The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)
The story began Christmas 2012 when grandpa was a boy. We got a total of 30+ sale-recipes! Periodically recipes may be added and it has sometimes been hinted at, while others have been more discretely added. Be aware that this thread is not as such an official list.
Therefore there may be recipes not in this list or otherwise discovered! Go out, play the game and play with what items you put in the sale-window. Who knows? Maybe you will be the finder of that hidden recipe! Be aware that one of the latest recipes for the unique item "Goddess Scorned", was very specific. While the developers left clues for it and later spelled it out, there is no guarantee for them being so generous the next time! Post in this thread with your recipe and the first one to post a certain recipe will be named in this OP along with the recipe! Before you read the recipes be aware that: - Implicit mods, meaning mods inherrent to white items of a type, do not count as mods. This item has the implicit mod "18% Increased Accuracy Rating". - Modification-names on magic items are made up of prefixes, the name before the base items name and suffixes, the names after the base items name. This blue item is called "Lamphrey's Etched Greatsword of the Wrestler". The prefix name is "Lamphrey's" and the suffix name is "of the Wrestler". The basic item is an Etched Greatsword and it is of the type "two handed sword". - For rares there are 2 randomly generated names applied in front of the items name. For simplicity they are called "rare-names". The rare-names are "Soul Scalpel" for this Skinning Knife. To have two items with the same rare-names you need another item with "Soul Scalpel" in front of the basic items name. The names are semi-random, with certain item-types having names that only apply to that type of item. - Different recipes can in certain situations apply to the same items. In that case it is a question of what recipe is deemed more important by the game. - Itemlevel is determining the level of mods you can get on the item. You can find an items itemlevel by picking it up and typing /itemlevel. Be aware that the itemlevel doesn't equate the level requirement shown on an item! If nothing is mentioned about itemlevel for crafted items the lowest level item in the sellscreen will be what determines the resulting items level. - When items of different rarities are used in a recipe, it will result in an item corresponding to the item with the lowest rarity used if nothing else is mentioned and the recipe allows different rarities. Armourers Scrap Recipe: Items of armour with 20% Quality (Only white items!) Reward: Armourer's Scrap Recipe: Any number of Armour-items with 40%+ combined Quality Reward: Armourer's Scrap Blacksmiths Whetstone Recipe: Weapon with 20% Quality (Only white items!) Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone Finder: Marymouche Recipe: Any number of weapons with 40%+ combined Quality Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone Blessed Orb No known recipes! Chaos Orb Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes! The lowest level item has to be at or above itemlevel 60. Specific case 1: No special attributes Reward: 1 Chaos Orb Specific case 2: All of the items are unidentified Reward: 2 Chaos Orb Specific case 3: All of the items are of the highest possible quality Reward: 2 Chaos Orb Specific case 4: All of the items are unidentified and of the highest possible quality Reward: 3 Chaos Orb Recipe: Unique map Reward: Chaos Orb Finder: Chukonu Cartographer's Chisel Recipe: Map with 20% Quality Reward: Cartographer's Chisel Recipe: Any number of maps with 40%+ combined Quality Reward: Cartographer's Chisel Recipe: 20% quality stone hammer + Map Reward: Cartographer's Chisel Chromatic Orb Recipe: Item with linked blue, green and red sockets Reward: Chromatic Orb Finder: wackedupwacky Divine Orb Recipe: Any item with 6 linked sockets Reward: Divine Orb Finder: Sorcii Exalted Orb No known recipes! Gemcutters Prism Recipe: Gem with 20% Quality Reward: Gemcutter's Prism Recipe: Any number of gems with 40%+ combined Quality Reward: Gemcutter's Prism Glassblowers Bauble Recipe: Flasks with 20% Quality (Only white items!) Reward: Glassblower's Bauble Recipe: Any number of flasks with 40%+ combined Quality (Only white items!) Reward: Glassblower's Bauble Jewelers Orb Recipe: 1 Orb of Fusing + 1 Chromatic