3.21.2 Hotfix

Arkuza wrote:
CPU seems to be working 200% harder than 3.21.1 and my GPU isn't being utilized much

Freaking SAME dude. Windows task manager shows while I map full juiced maps CPU:70~90%, GPU:5~70%.

Before this patch everything was smooth.

This is probably a GGG joke that will be explained in the live that will happen in 2 days. Because it doesn't make sense for everyone to talk about the problem that started happening after this patch and every problem that GGG solves is anything but this one.
✅ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/paymx2/suggestion_stack_on_map_device_so_you_just_put/
GnomoCS wrote:
Arkuza wrote:
CPU seems to be working 200% harder than 3.21.1 and my GPU isn't being utilized much

Freaking SAME dude. Windows task manager shows while I map full juiced maps CPU:70~90%, GPU:5~70%.

Before this patch everything was smooth.

This is probably a GGG joke that will be explained in the live that will happen in 2 days. Because it doesn't make sense for everyone to talk about the problem that started happening after this patch and every problem that GGG solves is anything but this one.

I think it makes sense if you account for money. they are simply saving money on running tests on mass scale for the poe2 engine. league pop is low, all the competitive players are not playing rn, and everyone is distracted with news on poe2. and apparently this isn't even a new practice (I had a 3 year break so its very new to me). Pretty sad if true
N4mex wrote:
I really would like to see hardware specs of people who claim this game runs better for them now.
Like what parts you guys got there? its kinda funny as they don't say anything after you quote them with such question.

Also it's really weird that people with really good pcs have problems too.

I guess a lot of them either don't notice (I don't know if forums throw notifications when quoted) or don't want to drop that info in a public forum. Game runs better on my end, CPU load went down, GPU load seems to be the same as ever for me. Ryzen 5 3600 with a RX560. Shaders were completely broken on DX12 tho, almost unplayable, but works fine on Vulkan.
Unplayable for me as well after update. Download screen take like 5-10 mn to get in and in map is slow motion moverment. WTF
Still unplayable regardless of hardware.
guys could you please reverse the update?
right now the game is barely playable
improved particle system performance ??????????????????? reverse this update!!!!!
before the patch 90-100 fps ------ after the patch 20-30 fps. thats not an improvement.
Last edited by DoctorKronus on Jul 26, 2023, 12:24:10 AM
Slight improvement for me given the prior hot fix, but still far from playable....

Textures are loading more completely and faster, but still not entirely complete for the loaded map.

C:\Users\<CaptFalcon>\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile\ShaderCacheVulkan folder seems to be updating all the time, when I go from map to hideout and even when I logout and go back through the loop of town/hideout/map.

Setting all audio to "false" in the production_Config.ini helped a little.

My thinking this an unpacking assets issue... Goodluck GGG... What a terrible time to drop the Hammer... XD
This is going on two days now. Something is fundamentally flawed with the design of engine patch.

I wonder when the cutoff point for a reset will be and how it will affect the poe2 timeframe...
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?
Last edited by Noble_Seiken on Jul 26, 2023, 3:52:36 AM
N4mex wrote:
Game loads faster than before and is stabler at previous chokepoints (like some silly oversaturated spots in my hideout Lol,) seems good

Care to share your PC specs?
If game runs so great for you, telling us what pc parts you got, would be really helpful

Sure thing!

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core
Video: NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2
RAM: 32 GB
PoE installed on SSD

OS: KDE neon 5.27
KERNEL: 5.19.0-50-generic
Compatibility layer I run PoE on: GE-Proton8-9 (usually updated to the newest version of GE)
PoE Renderer: Vulkan
Steam Shader Pre-caching: active

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