[HC] Righteous Fire Marauder (Ampiii lv. 89) Useless as of 0.11.0!
" I rushed Iron Reflexes and diamond skin on the path, currently having lvl 82 and I'm sure I will never ever respec that points before getting Kaom's (it means like never ;d). When you are taking some life nodes instead od of IR you get like 24-32% increase hp in nodes which will give you (without Kaom's) about 400-600hp depends on your gear but you will be getting twice as much damage from physical, or even more, which will hurt u...a lot and may put you in very dangerous situations cause you always wanna keep mobs in RF radius. Remember that you don't have as much crowd control as Krrip's FP builds - you got way less crit chance, way less freeze chance etc. and you cast spells way less frequently aswell. Reasume. Level to 65 with any kind of shit - doesn't matter, rush Iron Reflexes, grab all life nodes you can (does not include ranger area), use elemental equilibrium with ice nove untill you got inner force, after that switch to using FP - you're ready to run level 70+ maps. IGN: _Pabulon_ Last edited by Pabulon#1380 on Apr 24, 2013, 8:55:41 PM
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How much should you overcap Fire by before starting maps? Do mobs in maps use lv20 Curses?
I assume Perpetual is better than Ample for Ruby's, but is it really that significant? (Currently mine are Ample, and I have no Alts to change them..) But so far having fun with my build, I do more dps than I expected, even with a non-max leveled FP. Takes so much exp to level it... >_< PS. Does RF prevent Chilled? Just curious.. EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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Minimum overcap on fire is 40% (in my opinion). Mobs cast curses on lvl 15 which in case of Elemental Weakness is -40%. Pots I'm using:
IGN: _Pabulon_ Last edited by Pabulon#1380 on Apr 25, 2013, 9:46:36 AM
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Is it viable to drop a Granite of Iron Skin for a Ruby of Iron Skin (or Reflexes)? Because I don't want to lose my Ample Quicksilver of Adrenaline, as it is very useful/fun. And I'm also considering dropping my Catalysed Life of Dousing for an Amethyst of Dousing, to help mitigate my abyssmal -60% Chaos... >_<
So far I've found Vulnerability to be the biggest problem, haven't gotten shock stacked yet, but I assume that'll be a similar nuisance. Though usually popping a Ruby Flask will keep you alive during it's duration, but you still gotta watch out for it. :P My current pots, subject to change once I get a hold of some Alterations: EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home *Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Apr 25, 2013, 10:30:38 AM
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" There's no absolute requirement in terms of flasks for the build, figure out what works for you and it's fine. HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder |
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" I'm sorry if you found certain parts of the guide incomplete, I kind of assumed people could figure out the levelling process somewhat themselves and work around the build a bit to get it to work as you did. The only reason I can think of for your HP not regening would be missing a level 20 purity, I would need to see your spec to double check, but that's most likely the issue. As far as saffel's vs ROTP I think ROTP is much better in almost every way, the only time that saffel's is nice to have is vs certain map bosses like piety who are a pain to deal with without having as much resist as possible, other than that though ROTP is better. The reason I specced out of ele equilibrium was personally that my FP currently does about 50% of my overall dps, so increasing their cold resist and reducing their fire isn't that much of a gain in dps where in groups it might lower someone elses dps. That said, in PvP and solo play I think it's an amazing point and would recommend it even with freezing pulse. HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder |
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" I have tested everything the only gems that affect it are: Increase burning dmg (increases self dmg, not worth it) Increases AoE (must) Conc Effect (reduces area, doesn't inc dmg) Faster casting (increases initial cast speed) I can't think of any others off the top of my head. HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder |
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Chill isn't an issue due to the fact that the duration is based off of how much HP you have, with high HP the duration is very short. Same goes for shocks, freezes and stuns as well.
HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder |
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"Well since I don't have a Kaom's my HP won't be that high, 4k-5k ish, so I think I might have to worry about the Chill(Immune to Frozen.) EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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My Life at lvl 70 will be 5k...
...With Thick Skin and the other nine 8% nodes...you should have well over 5k Life. |
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