome? In short, rng and entropy are the exact same thing? You see the difference from rng and entropy? You have to assume outcomes for rng. Knowing full well you it could be countless other options. In other words, you don't know what will happen until it does. There is no assumption with entropy. It will be hit miss hit miss = stunlock. Whether you like it or not. Last edited by SoujiroSeta#2390 on Jun 15, 2013, 1:35:26 PM
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" My responce to thepmrc is the same to you Are both of you saying that entropy evasion = rng evasion? A calculated systematic mechanic will always yield the same result as a random number generator? " Where did you get that from? So you're trying to predict what rng will do, and then saying that your prediction about a completely random system that could yield any result is correct? " High chance of stunlock and guaranteed stunlock? What do you mean? Are you saying that rng is "high chance" and entropy is guaranteed? If yes, once again another assumption. Who is to say you'll get stunlocked with rng? When you can have hit miss miss miss miss hit. Heck who is to say you'll get hit at all? So why the assumption? " I keep hearing about how entropy is good and better than rng. Yet all I'm left with is the statement "Entropy is good", without any realistic PoE situations, and worst of all assumptions are made about rng to make it look bad. Such as saying "this is what will happen with rng". As if to say you can predict rng. |
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" Thank you. I was just about to post this. People don't seem to understand what rng presents. There are countless DYNAMIC outcomes with rng hit miss hit miss hit miss hit miss miss miss hit miss miss hit hit hit miss miss hit hit hit hit hit hit miss miss miss miss miss miss miss hit hit miss etc Countless. In between those possibilities lies choices the player can make. Take hit miss hit miss miss hit for instance. You get stunlocked during the hit miss hit sequence. Coming up is miss miss. As a player you have the choice to -stand your ground and attack, retaliate. When you attack the mobs you stun them with your aoe. Thus ending their series of attacks and putting you on the offensive -run away. The miss miss will end the chain of stun locks. You now have the chance to escape. Then again who is to say how often you'll get hit, (miss miss hit miss miss) or if you'll get hit at all (miss X7). With entropy you wouldn't have the choice to fight or flight. There is no choice. What is guaranteed to happen was predetermined before you even entered the map and encountered the first pack of monsters. That's quite sad. There are so many outcomes with rng. RNG is dynamic and adapts to every situation. Poe tosses monsters at you in dynamic situations and combinations. This is something the entropy system can never and doesn't account for. You need a system that covers a wide spectrum of variables in order to counter another system that covers a wide spectrum of variables. The entropy system is akin to asking a math teacher about geography, astrology, rocket science, business and marketing, etc and wondering why he doesn't have all the answers. He only knows one thing, and he knows it well. The entropy system is good at getting you stunlocked, and it does it very well. The lack of order with Pure rng goes very will with PoE's complete randomness. Last edited by SoujiroSeta#2390 on Jun 15, 2013, 1:31:59 PM
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" Exactly This is also something I've been saying RNG at higher numbers is >>>>>> than Entropy at higher numbers. You can't even compare. I stated that if avg evasion values were around 60%, with those speccing moderately into evasion getting 70-78%, and evasive tanks getting 80-90% then evasion would work. At those numbers you definitely will not be getting stunlocked all the time. I like your "but definitely not guaranteed" part This is something those arguing against rng seem to miss. They always state the outcomes of rng as if they are set in stone. |
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" Getting 1 shot is a problem of monster dmg being too much, and not a problem with evasion, or any armor type for that matter. Kole used to 1-shot people a lot patch 0.11.0d "Brutus and Kole have had their damage reduced." Just like how patch 0.11 brought about a reduction in monster dmg across the board. Dmg values will be tweaked when problems arise. Last edited by SoujiroSeta#2390 on Jun 15, 2013, 1:31:21 PM
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" No. You either have to learn to read or get some basic understanding of statistics, and then re read our posts. " Really? I'm not sure if you are trolling or if you are just very ignorant. You can't predict the outcomes exactly. But you can calculate the odds, averages etc etc. If you have 80% chance to be stun locked and killed then, as defense in HC, that is just as useless for a character as having 100% chance to be stun locked and killed. " Your stupidity is just increasing it seems. Obviosuly you can have hit miss miss miss miss hit. You can have miss miss miss miss miss miss... forever. But it's not very likely. I am not making an assumption. I am just stating the fact that if you have a high chance of getting stun locked (with rng) then it will still not be good enough as a defense. " You lack any sort of statistical understanding, so the problem is not that the argument for entropy are bad, it's just that you can't comprehend them. |
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" lol. No one is doing that. We are against RNG because the outcomes AREN'T "set in stone". |
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SS is incapable of understanding the meaning of the phrase "mean of a probability distribution." Calculate it? Maybe. Be able to understand what it means? Never.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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