Rain of Arrows
I like this skill with my lvl 55 duelist right now.
Nice to use, dps is ok (if you have the right phys dmg bow). You will need some extra health/defence because of the delay. Attackspeed support gem is a must-have imho |
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link this skill to concentartet efffect and its the best attack a ranger can have so much dps.
and the tool tip is wrong its require no accu always hit :) |
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Is there any technical reason this would be laggier than other skills like Firetorm for example,I got kicked out of a party for using it.I never found it particularly laggier than any other intense skills,in fact seemed pretty smooth over a 3G connection.
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Skill is too weak (like all physical attacks)
It could be intended that the skill is bad late game but the damage is just weak compared to elemental damage rangers. My plan was going Rain of Arrows, life on hit, lots of life and armor, and point blank. Unfortunately the damage is just horrible. Using my freezpulser witch with much worse items i can clear mob groups in 2 sec, with this char i need to stand there take hits for several seconds to down a group of mobs. While it is fun in normal, and okay in cruel it is absolutely horrible in merciless. |
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" My lvl 73 Duelist is using this skill without concentrated effect atm because I only can use 4L for now (Rain of Arrows + added fire dmg + faster attacks + Item Quantity). Doing about 1.8k DPS with that combination. So it isnt bad even without conc! You just need a good phys bow and proper build... And I think I got an 'real' DPS increase after taking 'resolute techniques' so I think that rain of arrows needs accuracy. Do you know an official statement about RoA always hits? |
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" Far as I can tell it does roll for Accuracy. Ironpoint the Forsaken occasionally misses with Rain. It's most noticable on Normal, where even just your inherent Evasion gets you a decent Chance to Evade. Character sheet also lists a Hit Chance. |
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"It does check evasion, like all attacks (other than shield charge). Rain of Arrows can and does miss. | |
Does Rain of Arrows still look and feel slightly odd with the time it takes to launch and land arrows?
I'm using Rain of Arrows 0% quality at a lower level now and it would land unnoticeably the same time, every time at any length. I can clearly see it's intentional. But feel it should be slower landing based on distance only and maybe it is but it's unnoticeable. Patch v0.10.0 "The delay between firing and arrows hitting the ground has been reduced by 20%." >>Launching the arrows should have remained the same. >>The time the arrows take to land should have been slower by X% + distance for arrows to travel. Suggestions >Alt 'Entrance' & 'Quest NPC'|http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26332090/subtledoorANDquest.png >Alt 'Character Panel'|http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26332090/Stats.png Last edited by darkdraithdoom#3549 on Feb 13, 2013, 10:46:25 PM
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I dont think thats a good idea. Yeah it would be logical, but RoA already isnt the best skill for big range. If you really want to reduce the speed depending on range, then the skill would need an buff close range. @developers: Tested this spell in maps playing together with a "ice shot/lightningarrow" ranger. Either my RoA or his "ice shot/lightningarrow" (or the combination) seems to have a pretty huge performance problem |
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GGG, does Rain of Arrows work with knockback, for example the knockback on critical hits from the King of the Hill notable passive?
If it does, are the affected enemies then "spread out" from the centre of the AoE from Rain of Arrows, or are they pushed away relative to your character's position, or in some other manner? I need to know this for my build, which utilizes Rain of Arrows as her main AoE attack to deal with mobs, and I feel that knockback which behaves in an unexpected way could gimp her. Thanks! |
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