Qiox wrote:
Torontocanada wrote:
this is about the dude beside me who gets his 6 link in 10 fusing while i spend thousands upon thousands
it's scumbag to the max
Yes you are being a scumbag to the max because you want everybody to be just as bad off as you. If you can't get your 6L in 10 fuse THEN NOBODY ELSE SHOULD WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
if everyone was as bad off as me they'd have kaoms heart and a bunch of other super dope rares and uniques on their character and in their stash AND 20% every gem
when i crafted my gems to 20% i get 1% from each gcp. i had to invest lots to get those gcp, and it was my main focus for a few weeks untill i completed all of my gems.
kaoms heart can be purchased for a set value as with all uniques
rares are pretty much the same if you want something with life and tri-resist you can get it in one form or another on some type of boots and it'll usually cost you an exalted or more.
trying to link your skills together, 34 played days later? i still cant use six combinations at once???? wtf is wrong here.
Posted byTorontocanada#4825on May 16, 2013, 7:32:41 PM
heres what i want to know. if the end-game aspect of the most fun part of the game, combining skill gems together and experimenting, is so un-obtainable by even me then who the hell else stands of chance of getting there lol
Posted byTorontocanada#4825on May 16, 2013, 7:40:42 PM
Torontocanada wrote:
heres what i want to know. if the end-game aspect of the most fun part of the game, combining skill gems together and experimenting, is so un-obtainable by even me then who the hell else stands of chance of getting there lol
i feel you, ive burned hundreds upon hundreds of orbs into crafting all with 0% success. never even a half decent roll. and with the decrease in population for hc buying items is even harder.
my friend had a 6l quill rain for sale.. he wanted 20ex i think.. not sure if he still has it he hasnt logged on for 4-5days i think... most my friends are quitting
Ign: FillyRampage / FillyJetstream / FillyOctavia
MLP 4 Life
It is my pleasure. Last edited by Twily#2871 on May 16, 2013, 7:42:59 PM
Posted byTwily#2871on May 16, 2013, 7:42:17 PM
Dudebag wrote:
that was a epic loss for toronto
epic win for boston ... sure is
Low blow bro, but it was indeed the most epic collapse I have ever witnessed (and yes I watched it though I am no Leafs or Bruins fan) in my 42 years.
OT, fusing sucks.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Posted byDoubleU#7266on May 16, 2013, 7:55:03 PM
DoubleU wrote:
Dudebag wrote:
that was a epic loss for toronto
epic win for boston ... sure is
Low blow bro, but it was indeed the most epic collapse I have ever witnessed (and yes I watched it though I am no Leafs or Bruins fan) in my 42 years.
OT, fusing sucks.
i felt sorry for toronto fan.
heres what i want to know. if the end-game aspect of the most fun part of the game, combining skill gems together and experimenting, is so un-obtainable by even me then who the hell else stands of chance of getting there lol
sure, just don't complain about reflect/mana cost.
if i see any nerf to those two. ill have to ask for a refund
Last edited by Dudebag#0222 on May 16, 2013, 8:26:18 PM
Posted byDudebag#0222on May 16, 2013, 8:25:12 PM
darticus wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
HopTortoise wrote:
you aren't supposed to use the currency in that way in this game.
you ARE supposed to just treat it like the "gold" in other games. this game is unique in that it has 24 different kinds of gold.
never, ever, ever, ever, EVER try to 6L your own shit. or craft anything nice. or even consider it.
you either
1) buy it
2) offer a prize to the community and have people "donate" to link it - if they link it they win a prize! woohoo!
it is not intended for you to actually use your orbs. in fact it's probably a bug.
Still trolling I see.
Wait how is he trolling exactly? He is 100% right dude.
Yeah fuck this game, I started playing to AVOID AH WHORING.
TLII it is then.
i quit cause of craft too
Posted byOreoblizzard#5362on May 16, 2013, 10:36:09 PM
Agreed , the mechanics of crafting are awesome sucks that we can't really craft stuff from scratch , such a good system they don't want us to use , lame
Posted byChongo666#6827on May 17, 2013, 12:47:19 AM
HopTortoise wrote:
i don't think people are properly understanding what a 6-Link represents
it isn't just "some item" you need.
the amount of links on your main piece is a measure of how far in this games "skil tree" you are.
we have skill gems. you can liken how linked up they are to the depth of how far you are in the skill tree.
most people tie skill trees to levels. d2 did. you progressed through the skills by leveling.
this game you progress through them by getting proressively more links on your item. sure, passives may help. sure you ened things like mana, hp, etc, and other interactions to "run" your skills
but at the end of the day, getting a 6L on your usable gear amounts to just hitting the final tier on the skill tree.
it is NOT the end of the game lol.
there is still endless experimentation, new items to find, new gems to test and link...perhaps orbs of regret will be spent even to twist the build into a different direction, who knows.
i do know that the frustration is not coming from them being too difficult to acquire, but rather too inconsistent to acquire.
tying your progression through the skill tree to rng is as far as i know unprecedented in games, or at the least i cannot think of one.
How would you know? You bought and traded with FG on jsp.
Posted bySL4Y3R#7487on May 17, 2013, 12:51:14 AMBanned
What we have in game is called crafting?
Posted byFullBlownDaddy#6810on May 17, 2013, 12:59:46 AM