3.22.0b Hotfix 3

nukage wrote:
Performance patch when?

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clown league
Ditt j*vla flöte Danne!!
Desperately need to lower the damage that rongokurai's slams do, it's almost two screens range and instant death, the goliaths are as bad if only a half screen slam.

I just hope RNG knocks his tribe out or I accept I will lose the entire thing.
Balance the monsters in trials please
My board is stunned when hit, enemy mobs no...this is not balanced! AI should behave the same for both!
flamewood league
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
The aoe of EVERY champion is way overtune. You are constantly getting hit out of screen by any of them. You can't tank them and they all jump or throw stuff at you. You have no other way of playing the game than quick flank and hope for the best that your retarded team wont die too quickly. Some of them just target you no matter where you are on the map, like Ikiaho. You can't even see the stupid tidecaller as their range is longer than your stupid field of view. Make it fair. This is one of the most fun and original league after sanctum, but there's so much little things that totally kill the fun. NOBODY likes the out of screen attacks, yet every league, you find a way to add more crap like that and always endup tuning it down. Why wont you learn.
Last edited by Alexandra_Momo on Aug 26, 2023, 9:44:56 AM
TwoSocks_07 wrote:
Balance the monsters in trials please
My board is stunned when hit, enemy mobs no...this is not balanced! AI should behave the same for both!

And if it was the other way? Should it be balanced even then? Total balance and 100 percent draw? I agree that same mob, with same skill and so should behave the same but still with different decisions.
30+ days and still not a single word from GGG, not a single improvement in game, just completely ignoring the people who can't play your alpha game since july 24th.

More than a year without a single frame under 60FPS, and now after the so-called performance patch, it is barely playable, frying CPUs and constantly oscillating between 20 and 55 FPS.

Many many posts from players who have tremendous performance issues that are completely ignored. Wasting hours of our time trying to keep fixing this crap ourselves to enjoy your game. Well, not hard to guess what will result from this.

Well done GGG, you can count on me to never sent you any money ever again.
waiting for engine fix...
Last edited by Tot_samii_4elovek on Aug 26, 2023, 12:10:36 PM
Yeah it's a shame to just ignore your community, who are waiting for a word at least. If there was at least a response like, guys we are working on a fix, I wouldn't say anything but the best thing would be to simply reroll the graphic patch, since it doesn't even change anything positive.

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