The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)

Izzalion I just did the exact same thing ( Well this is awkward, yours seems better formatted though (:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to always tell the difference.
Silva wrote:
Izzalion I just did the exact same thing - yours seems better formatted though (:

agreed. Table form could be better visible, but its too much content to give a good overview.

I think, it needs a (better) communication/discussion/announcement to prevent doing things simultaneous twice.

I'd split item trading recipes and the affix mod shard table into 2 different pages.

I'm not sure, if its necessary to explicit list the affixes with no value?
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Mr_Cee wrote:
Silva wrote:
Izzalion I just did the exact same thing - yours seems better formatted though (:

agreed. Table form could be better visible, but its too much content to give a good overview.

I think, it needs a (better) communication/discussion/announcement to prevent doing things simultaneous twice.

I'd split item trading recipes and the affix mod shard table into 2 different pages.

I'm not sure, if its necessary to explicit list the affixes with no value?

The problem with my list, is that there are certain mods missing. The reason why I included the value-less recipes is for people wanting to contribute with valueation of mods like:

Flask Mod "Ample"
Flask Mod "Adrenaline"
Elemental Damage Scaling Mod
Energy Shield Regeneration Rate Mod

And several others. There are a lot of mods not on this site yet, making it harder to name and value them.
I know that at least some of the missing mods will be visible in 0.9.10 if they remember to turn them on! :)

Also: I am always happy to contribute and do not claim any kind of copyright on what I write online. Attribution is always nice and if I remember correctly it is more or less universally a fair use, especially on a non-profit site like a wiki.
Remember that there is a NDA in effect even though it is not enforced. It is more important to ask Grinding Gear Games for permission since they are relying economically on the game and its derivatives.

Edit: If you find a maxed mod value not on the list I am happy to add it.
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jun 4, 2012, 6:31:31 AM
radiatoren wrote:
Mr_Cee wrote:
I'm not sure, if its necessary to explicit list the affixes with no value?

The problem with my list, is that there are certain mods missing. The reason why I included the value-less recipes is for people wanting to contribute with valueation of mods like:

My suggestion wasnt intended to reflect on your posting here (great stuff, even if not 100% complete!), but only on Izzaloin's wiki page.

It is more important to ask Grinding Gear Games for permission since they are relying economically on the game and its derivatives.

I know that at least the founder of the wiki was/is in contact to the devs for permissions.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Last edited by Mr_Cee#0334 on Jun 4, 2012, 6:59:36 AM
Firstly, lol @ "izzaloin". Second, I left that in for the time being, but like rad mentioned there is a lot of info left to be compiled. The extraneous stuff will probably get lumped in somehow differently.

Once you've discovered the vendor sale values of all the various mods, it'll be trivial to include them in the chrome extension to automate the process.
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Thank you GGG. Now the list of suffixes and prefixes seem to be complete.
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Jun 4, 2012, 6:33:23 PM
Selling 5 flasks of the same type yields a new of that type but unidentified.
If anyone wants to help complete the mod section, the following is a list of what I seems to still miss in the OP and where I would expect to find them:

Flask Mod Adrenaline
Flask Mod Ample
Flask Mod Sapping
Flask Mod Caustic
Flask Mod Seething

Flask Effects Mod Recovering
Flask Effects Mod Inspiring
Flask Effects Mod Refilling
Flask Effects Mod Sipping
Flask Effects Mod Savouring
Item Quality Acquisition Mod: Only ”Looter's” and ”Pillager's” Mods
Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only ”Pirate's” and ”Dragon's” Mods

Armour and Jewelry:
Armour and Evasion Mods
Evasion and Energy Shield Mods
Armour, Evasion and Accuracy Mods
Armour, Energy Shield and Accuracy Mods
Armour, Energy Shield, Evasion and Accuracy Mods
Energy Shield, Evasion and Accuracy Mods
Movement Velocity Mods
Energy Shield Regeneration Mods
Additional All Attributes Mods

Wands, Staffs, Daggers ao.:
Spell Damage and Mana Mods
Cast Speed Mods
Critical Strike Chance Spells Mods
Critical Strike Damage Multiplier Spells Mods

I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)

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