Orb Reward: 1 Jeweler's Orb Finder: UristMcDwarfy Recipe: Any item with 6 sockets Reward: 7 Jeweler's Orb Finder: UristMcDwarfy Maps: Recipe: 3 maps with same name Reward: 1 map 1 level higher Finder: paradox404 Recipe: 1 normal + 1 magic + 1 rare map of the same name and level Reward: Random unidentified magic map 1 level higher Finder: Covert Recipe: 3 rare maps or 3 magic maps of the same base type and level Reward: A random unidentified rare or magic map 1 level higher Finder: Covert Recipe: 3 unique maps Reward: A random unidentified rare map 1 level higher Finder: Alfims Mirror of Kalandra No known recipes! Orb of Alchemy Recipe: 1 rare, 1 magic and 1 normal of same base type and with 20% quality each Reward: 1 Orb of Alchemy (2 orbs of Alchemy if the magic and rare items are unidentified) Finder: Phowl Recipe: 3 rares with same 2 rare-names Reward: Alchemy Orb Finder: Mr_Cee Recipe: 2 rares with same 2 rare-names and 20% quality Reward: Alchemy Orb Finder: Mr_Cee Orb of Alteration No known recipes! Orb of Augmentation Recipe: 1 rare, 1 magic and 1 normal of same base type Reward: 1 Orb of Augmentation (2 if the items are unidentified) Recipe: Rare item with 6 mods Reward: Orb of Augmentation Finder: taekvideo Orb of Chance Recipe: 1 normal, 1 magic, 1 rare and 1 unique of same type Reward: 5 Orbs of Chance (same for unidentified items) Finder: Dentata Recipe: 2 rares with same 2 rare-names Reward: Orb of Chance Finder: wisdorin Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes! The lowest level item has to be below itemlevel 60. Specific case 1: No special attributes Reward: 1 Orb of Chance Specific case 2: All of the items are unidentified Reward: 2 Orb of Chance Specific case 3: All items are of the highest possible quality Reward: 2 Orb of Chance Specific case 4: All of the items are unidentified and of the highest possible quality Reward: 3 Orb of Chance Orb of Fusing No known recipes! Orb of Regret Recipe: Sell an imprinted item Reward: Orb of Regret Finder: altF4core Orb of Scouring Recipe: 2 mod rare item Reward: Orb of Scouring Orb of Transmutation No known recipes! Portal Scroll No known recipes! Regal Orb Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes! The lowest level item has to be at or above itemlevel 75. Specific case 1: No special attributes Reward: 1 Regal Orb Specific case 2: All of the items are unidentified Reward: 2 Regal Orb Specific case 3: All of the items are of the highest possible quality Reward: 2 Regal Orb Specific case 4: All of the items are unidentified and of the highest possible quality Reward: 3 Regal Orb Scrolls of Wisdom Recipe: Portal Scroll Reward: 1 Scroll of Wisdom Recipe: Armourer's Scrap Reward: 2 Scrolls of Wisdom Recipe: Whetstone Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom Recipe: Orb of Alteration Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom Recipe: Orb of Transmutation Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom Recipe: Vaal Orb Reward: 7 Vaal gems + vaal fragment Finder: Peachii Combination of Orbs Recipe: Sell a Mirror of Kalandra Reward: 5 Regal Orbs, 2 Exalted Orbs, 1 Divine Orb Finder: Elizy Items Recipe: Two-stone ring of each configuration (Lightning+fire, lightning+cold and cold+fire Reward: Prismatic ring Finder: Yagamai Recipe: Ruby Flask of reflexes + Topaz Flask of reflexes + Sapphire Flask of reflexes Reward: Jade Flask Finder: Covert Recipe: Ruby Flask of iron skin + Topaz Flask of iron skin + Sapphire Flask of iron skin Reward: Granite Flsk Finder: Covert Recipe: 7 Iron Rings + Rare "Paua" or "Coral" Ring Reward: Rare "Paua" or "Coral" Amulet Finder: UncleTilty Recipe: Iron Ring + Skill Gem Reward: Resistance Ring (red gem = fire, blue gem = frost and green gem = lightning) Finder: LionGuild Recipe: Amulet + red Gem + blue Gem + green Gem Reward: "Onyx" Amulet +10-16 to all stats Finder: Interesting Recipe: 5 Items of the same type and of magic or rare rarity Reward: 1 New Item of that type & Rarity (not identified) with a "random" number of sockets Finder: ChickenNwaffles Recipe: 3 flasks of same type of normal rarity Reward: 1 flask of the next tier of the same base type Finder: Whywhywhywhywhynot Recipe: 3 flasks of same type of magic rarity Reward: 1 unidentified magic flask of the next tier of the same base type Finder: Whywhywhywhywhynot Recipe: Orb of fusing + Mana flask + Life flask Reward: Hybrid flask Finder: DancingMad6631034 Recipe: White boots of any type + Orb of Augmentation + Quicksilver flask Reward: magic boots with "Movement Velocity Mod" but removes quality! Recipe: White item of any type + Orb of Augmentation + Granite flask Reward: magic item with "Physical Damage Mod" but removes quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: White item of any type + Orb of Augmentation + Sapphire flask Reward: magic item with "Cold Damage Mod" but removes quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: White item of any type + Orb of Augmentation + Ruby flask Reward: magic item with "Fire Damage Mod" but removes quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: White item of any type + Orb of Augmentation + Topaz flask Reward: magic item with "Lightning Damage Mod" but removes quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: White staff/wand/dagger/sceptre + Chain Belt of any rarity + Blacksmiths Whetstone Reward: Blue item with "spell damage scaling mod" (if the chain belt is white 10-19%, if the chain belt is magic 20-29%, if the chain belt is rare 30-39%, if the chain belt is unique 40-49%) Source: Recipe: White weapon + Rustic Belt of any rarity + Blacksmiths Whetstone Reward: Blue item with "physical damage scaling mod" (if the chain belt is white 20-49%, if the chain belt is magic 50-69% and if the chain belt is rare 70-89%) Finder: Waterko Recipe: White ring or amulet + Amethyst Flask + Orb of Augmentation Reward: magic ring or amulet with "Chaos Resistance mod" Finder: D623932883 Recipe: magic or rare boots of any type with "Movement Velocity Mod" + Orb of Augmentation + Quicksilver flask Reward: magic boots with "Movement Velocity Mod" of the original item +5%, but with all other mods removed as well as any quality! Recipe: magic or rare item of any type with "Physical Damage Mod" + Orb of Augmentation + Granite flask Reward: magic item with "Physical Damage Mod" of a level higher than the original item , but with all other mods removed as well as any quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: magic or rare item of any type with "Cold Damage Mod" + Orb of Augmentation + Sapphire flask Reward: magic item with "Cold Damage Mod" of a level higher than the original item , but with all other mods removed as well as any quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: magic or rare item of any type with "Fire Damage Mod" + Orb of Augmentation + Ruby flask Reward: magic item with "Fire Damage Mod" of a level higher than the original item , but with all other mods removed as well as any quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: magic or rare item of any type with "Lightning Damage Mod" + Orb of Augmentation + Topaz flask Reward: magic item with "Lightning Damage Mod" of a level higher than the original item , but with all other mods removed as well as any quality! Finder: Nightmare90/honfanlol Recipe: magic or rare ring or amulet + Amethyst Flask + Orb of Augmentation Reward: magic ring or amulet with "Chaos Resistance mod" Finder: D623932883 Recipe: magic wand or scepter + Ruby Ring + Orb of Alteration Reward: wand or scepter with mod "Local Socketed Fire Gems Level +1" Finder: D623932883/unsane Recipe: magic wand or scepter + Saphire Ring + Orb of Alteration Reward: wand or scepter with mod "Local Socketed Ice Gems Level +1" Finder: D623932883/unsane Recipe: magic wand or scepter + Topaz Ring + Orb of Alteration Reward: wand or scepter with mod "Local Socketed Lightning Gems Level +1" Finder: D623932883/unsane Recipe: magic helmet + Flask 'of animation' + Orb of Alteration Reward: magic helment with '+1 to Minion Skills' Recipe: Jade Amulet + Lapis Amulet + Orb of Transmutation Reward: Turquoise Amulet Recipe: Jade Amulet + Amber Amulet + Orb of Transmutation Reward: Citrine Amulet Recipe: Amber Amulet + Lapis Amulet + Orb of Transmutation Reward: Agate Amulet Recipe: 20% quality dexterity shield + Puncture gem Reward: Block Chance Reduction gem Unique Items Recipe: One 20% quality "The Goddess Bound", a 20% quality Elegant Sword with matching sockets, Orb of Fusing, and a quality Chance to Ignite gem Reward: "The Goddess Scorned". Finder: Rhys Utility-recipes Recipe: Skill Gem + Orb of Scouring Reward: Skill Gem will loose a level Finder: Lmaoboat Recipe: Level 20 skill-gem + Gemcutter's Prism Reward: Level 1 skill-gem with 20 quality Finder: Recipe: 20x Orb of Regret + Amber Amulet Reward: Book of Reward: Gain Oak's favour Recipe: 20x Orb of Regret + Jade Amulet