[HC] Righteous Fire Marauder (Ampiii lv. 89) Useless as of 0.11.0!

Sanitysdemise wrote:
I'm in the process of switching my EK build into this RF build and I'm wondering if it would be okay to keep Iron Reflexes in the build until I get better Armor gear, because as of right now I'm a little dependent on Grace + determination + Iron Reflexes(and inner force of course) for my armor. The only place my 107ish point build differs would be less HP, which is around 370% and as I said, once I get better armor gear I could always spec out of IR for more HP.

Edit: I guess my real question is if this RF build absolutely needs 400%+ HP to work.

More hp = more damage and bigger survivability. It does not NEED 400% to work, but the trade off you're going for needs to be worth it.
Ampii, could you please make a video showing your updated build with Rise of The Phoenix? I think we'd all like to see that!
yes I would love to see an update and an update if you use FP now instead of and or with Ice nova. Thank you <3
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
What happens if you use like use fire pen with RF or maybe something thats benefical to a 3L? if anything at all?
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
Skillzz wrote:
What happens if you use like use fire pen with RF or maybe something thats benefical to a 3L? if anything at all?

It will penetrate your fire ress too. It has beeen said many times - increased aoe is only viable support for RF
IGN: _Pabulon_
Okay and you absolutely need lvl 20 purity I have lvl 20 vit 18 purity and still cant out regen RF Also would Item quantity/ Rarity work with RF?
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
Last edited by Skillzz#2342 on Apr 29, 2013, 5:09:55 PM
Skillzz wrote:
Okay and you absolutely need lvl 20 purity I have lvl 20 vit 18 purity and still cant out regen RF Also would Item quantity/ Rarity work with RF?

No. IIQ and IIR don't work with burning damage skills, like Fire Trap's burning ground, Searing Bond, & Righteous Fire.
Okay thank you for the reply and How come I can not out regen RF yet. I dont understands
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
Found your problem skillzz, you have inner force which multiplies the self dmg you take by 30% as well. If you don't have a level 20 purity your resist is 91 vs 93 with level 20 (since inner force adds 1 more max resist with max level purity).

Get a level 20 purity and you'll be fine since it will add 2 more resist which will be enough to start regening with RF up.

Until then you can drop inner force if your hp is dropping too quickly for your liking, that will fix your problem.
HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder
Last edited by Amp93#5431 on Apr 30, 2013, 12:30:09 AM

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