[HC] Righteous Fire Marauder (Ampiii lv. 89) Useless as of 0.11.0!

Personally I think Iron Reflexes is a must. Gives so much armor for only 4 points.

I use a 6L now, 5L is fine, I mostly got the 6L to be able to run/test other spells like EK/Spark/Firestorm. In the end I decided that FP was better.

I've got 4.6k Life, 300 reserved for Grace, and ~7k FP dps (FP is lv17), so that's about ~9.3k dps w/ RF+FP.

I breeze through maps, and can handle most mods. Ele Equilibrium is an interesting one, as it makes FP increase RF burn substantially, I clear it a lot faster than I expected. No regen/minusmax/BM maps can be done, by not using RF and substituting Life Flasks in (I ALWAYS forget the Flask.. >_<)

So far the only thing that's killed me, is Lightning Thorns (Didn't notice I was at the Arcade/Promenade boss -.-)
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Why don't you use HP pots to stack ontop of Ruby Flasks?

Also, no unwavering stance? D:
Last edited by lucksickle#6250 on May 2, 2013, 12:17:44 PM
lucksickle wrote:
Why don't you use HP pots to stack ontop of Ruby Flasks?

Also, no unwavering stance? D:
HP Flasks are useless on this build, except for when you're running a Blood Magic, No/50% Regen, or Minus Max Resist maps.

RF constantly burns you for 8% of your life per second, but is nullified by your regen. When you pop a Ruby Flask your Fire Resist becomes 100%, and thus all of a sudden you are regenerating 8% of your Life per second, which is MORE than a Life Flask would heal you for. On top of the added utility of making you immune to all Fire damage from mobs like Multi-Proj VoidBearers on maps.

As for Unwavering Stance, one does not have the spare Passive Points to get it, you''d be sacrificing too much Life % Nodes and/or the ability to spec into Iron Reflexes, not worth it. And given your high amount of life, you won't be stunned that much anyway or for that long.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Serefkana wrote:
Personally I think Iron Reflexes is a must. Gives so much armor for only 4 points.

I use Kaom's, and with my items/gems setup i'd have to use grace in my weapon, what is not convinient for me, and would take away some utility gems. Also reserved life and 3 points is like 900 hp for me (I have 10.5k), what is quite a bit I think. I have 6.8k armour (36.5k with granite) what is decent amount in most cases, and i can have much more when i get some upgrades.

my gear

second set of weapons:


I use dual curse ring, what gives much damage (solo i usually use ele weakness + flammability, enfeeble + ele wekness for some bosses, like piety, can run differen setups in paties) or utility. I cast RF from my second set of weapons with +3 to fire gems bonus and 11% AoE. When i enetr maps i have equiped Matua Tapuna shield what gives me some regen (i have 997/sec ATM) and 200 armour. then i equip Divinarius instaed, cast RF and quickly change to normal set with Phoenix shield. i am overcapped enough so ele weakness maps don't hurt at all.

In the tree i took Elemental Equilibrium, Amplify (i needed 10 int, so it is like 1 point for me) and linked to Templar area throught Body and Soul. Next level (86 ATM) i gonna get endurance charge (6 total) and than just more hp.
Last edited by SteKrz#1694 on May 2, 2013, 1:54:26 PM
@Above, You think Iron Reflexes is a waste of Passives but not Endurance Charges? My armor is ~12k without Granite, and my gear has bottom of the board Armor/Evasion. Grace+IR gives me somewhere like 3-4k Armor.

How do you not have room for Grace if you swap-cast RF? I run a 2L RF on my main dagger, w/ 3rd socket for Lightning Warp(2L cuz I don't want LW being affect by mana cost multiplier from IAoE). And [since I don't use Kaom's, I have the luxury of using the 4L for Culling] have a 4L EK+Culling+IIQ+IIR on my Gloves for Rares/Bosses, was using weapon swap before I managed to 4L Gloves, but I hated the delay and also almost killing myself :P

(And 4 points isn't necessarily that much HP, because you have to take into consideration the points spent getting to a Life Node cluster. Though 10 Str nodes do give 5Life(~20+), but you'd prolly be going through Dex/Int to get to the clusters. So 4 points would really amount to maybe 8% Life, or 16% depending on how close you are to the clusters. Well worth the sacrifice to nearly double your Armor imo..)

Edit: Ah, I just checked your gear, is Temp Chains important to you? You could put Grace there, I guess, though you can't use Reduced Mana on it, hmm... (I use Grace where you use Determination, and have Enduring Cry with it to swap for Reduced Mana.)

But that +3 is interesting, does that actually work on RF and increase the spell dmg bonus? Would you be able to get 90% (aka lvl23) RF that way? I really should check that out.. I like keeping RF on my main set, cuz I can leave it hotkeyed and not have to worry about swapping skillbars between maps.

My Gear:

(I have 2 points in Resists, because when I replaced my 5L I lost a lot of Resists, so I had to grab those to get capped on Cold and overcapped on Fire... I'll eventually respec those towards Life.)
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on May 2, 2013, 3:53:18 PM
Serefkana wrote:
You think Iron Reflexes is a waste of Passives but not Endurance Charges? My armor is ~12k without Granite, and my gear has bottom of the board Armor/Evasion. Grace+IR gives me somewhere like 3-4k Armor.

Endurance charges gives you damage reduction no matter how hard boss can hit you, so yes, I think 2 endurance charges for 2 points and third for helping merciless oak are better for me when I want to be able to easilly tank extra dmg Collonade Brutus or maybe even Maze Vaal's smash in the future.