Reward: Book of Reward: Gain Kraityn's favour Recipe: 20x Orb of Regret + Lapis Amulet Reward: Book of Reward: Gain Alira's favour Recipe: 20x Orb of Regret + Onyx Amulet Reward: Book of Reward: Gain Eramir's favour Shard/scrap recipes: Shards Transmutation Shard Recipe: A random unidentified magic item Reward: 2 Transmutation Shards Recipe: A random unidentified rare item Reward: 5 Transmutation Shards Scrap of Wisdom Recipe: Random white items Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom Recipe: Any identified magic or rare item not part of a recipe and without a value in alchemy shards or alteration shards Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom Recipe: Any unidentified unique Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom Mods Mods What are mods? Mods are bonuses on items that will give you an advantage over not having them. An example of a magic item: The item is "Lamphrey's Etched Greatsword of the Wrestler". The prefix, (the name before the items name) "Lamphrey's" is a 3 to 4% Life Leech mod. You can find all prefix names here: In this case the item has 4%. That is the highest value for the mod and the mod is therefore called perfect. A perfect mod has a higher sale-value than normal. In this case you get 6 alteration shards for it instead of 2! The item also has the suffix (the name after the items name “of the Wrestler" which is giving 13 to 17 Strenght. You can find all suffixes here: In the following all mods will be named according to the lists, so they are very important to at least having looked at before you look through the list of mod sale-values! This item has a line with "40% Increased Global Critical Strike Chance". That is an implicit mod that even normal items of the type "dagger" has. The numeric value and type may vary though. You can usually distinguish implicit mods because the game has a small line between the implicit mod and the rest of the mods. Implicit mods do not carry any sale-value. The above items name is in the font-colour yellow which means it is a rare item. It has 4 mods after the implicit mod: +10 dexterity ("of the Mongoose" Attribute Increase suffix) Adds 1-4 Fire Damage ("Heated" Weapon only elemental damage prefix) Adds 2-4 Cold Damage ("Frosted" Weapon only elemental damage prefix) Adds 1-10 Lightning Damage ("Humming" Weapon only elemental damage prefix) Yellow items have 4 to 6 mods, with 1 to 3 of both prefixes and suffixes. Yellow items are randomly assigned 2 rare-names according to a database. Why do I sell an item for another value than predicted by this list? The values are found by trial and error and seems to be true most of the time. In case of serious discrepancies ask. Be aware that perfect mods are no longer included in the list for consistency. Since perfect values adds different bonuses for different mods it can cause quite the discrepancy in the sale value! Any item with no valuable mods according to this list shall give the sale-value of a normal item which is 1 scrap of wisdom. The following is the values found so far: Nothing Accuracy Mods Additional Block Chance Mods Cold Damage Scaling Mods Damage Return Mods Elemental Damage Scaling Mods Energy Shield Recharge Delay Mods Fire Damage Scaling Mods Flask Mod ”Adrenaline” Flask Mod ”Ample” Flask Mod ”Animation” Flask Mod ”Avenger's” Flask Mod ”Cautious” Flask Mod ”Craving” Flask Mod ”Dousing” Flask Mod ”Gluttony” Flask Mod ”Grounding” Flask Mod ”Heat” Flask Mod ”Iron Skin” Flask Mod ”Perpetual” Flask Mod ”Panicked” Flask Mod ”Reflexes” Flask Mod ”Resistance” Flask Mod ”Sapping” Flask Mod ”Saturated” Flask Mod ”Staunching” Flask Mod ”Steadyness” Increased Block And Stun Recovery Mods Increased Projectile Speed Increased Stun Duration Mods Increased Block And Stun Recovery Mods Life Regeneration Mods Lifegained On Enemy Death Mods Light Radius And Accuracy Mods Lightning Damage Scaling Mods Mana Gained On Enemy Death Mods (Osmosis) Mana Mods Mana Regeneration Mods Reduced Block And Stun Duration Mods Stun Threshold Reduction Mods Weapon Only Elemental Damage Scaling Mods 1 Alchemy Shard Flask mod ”Surgeon's” Items with ”Local Socketed [TYPE] Gems Level +x” Chaos Resistance Mods 2 Alchemy Shards Prefix Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: “Pirate’s” and “Dragon’s” Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: Only "Raiding", Archeology" and "Excavation" Item Quantity Acquisition Mods: Only "Gathering", "Hoarding" amd "Amassment" 1 Alteration Shard Cold Resistance Mods Critical Strike Chance Spells Mods Fire Resistance Mods Lifegain Per Target Mods Lightning Resistance Mods Mana Gained On Enemy Death Mods (Absorption) 2 Alteration Shards Attack Speed Mods Cast Speed Mods Critical Strike Chance Mods Critical Strike Damage Multiplier Mods Dexterity Mods Flask Effects Mod ”Inspiring” Flask Effects Mod ”Refilling” Flask Effects Mod ”Recovering” Flask Effects Mod ”Savouring” Flask Effects Mod ”Sipping” Flask Mod ”Bubbling” Flask Mod ”Catalyzed” Flask Mod ”Caustic” Flask Mod ”Fending” Flask Mod ”Seething” Increased Spell Damage Weapon And Mana Mods Intelligence Mods Item Quality Acquisition Mod: Only "Plunder" Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only "Collecting" Life Leech Mods Mana Leech Mod Prefix Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only “Magpie’s” Spell Damage Mods Spell Damage And Mana Mods Strenght Mods Weapon Only Spell Damage Mods 3 Alteration Shards Added Cold Damage Mods Added Fire Damage Mods Added Lightning Damage Mods All Attribute Mods Elemental Resistance Mods Energy Shield Mods Physical Damage Scaling and Accuracy Mods 4 Alteration Shards Armour, Energy Shield, Block And Stun Recovery Mods Armour and Energy Shield Mods Armour and Evasion Mods Armour, Evasion, Block And Stun Recovery Mods Armour, Block And Stun Recovery Mods Armour Mods Energy Shield and Stun Recovery Mods Energy Shield Scaling Mods Evasion and Energy Shield Mods Evasion and Energy Shield, Block And Stun Mods Evasion, Block And Stun Recovery Mods Evasion Mods Evasion Scaling Mods Life Mods Movement Velocity Mods Physical Damage Mods Physical Damage Scaling Mods Weapon Only Added Cold Damage Mods Weapon Only Added Fire Damage Mods Weapon Only Added Lightning Damage Mods Other interesting sources based on this forum Velker has a very good list of what mods can spawn on what item. It is collected in a spreadsheet here: 23/12 2012 Edited for first batch of recipes 29/12 2012 Edited for 0.9.5d 9/2 2013 Edited for 0.9.6 9/5 2013 Changed sale-value for 0.9.9 19/5 2013 Updated mods for 0.9.9 7/8 2013 Updated mods for 0.9.11 28/1 2013 Updated mods section for 0.10d 8/3 2013 Updated for 0.10.2 10/5 2013 Updated for 0.10.8 12/6 2013 Updated for 0.11 26/8 2013 Updated for unique recipe 27/10 2013 Updated for 1.0.0 (good release!) 3/11 2013 Added recipes back 18/11 2013 Added recipes 6/12 2013 Added recipes 15/12 2013 Added recipes 30/12 2013 Added recipes 23/3 2014 Added recipes (better late than never!) 7/6 2014 Cleaning up to make it a little less confusing I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :) Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jun 7, 2014, 10:28:51 AM Last bumped on Aug 12, 2016, 2:39:21 AM
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Extremely useful thread here.
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We'll need to work on this topic, since the wiki is pretty much broken.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
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I don't see any point in keeping this one for myself:
1 Orb of Fusing + 1 Chromatic Orb = 1 Jeweler's Orb Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki: |
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Iron Ring + skill gems = resist rings, type of resist depends on skill gem colour
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A single weapon with 20% quality = 1 whetstone
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anyone found a recipe or a what to trade for an alchemy shard?
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Try items with "+% rarity of items found", I think that does it.
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"Elaboration: Anything with IIR or IIQ (not as an inherent mod) gives 1 Alchemy Shard. A perfect mod of either is 2 Alchemy Shards. Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits! |
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" I could not reproduce this with either rare, magic, or normal 20% quality weapons. Someone made a similar claim of a armourer's shard for a 20% quality magic int shield, but I couldn't get this to work either. Maybe there's something more going on for this one? Chris was getting a good laugh at us while we were trying to figure it out. Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki: |
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