Rain of Arrows
"Bump for GGG response. |
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"Yes. Bladefall is currently bugged, and should have the same behaviour. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jul 5, 2016, 7:17:26 PM
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This bow skill sees little - to - no Use because of the mechanics and scaling
It is outclassed by blast rain in pretty much every single possible way.... However its not even a "rain" of arrows.. its more like a big circle projectile thats hard to scale.. ![]() ![]() The "Rain" Of arrows should be exactly that A duration based skill which rains arrows down in a certain area This would be the only actual duration based bow skill considering that explosive arrow is the opposite with players wanting as little duration as possible.. It would not be like "firestorm" either Rain of arrows should either be a massive aoe skill which allows bow users to hit monsters from all areas in a circumference around them. OR Rain of arrows should be a duration arrow attack which summons a flurry of arrows to rain down upon certain areas that its cast in. The area could be extremely tiny or even summon a "copy" or "minion" to start raining down arrows in the casted area There ARE SOOO MANY WAYS to make this skill cool and fun If its left alone it will just remain un-used and if the poe dev's care about their game they will not want that... Poe devs should want players to have choices and enjoy every single skill in the game... not release constant skills to outclass and outpower all old skills..... |
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Will we be seeing a buff to this gem relatively soon by chance? It's a very fun build that can no longer be played effectively. Please GGG...
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I am playing Ignite RoA and it works pretty well with Xoph's bow.
For general clearing T8-10 it does the job, but lags pretty badly since the single hit into whole screen causes spikes in all net stats (fps, frametime and ping) on lockstep. I am like slowing and speeding up with every shot. Haven't tested Blast Rain yet except one run in DLake. Was not as great as i would expect it. for single target it will be probably better, especially with head enchant for extra explosions. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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What i would like to for a change for Rain of Arrows is similar mechanic like Earthquake, that it slows the mobs after inintial hit and then with a delay it hits hard.
Right now the main weakness is that the hit delay is not incentivized in any way neither is mechanically instesting like EQ is. I wonder if RoA could get some love. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Hi there.
For the next league I am going to play Rain of Arrows and I wanted to show an analysis I made concerning the opportunity cost at reaching AoE nodes in the tree. In short the opportunity cost is massive and I believe with the upcoming changes to AoE that GGG should take a look into the area size of this skill. It has to be buffed for a few reasons: 1) The skill is underused because Blast Rain is (in general) regarded superior terms of dps (especially with the Blast Rain helmet enchant that gives a flat out more multiplier to Blast Rain). 2) It is fairly dangerous compared to many other bow skill because it has huge single hits which makes it a bit more dangerous in terms of reflected damage. Also the King of Hill knockback on crit works better with other skills such as Tornado Shot, Lightning Arrow or Barrage. 3) I think an increased AoE size would give this skill a niche that would make it a more appealing skill of choice for archers. When adjusting the size of this skill GGG should assume 0 points into AoE nodes besides those from either Deadeye or Slayer. Here is why: Assumtions and calculations: Assumed Gear:
Harbinger Bow: 340 Pdps with 8,85% crit chance (roll 179% and metalcraft all other rolls).
Spike Point Quiver: 85 life, 36 crit multiplier, 7% attack speed and 27% increased crit chance crafted. Lion Pelt Helmet: Life, Tri-res and Uber Lab RoA AoE size helmet enchant. Kaom’s Heart: 500 HP Snakebite, Assassins Glove’s: with lvl 10 Vulnerability on Hit Corruption Boots: 30% MS, Tri-res, 80+ life Amulet: Crit multiplier 35+, crit chance 27%, decent tier flat phys and life Diamond Ring: 50 life, Tri Res, low flat phys and crafted accuracy. Steel Ring: dual- res, 200 accuracy, some flat phys and 60 life Rustic Sash: dual-res, flask duration, life Jewel slots: projectile dmg, increased life, some 3rd modifier such as resistance, increased phys dmg, crit multiplier or attack speed. For simplicity I used 12% projectile dmg, 6% life and 14% increased physical dmg in all jewel slots. 5 Jewel slots + 1 for Lioneyes Fall with AoE-node setup. 4 Jewel slots without the AoE nodes The gear is fairly standard. Fairly good but definitely within reason for players who dedicate some time and effort into a RoA character. Skill tree setup #1 - This setup goes for AoE nodes and utilizes the Lioneyes Fall jewel to get the Disemboweling node and also staff dmg nodes (3 endurance charges) (help Oak, help Kraityn, Kill All).
Skill tree setup #2 - This setup foregoes AoE nodes and sticks to a more standard Ranger setup while also grabbing the Scion Life wheel (help Oak, Kill All, Kill All).
There are minor differences between the two builds such as 3 x endurance charges and slightly more hit points gained by the AoE route and easier access to Kaom’s Heart (no need for STR on gear) while sticking to the Ranger / Shadow areas grants 15% movement speed and a bit more INT (making requirements for blue gems slightly easier). The big difference in terms of opportunity cost is of raw damage. Assume Ice Golem is active, 4 frenzy charges, Poison on hit from Snakebite, Blood Rage for some attack speed, Hatred, Herald of Ash. Enemy is bleeding but not moving. DPS is calculated vs. a standard boss. Calculated by the Path of Building planner. 6L setup: RoA - FA - PPAD - ICS - ICD - INC. AoE With AoE nodes near the templar area you end up with a total dps of 82,2k. Without AoE nodes near the templar area and sticking a more standard Ranger setup you deal 116,4k DPS. However - you also gain a lot of extra projectile speed from Deadly Draw, Ballistic Mastery and Sniper which means you can easily swap out ICD for slower projectiles. With such a gem setup you end up with 132,7k DPS. Now I know there are other ways to build a RoA character. You could go for a pure elemental setup or some other route but all in all I am fairly certain you would end up with a similar result: that the opportunity cost of utilizing increased AoE nodes is too high. Therefore take that into account when adjusting the AoE size of this skill. Best regards - Frankenberry Last edited by Frankenberry#0590 on Feb 26, 2017, 2:57:14 PM
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Seems like the AoE change gutted RoA, tested it only for a moment and the AoE is now completely unreasonable (tree without any rea investment, just gem lvl 19 + Inc Area of effect lvl 16).
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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It's been a while since someone commented on this thread, so i am necroing it for a kinda...weird idea i got.
Over the past few months we got a lot of cool and awesome new mechanics in Poe. I just want to suggest to apply one of them for a RoA rework. Make RoA a Channeled Skill. Okay, i know, it sounds weird, but hear me out on this one - Right now, RAIN of Arrows doesnt feel like a rain. How much cooler would it be to literally stand there and have Arrows fall down while you just fire them into the air. Atm it is just a worse version of Blast rain, and incredibly boring to play. A Channeled bow skill is something that is a) missing and b) much better fitting for what RoA tried to be when it came out. I hope you guys give this idea a shot (see what i did there?) ;) |
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anything to rework RoA - it does not cover enough Area anymore - it does not hit hard enough anymore - it does not provide anything unique Seriously, there are more Burning Arrow builds viable these days than RoA. Maybe it is possible to scale it up to hit very very very hard and i just haven't found a way to do it reliably. And the reflect removal will probably make that type of build viable. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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