Game still won't open on M1 Mac...

The installer contains a 103 MB client dated 2024-07-22 06:58 UTC (which was the latest fully-functional Necropolis client). That client downloads a new 105.6 MB client dated 2024-07-26 07:35 UTC, which seems to be missing a required signature of some sort. Until a new build is uploaded, I think Apple Silicon users are SOL.
Last edited by boondogglist on Jul 26, 2024, 6:53:32 PM
Until a new build is uploaded, I think Apple Silicon users are SOL.

The build itself works. The 105.6 MB .app contains an internal 98.5 MB client, and a 3 MB Unix Executable file. For me, that 3 MB program started the game after the patch finished downloading. I think others have gotten the Steam client to work, as well as full reinstalls.

kryalot wrote:
For me, that 3 MB program started the game after the patch finished downloading.

I get the same error running either the unix executable or the app in the package. In fact running the executable inside the app inside the app also throws the same error.
Last edited by boondogglist on Jul 26, 2024, 7:22:03 PM
Every time a patch comes out, GGG screws up MacOS players.
It's getting tiring.
Tithonia wrote:
BowWizard wrote:

I've setup using Apple GPTK now and it runs fine. Completely bypasses the need for MacOS client. The MacOS stand alone client is a piece of garbage.

I'd be careful using GPTK. A lot of cheat-detection stuff hooks into various deep, undocumented parts of Windows that GPTK can't and thus doesn't emulate. We don't know what kind of cheat-detection stuff GGG does, so you may risk catching a ban for what may look to GGG like an attempt to bypass their anti-cheat measures.

Anti-cheat does not hook into your system. That would be a privacy violation. Anti-cheat software, like Warden, compare signatures sent from the client to the server and compares those to know cheat engine signatures. Using GPTK, Crossover, portingkit, Wineskin or Whisky isn't doing anything they are not supposed to be doing that a cheat engine would find suspicious.
Got my client bricked again after a PC restart. One thing that I noticed is that macos gave false positive signal on the supposed working Path of in the Library/Application Support folder (the one that I just recently drag and drop from bin).

What I did instead returning the Path of to the bin, I just click "Cancel" to that one, then right click on Path of > Open (Or from Settings > Privacy Securty there's a section telling Path of is blocked because from an unidentified developer, click "Open anyway"). The second time I do it there's an "Open" option beside "Move to bin" (or something like that) and "Cancel", I clicked "Open" and the game is working again for me.
Got my client bricked again after a PC restart. One thing that I noticed is that macos gave false positive signal on the supposed working Path of in the Library/Application Support folder (the one that I just recently drag and drop from bin).

What I did instead returning the Path of to the bin, I just click "Cancel" to that one, then right click on Path of > Open (Or from Settings > Privacy Securty there's a section telling Path of is blocked because from an unidentified developer, click "Open anyway"). The second time I do it there's an "Open" option beside "Move to bin" (or something like that) and "Cancel", I clicked "Open" and the game is working again for me.

You gave me hope for a minute. I followed the same steps. It doesn't work for me.

It puts me in a continuous loop of "Path of Exile is damaged". If I cancel it and then go to Privacy&Security and tell it to open it anyway it gives you 3 options - Open, Move to Trash and Cancel. Selecting open it fires up the update and then goes back to "Path of Exile is damaged".

I bet you we won't see a fix from GGG for this. They just don't care about MacOS. We seem to be regarded as pond scum most of the time.
I've given up on the silly dance of copying things out of the trash and running them again, and brought out the big hammers.

I nuked every PoE-related directory on the system, created an entirely new MacOS user, tried the install as that user, and it's still broken. Then used xattr to remove the attribute from every PoE-related file and still no luck.

The next step is to wipe & reinstall the OS and start from absolute scratch. And I'm not about to do that for a goddamned video game. I'm already tired of squirreling away Content.ggpk on every patch/hotfix for the past year and then putting it back to get around whatever other brokenness there has always been in the MacOS installer/patcher. I think I'm done poking at this until GGG acknowledges/fixes this, or someone finds an actual solution that works for everyone.
my balls are in a vice here boys, i just started playing a few days ago and was so stoked to play new league, this blows.
I guess technically the next step before complete OS wipe and reinstall is to file a support ticket, which I did. They say GGG is still looking into it, but that’s all they said.

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