New Engine Patches uses twice as much CPU/GPU yet causes insane micro stutter and lag

Auraelus wrote:
SloppyJoker wrote:
Since these issues don't seem to be fixed anytime soon, I'll just post my personal solution again here for those who absolutely can't play the game;

Game doesn't run at all on my own mid-ranged system ever since the particle upgrade went live ~6 months ago, so I decided to checkout Geforce Now's cloudgaming service early this league. Started out on their free plan which allows for you to play on rigs equipped with 2080ti's and fairly strong CPU's. Sessions are limited to 1 hour per, but no limit to those at all. Game ran butter smooth even on those free-to-play rigs, so I decided upgrading to a premium membership (queue skip+8 hour sessions on premium rigs) and am now playing on rigs equipped with 4080's and threadripper CPU's. All you need is a good and (most importantly) stable internet connection.

Don't ask me why, but their rigs have no issues whatsoever running the game. Now, is this optimal? No, certainly not. Having to pay a monthly subscription (unless you wanna stay on their free plan with 1 hour sessions) just to play PoE is obviously terrible, but if you have the pocket money for it and the game doesn't run at all on your own rigs for the time being, I highly recommend checking the service out.

That said.... FIX YOUR GAME GGG!

Buying a subscription to a streaming service to make a game playable without insane specs is an *awful* practice.

That's literally what I said. It's simply a last resort for people who can't play at all, but want to anyway. You didn't really read my post, did you?
Deleting and reinstalling seems to offer some improvement on Mac for problems w/ patch 3.23.2
Last edited by ArtfulDabber on Mar 18, 2024, 2:33:38 PM
bump, new league inc.
thatsok wrote:
Any word on a fix for this and the other SEVERAL THOUSAAND PLYERS experiencing roughly the same issue?

C'mon can do better, or can you?

Doesn’t look like it. The dev replied back in Dec is was normal so it looks like they either forgot or just buried this and pretend everything is normal.

Their engines changes have always brought nothing but poor performance. Mac’s especially, which is crazy they care more about console than adding to their PC base (which Mac’s play on).

The last patch for me is unplayable. Drops to 7 FPS in combat, then back up to smooth 60 everywhere else. So a bit grumpy.

Here's showing just how bad it is when switching to the gem stash tab drops FPS by almost 20:
Deliver pain exquisite
Last edited by ultratiem on Mar 25, 2024, 3:48:03 PM
4 days before league start and still not a word from GGG about performances issues reported across multiple system over hundreds of pages on posts on their native technical support forum.

This company is doing so many things right I can't understand how hard it can be for a staff to pop here for 2 minutes and write a message like

"we are aware of the issue and performing some tests, we want 3.24 to be a successful league start for everyone and we acknowledge it is not acceptable for a game of PoE standard to have such a flaw. We will drop a new update 48 hours before league start for player to test and report, then another upgrade will be delivered in the actual 3.24 patch. This is top priority for us."

how hard can it be. I would even not be mad if the post was "we have no time to look into this right now with league launch but this is high on the todo list of our devs and will likely be addressed within a couple of weeks".

Also I don't understand why those questions are never asked during "interviews"...
Cant be mad at GGG at this point. Its probably only one guy who runs poe1 while the rest works on poe2
Bump for status update, is the game still bricked?
I can't even go to town without my game crashing
Hows performance looking a few months later?
POPTOP wrote:
Hows performance looking a few months later?

Still crashing for me

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