quitting cause of crafting

I will give crafting one shout out, and that is burning alchemy orbs on rings will always be worth it.
Torontocanada wrote:
tadl wrote:
To translate it: Quitting because no patience.

funny guy, how far up in the air do you point your nose?

id farm more crafting orbs if this game ever introduced more content.

leaves path of exile for cod ... whines about content
Torontocanada wrote:
this is the one ive spent multiple exalted on jewelers trying to 6 socket and gave up on (not the first one to cost multiple exalteds to 6 socket)

theres 4 of the 5 that's im selling

that's the one ive been burning fusing on over 5-links

theres the two im using now

ouch man

i think most reasonable people would say that you should have your 6L by now

bad fusing system is bad
FadeXF wrote:
HopTortoise wrote:

ouch man

i think most reasonable people would say that you should have your 6L by now

bad fusing system is bad

That's the biggest issue here. Reasonable.

Unfortunately we aren't actually dealing with reasonable people. People who would ever rush to the defense of this garbage RNG system (with more RNG on top, and a side of RNG... etc etc RNGxRNGxRNGxRNG) is NOT a reasonable person.

Reasonable people don't think spending 1250+ fuses to 6L is ok. The fact that it takes, what, roughly 1 hour on average for 1 Fuse? (ON AVERAGE) Even if you can make a claim to have more Fuse/hr ratios - it's still ok for 600-800 HOURS of time... and the kicker? You STILL have a very good likelihood of NOT getting a 6L out of it.

How is that REASONABLE.

And even more of a kicker? When you get an item who's BASE stats are better than your new current 6L - guess what - you get to do it all over again.... and I have yet to find a base item that is even close to BIS. Like not even close.

They want 10 years out of this bitch... so guess what... they going to make that happen by hook or by crook. Even if they have to dupe out and fake out the system to attain that goal.

And like little masochistic lap dogs people fall for this shit. lol

Reasonable people understand how stupid and wrong this negative use of RNG is. Fuck - even the regular white-knight tryhards who flock to these threads aren't even posting anymore. Gee - wonder why.

Ironic really. Those who stay are those who don't put RNG major gambling on pedestal, while those who left are the addicted gamblers.
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mazul wrote:
Ironic really. Those who stay are those who don't put RNG major gambling on pedestal, while those who left are the addicted gamblers.


so the OP is an "addicted gambler" because he wants an item

he specified that if it existed to buy, he would bujy it.

but nobody has a 6L quill rain in hardcore for sale

so if he wants it, he has to make it.

he attempts to do this, and because of that he is an "addicted gambler"

nice logic.
HopTortoise wrote:
mazul wrote:
Ironic really. Those who stay are those who don't put RNG major gambling on pedestal, while those who left are the addicted gamblers.


so the OP is an "addicted gambler" because he wants an item

he specified that if it existed to buy, he would bujy it.

but nobody has a 6L quill rain in hardcore for sale

so if he wants it, he has to make it.

he attempts to do this, and because of that he is an "addicted gambler"

nice logic.

What I meant was: most really addicted gamblers already left, that's why so few if any are actually defending the scope of the RNG system; which I find very ironic. On the other hand, the topic starter felt desperate and decided to gamble, he lost the gamble and is quitting: he fits into neither category.
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it is not even a gamble

if it was pure RNG

Every orb would have the same chance of dropping @ random

its not like that. /endthread game is dieing no one cares to defend RNG because everyone quit due to crafting and use desync as an excuse.
@ OP - That sucks man :(

you're a higher level than me so i can't imagine the amount of hours you spent both playing and trading/collecting fusing orbs.

I do stand by the crafting system though. Its ok for atleast 1 game in the genre to have incredibly harsh realities.
6L should be as close to unattainable as possible, which i think everyone will agree it is, whether people agree or not is another question.

For me, orbs are brilliant for crafting while levelling. Generally, im able to fill the gear gaps i need from crafting without trading whilst i'm levelling (until 60-65 anyway) then i start to turn to trading more.
I was surprised that it seems a good chunk of the community use no orbs at all until endgame and then start to experience the economy with trades and hopes of crafting upgradess once they are Docks farming or mapping.
- This has not been my playstyle at all but kudos to those who play a different way.

Linking back to Chris's comment about a "surprise of awesomeness" or whatever, im thinking this may be something to do with trading. Once a better trading system has been implemented i think we will see a swing in the economy again.

The longer this game is out, the more it's played, the more 6L that will appear in the game as well as other cool gear.

I think we should all wait until the game is released and the current content is complete before throwing in the towel. Having said that, i can see why the OP is taking a break and there is nothing wrong with that.
Just for try for see and for know -2013!

She corpse exploded the corpse of the boss...
Torontocanada wrote:

fun game Ill be back when more content comes out.

so...you'll be back next patch

and you needed to make a quitting thread?
I bike by a BMW dealership every day... twice in fact. I look at the cars and think "fuck it... why bother!". No wait. I don't. I go to work. I live my life. I play my games. I don't say fuck it simply because there's luxuries I'll never get.

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