The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)
"Selling 5 gives you an unidentified rare of the same base type. I believe selling 6 gave me an unidentified rare of the same base type and a handful of alteration shards. More or less as you would expect given the known recipes. It was a bit disappointing as I hoped for something more. How Fusings Work: IGN: TheHammer Last edited by TehHammer#0539 on Jun 21, 2012, 11:24:22 AM
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"Oh. I guess I only came in after the mods had cleaned up. "Thanks - well that puts the kibosh on my fiendish-evil plans to corner the 5-to-6 rares market. Running heists fully zoomed in... because
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VERY LONG, only read if you feel like taking time to give helpful information.
What recipes are worth pursuing for end game? I've been trying to use every recipe discovered so far and test out the difficulty or value of doing so. I'm only in the third difficulty, so I would like some advice. At this point in the game I am having a huge shortage of storage space, wisdom scrolls, and quality improving items. I need to start streamlining my operation. Here are my observations, please correct me or make additions if you have advice.
1. White Items with quality: Always save
Finding a use for white items is always good, and turnover is pretty fast so it doesn't take much storage space. Skill gems seem like the only item that it may be better to trade to players than make a prism out of. 2. White Items with 3socket, linked, rainbow: Always save White item again. Turning it into a chromatic orb seems like gold. No storage issue since it is a direct trade. Probably even worth using blue and yellows in this recipe. 3. Blue items: Question here. Sell blue items for transmutation shards or id them? 1 Transmutation orb is 4 wisdom scrolls if I need them, so 10 blues=4wisdom. Iding those 10 blue would cost 10 scrolls and give Alt shards or maybe even Alchemy shards. I never get enough alt shards to make it cost effective. Are the rare Alch shards worth going for? 4. Yellow items: Question here. Iding yellow items is cost effective for gathering Alt shards and rare Alch shards. 3 Same item type(mini rainbow)= Augmentation orbs. I have done this a ton and am not sure if the orb is worth the effort and storage space... Full set yellows= chaos orb. This orb seems money, but it is hard to get rings, ammies, and belts. Is it worth the storage when scour+alchemy is the same thing? Two Yellow-same name= Alchemy Orb. Is it worth the storage space saving up Ided yellows for this? Alch orb is money, but... 3 Same item type(mini rainbow) 20%quality= Alch orb. Money orb, but huge investment in quality improvement. 34 whetstones or scraps!!! Is this worthwhile? I have tons of 3pc minirainbows but not enough whetstones/scraps to keep up. Full set yellow 20%quality=Regal. WTF! Is a regal worth that insanity? How do you use your yellows? 5. Blue/Yellow with quality: Question here. Currently I am saving my blues and yellows with quality for 20%minirainbows or 20%fullset to save on the scraps and whetstones. Still questioning if this is worth the storage. Anyone think it is or is not? 6. Oj items: Question I only have 2 so far. This is more of a question of the value of Ojs. 4 Same item type(full rainbow)= orbs of chance. Are any Ojs even good enough end game to make chance orbs worthwhile? Is it better to focus on 6 affix yellows? Any help is appreciated. Currently I am wondering if it would just be better to sell straight to the vendors for shards, then upsell my way to better orbs. It would save on hastle and storage for sure. Maybe focus on the Alteration Orb recipes? Someone with end game drop rate experience have any advice? |
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" I have no end-game experience, but in leveling low-level toons I have had a few other experiences than you. (Not that you are wrong.) White items with quality is just not something I pick up. I do not feel it is worth it since I am stockpiling these orbs to please my horder-mania. A 20% white item is something I pick up every day and twice on sunday, but stockpiling to 40% does not seem worth it in the end for me, unless it is skill-gems or flasks. I would imagine going for some arbitrary line like 7% quality and over that you pick it up, while under that you do not. Theoretically the item-progression will slow down in later game, so I would think the weapon- and armour-quality items will be of less importance as soon as your itemization is good. 3-rainbow socket is a nobrainer afaiac. Probably the most obvious advantage from knowing the recipees! I usually use blue items on low level toons. That is making alteration orbs worth more to me than transmutation orbs (and the vendor-value is about 1/8 in that way too!). I think it is about 60/40 (just a number thrown out there!) in favour of not identifying blue items, if you are just going for the scrolls of wisdom. Quite a few people are stocking up on yellow items. You can create enough characters, that you can have several mules to carry items and with the inventory, you have got plenty of space. Is it worth it? I guess it depends on how good your gear is and how many chaos orbs and orbs of alchemy/orbs of scouring and maybe even regal orbs you have. A lot of your questions will rely on the end-game economy and how pricing of items will look. With as many orbs in the game as there are, I will guess a saturation of the economy will take a lot of time. Orb of alchemy will at some point become less valuable. Same goes for chaos orb. I think orb of fusing and therefore jewelers orbs will stay sought after for a longer time with as high variance as they have (unless GGG introduces new orbs!). Similarly gem-quality is very rare and in very high demand. Anything else would seem to be primarily applicable to yourself or of less value unless someone actively seeks it. I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :) Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jun 26, 2012, 8:23:32 AM
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I actually like picking up whites with quality, even if it wasn't worthwhile I probably would because it gives me more things to keep my mind occupied as I play.
Storage of quality whites is never an issue for me. I average 3 trips back to town per zone. Every 2 trips I can turn in 40% quality of something and clear out the space. I get enough stones and scraps to upgrade my own equipment late game from just drops. The only reason I collect for them is to power the 20%minirainbow Alchemy orb recipe. This thing just drains me, but I don't see a reason to regal good blues to yellows when they probably will just get ruined with some horrible affix anyway. Maybe I am wrong here. I agree on the jeweler type orbs, I burned through quite a few just testing. I guess a lot of my questions also depend on drop rates once I leave Ruthless. I haven't even seen every type of orb yet. I'm curious which ones are easier to farm for and which you just have to use recipes if you want a good amount. |
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I have found a blue item with 3 mods on it, and a rare one with 8 mods on it. I am still searching for items with more ^^ if i find any i will post here.
Unavailable No my PC does not require an update, no I am not going to buy a new graphic card, no this problem is not solved by buying just new hardware. Last edited by Tamo_Tua#0926 on Jul 3, 2012, 12:02:31 PM
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" Please don't. This is nothing new. Magical items can have at most 2 affixes, 1 prefix, and 1 suffix. Rare items can have at most 6 affixes, 3 prefixes, and 3 suffixes. Not all affixes apply only one effect, some have more. This is the reason you are seeing items with more than 6 listed effects. Make Elite IV:Dangerous happen!
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"To expound on what TJJ said, the wand has a physical damage "mod" and an accuracy "mod". These are, in fact, the same mod, the "Squire's" prefix (10 to 24 physical damage % and 3 to 7 accuracy). It looks like it also has the "Caster's" prefix (5 to 9 spell damage %+ and 8 to 10 mana). How Fusings Work:
IGN: TheHammer Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Single rare item "Sky Tread Bronzescale Boots" returned 2 Alchemy shards and 2 Alteration shards today.
Unavailable Last edited by Smappy#2818 on Jul 8, 2012, 4:11:42 PM
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Thanks a lot for the recipes!
I noticed (probably as the last person on earth) that you can buy a white item with three linked sockets of all colors for one orb of alteration and sell that item right away for a chromatic orb (reforging the colors on an item). So basically you can turn one orb of alteration in one chromatic orb which seems to me as a great step forward. Is that intended? Is that even worth it or have i burned some good orbs of alterations? |
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