The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)
" Thanks! " I will google doc my current list of mod sale-values so people who want to contribute cand do so or just if you want to use the information, you have it in a more up to date format. You can access it here: I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :) Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jan 26, 2013, 10:31:10 AM
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I discovered how to get Orb of alteration by accident while trying to get Orb of Alchemy
Orb of Alteration = two rares of same name (id) the suffix and prefix doesn’t matter. I had 2 Mallets (rares) the id of the items were different name but they're both Mallets. Gave me orb of alternation. Hope that helps you ! |
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" They probably just sold for an average of 10 alteration shards each.. IGN: Jerk, Princess - the easy way to trade currency |
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I am having a hard time understanding this list here for about half of the things on it...
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" It is a hard system to understand. Could you ask some questions so I can maybe clarify/improve it? If nothing else it might help you to understand it better. I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
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Blacksmiths Whetstone
Recipe: Weapon with 20% Quality (not all identified magic or rare items) Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone Finder: Marymouche Its just, I am not sure what I am reading,if i understand this right, if i sell a weapon that has 20% enhancement on it if i sell it i get a whetstone? Recipe: Weapons with 40%+ combined Quality Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone and what does this mean? Theres a few others, but in general I am having a bit of a hard time following all I am reading. a clearer layout and perhaps explaining a bit more for someone brand new to the game |
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Orb of Alchemy
Recipe: 1 rare, 1 magic and 1 normal of same base type and with 20% quality Reward: 1 Orb of Alchemy (2 if items are unidentified) Finder: Phowl or this. is this saying I need 1 rare item, 1 magic item, and 1 normal item of same type (i.e. mace) and with 20% improvement on its stats (what you would get using whetstones and armor scraps) and sell them to the vendor to get 1 orb of alchemy? |
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Thanks dasichri!
When you sell a weapon of any type with 20% quality (that is what you call enhancement) you will get a blacksmiths whetstone in most cases. There has previously been exceptions where some rare and magic items do not give that reward, but as a general rule you should get a blacksmiths whetstone for a 20% quality weapon. I have made the exception clearer. I have clarified the 40%+ quality recipe. You get a blacksmiths whetstone if you in a single sell screen puts up a number of weapons where the sum of their quality exceed 40% quality! The Orb of Alchemy recipe is completely correct understood by you. I have clarified it a bit. When It comes to layout I find it hard to improve given how forum posts work. Do you have anything in particular in mind? I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :) Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jan 26, 2013, 7:29:08 PM
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Well, I would say things like this, it makes it a bit easier for people to understand on what exactly it is they need to do.
Armourers Scrap Recipe: Any piece of armor (including off-hands such as shields) with 20% quality improvement (note that not all identified magic or rare quality items will work with this recipe!) Reward: Armourer's Scrap Recipe: Any number of Armour-items combined to total 40% or more in total quality improvements Reward: Armourer's Scrap Blacksmiths Whetstone Recipe: Weapon with 20% Quality improvement (note that not all identified magic or rare items will work with this recipe!) Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone Finder: Marymouche Recipe: Any number of weapons combined to total 40% or more in total quality improvements Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone Cartographer's Chisel Recipe: Map with 20% Quality improvement on it(needs confirmation!) Reward: Chartographer's Chisel Chromatic Orb Recipe: Any item with linked blue, green and red sockets together Reward: Chromatic Orb Finder: wackedupwacky Divine Orb Recipe: Any item with 6 linked sockets (Doesn't matter what colours) Reward: Divine Orb Finder: Sorcii Gemcutters Prism Recipe: Gem with 20% Quality improvement on it Reward: Gemcutter's Prism Recipe: Any number of gems with 40%+ combined total quality imrovements Reward: Gemcutter's Prism Basically what I am getting at is explain all the vendor recipies in a way that people new to the game will understand that have no real prior knowledge on what things are. Better clarification on what exactly is needed, stuff like that, or more clearly indicated rather than jumbled all together. Such as this example Orb of Alchemy Recipe: 1 normal, magic and rare item together, of the same base type (i.e. all one handed swords) and each of them with 20% quality improvement Reward: 1 Orb of Alchemy (2 if each item is unidentified) Finder: Phowl Here simply spacing the recipe and reward with a line helps with reading and understanding it a bit better as well. |
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Is there any point trying to get alc for 3 same names? I got huge amount of rares, about 10 tabs, but it seems extremely difficult to find even 2 items of the same rare name. It seems I have much more chance to find an alc if I spend time farming than managing hundreds of rares in my 22 stash tabs.
Last edited by SidleJinks#3016 on Jan 26, 2013, 9:32:53 PM
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