Serefkana wrote:
And 4 points isn't necessarily that much HP, because you have to take into consideration the points spent getting to a Life Node cluster.

Maybe look at my passives.

I am 86, at 87 I'll take 6th endurance charge, and in next 5 levels (so 92) I can get 5 8% nodes for 5 points, than 30 strenght node and next 3 8% nodes, so I think it is preety effective.

Serefkana wrote:
is Temp Chains important to you?

For solo play not, but when i am the only dual curse in party i want to be able to cast temp chains in some cases.

Serefkana wrote:
But that +3 is interesting, does that actually work on RF and increase the spell dmg bonus?

23 lvl Rf gives 96% more spell damage. But i am also consiedring using dual divinarius for more AoE. (There is also 20% AoE chest, but I don't think I gonna use that, but it actually can have more sense than keepeng summoner shield in the inventory for poor 200 armour bonus. So i have to reconsider that.)

Serefkana wrote:
I like keeping RF on my main set, cuz I can leave it hotkeyed and not have to worry about swapping skillbars between maps.

I have my RF on "E" key, and when i change to my normal set with Phoenix shield it changes automaticly to enduring cry (which is in my shield). BTW I'm sometimes using second enduring cry gem instead reduced mana in gloves.
Serafkana - your build is weird and it may confuse other players. We are talking here mainly about build for Hardcore League, not Sc (who cares about sc builds).
So thinking that way, your build is wrong. Readers, potential new players - use Ampi's advices, he did a real good shit up there and he's right...in general. The only thing which I would change on Ampi's guide is that advice - if u do not have Kaom's Heart, use Inner Force+Iron Reflexes.
Keeping 2 divinarius on swap excludes EK swap. In my opinion it is important to level up that 6 gems.
Here is my build - in my opinion (again) - the best solution for someone who can not afford Kaom's.
Build for level 84. Next node I'm gonna take will be +30 Strengt, near Inner Force.

Currently having ~6400hp, 15600 armour, 1620 Freeze Pulse dmg
And I recommend using that kind of weapon for EK swap:

6 link like that is relatively cheap and roll +1 level of gems is over powered. I switch faster casting and iron will for quality ones and got 3600 right now on lvl 18 EK (I expect reach over 5k on lvl20). This is way better solution considering that 6L staff with spell dmg and cast speed cost shitload of exalts (30+).
IMPORTANT! +1 level of gems is only availble on weapons with ilvl 50+
IGN: _Pabulon_
Last edited by Pabulon#1380 on May 3, 2013, 2:20:57 PM
Pabulon wrote:
Serafkana - your build is weird and it may confuse other players. We are talking here mainly about build for Hardcore League, not Sc (who cares about sc builds).
So thinking that way, your build is wrong.
My build was designed for Hardcore, and I play it just as a Hardcore player would. I only met an unfortunate mistake, and decided to keep playing this char in Default.

There is nothing wrong with my build. And Ampiii's guide is outdated, he even said so himself, it's his build before he dropped EleEquilibrium and started running FP for DPS. The only questionable thing in my build is grabbing Leather and Steel, and that was a personal preference because I wanted to nullify the Armor movement penalty.

I think that losing what remains of your %regen by getting Inner Force isn't worth it, it comes down to preference. And most people won't even have the points to go for Inner Force until at least level 80-84 anyway.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on May 3, 2013, 12:34:14 AM
Celestial Walker, Leather and Steel, elemental nodes near templar, you missed very important nodes which are on the way to Static Blows. You said you have 4600hp which is terrible. You should have at least 6k hp. In my opinion you got 11 wrong nodes
IGN: _Pabulon_
Last edited by Pabulon#1380 on May 3, 2013, 7:40:19 AM
Pabulon wrote:
Celestial Walker, Leather and Steel, elemental nodes near templar, you missed very important nodes which are on the way to Static Blows. You said you have 4600hp which is terrible. You should have at least 6k hp. In my opinion you got 11 wrong nodes
I purposely skipped Inner Force because I was on the fence about whether it was worth it or not. But I see your point, I may consider dropping Celestial Walker(and the nodes leading to it), to grab Inner Force instead. I just can't respec until my Purity is lvl20(19 right now), since dropping Celestial Walker would make my Fire 1% from overcap..
And like 9 Regrets >_<

Again, Leather and Steel is a personal choice, I could have easily gotten the 3 Armor/MoveSpeed nodes near Marauder starting area, but for 1 extra point w/ Leather and Steel I get 6% more MoveSpeed and 12% AttackSpeed(Faster Whirling Blades mobility) and enough Dex to run max Grace Aura, all for sacrificing 11% Armor. So I think that 1 point is worth it..

(I'd be losing 6% Life, 31% Elemental Damage, 1% All Resist, and 8% RadiusAoE,
But gain +40 Int, and Inner Force. I've done the math, and I think I'd actually lose dps by dropping 31% EleDmg to gain 28% More SpellDmg from Inner Force. So in the end what it comes down to is whether +1%MaxResist and ~1k Armor are worth losing 0.62%LifeRegen and some minor dps.
If I had a better weapon or amulet, then Inner Force would be worth it.)

Edit: One question I have though, is if Inner Force affects the quality bonus of RF and increases the 15% Increased Spell Damage to 19%?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on May 3, 2013, 1:41:26 PM

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