[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
Dont know why you guys are talking about arctic armor as extra defence, ofc. it is good but we already have 8-10k ES, very good lile leach, whole screen chiled and temporal chained.
Im having so much fun playing this build at the moment, I even dont want to play my SRS anymore :) P.S. you should call this build: king of wisdom scrolls :) IGN: Summonium
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" LOL I love it! Did some more tweaking last night on the tree, re colored some gear, reorganized my auras, and got a good rolled pair of Sin Treks. As is obvious, I am short on cold and fire resists. Now trying to get 2 rare jewels that have those needed resists along with other useful mods. My PoE is only 19 and my PoI is 18 or 19 so I'll gain a little there soon. My Empower is also level 2 (+1 in Vertex). I'm still in need of about 8 cold and 22 fire IIRC. I'm running the cold version so don't get the 15% fire resist/damage node. I also managed to keep the extra curse nodes to use with my corrupted Gentle Touch gloves. All in all I'm very happy with how it's coming together. Just wish I had more time to work on it - only have a few hours each evening. Will post my final gear and tree once I fill in these two rare jewels. |
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" Some really good points here, thank you for your response. I do happen to have a q20 HoI, so maybe i'll give it a go and see if i like it better than AA. The point with the unqiue jewel is also a good one, i'll invest in 2 more. IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
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I'm glad everyone is having fun. This is my first real communication with the community and I've enjoyed working and refining this build through the process.
haha yeah this build is lousy for wisdom scrolls. BOW BEFORE THE QUEEN OF THE WISDOM SCROLLS :D I've a few times fantasised about the loot filter having a "pickup on walk over" section you could code like diablo 3 has with gold. Make all currency pickup on walk over and very slowly convert the mass into higher currency with the vendor. |
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" Now that's an idea I could get behind! |
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@Waffle... I like your write up on the OP about Avatar of Fire. I was originally doing the cold build, then switched to fire build, and now back to cold. While the damage is certainly less with the cold build, I seem to feel better freezing and shattering. I prefer the little extra peace of mind of having another defensive mechanic in place plus it just feels better thematically. It just seemed weird wielding a cold staff/spell, seeing all the ice on the ground, but then seeing mobs burst into flames and running around LOL. Besides, like you say, everything dies so fast with either build it really comes down to a little faster clear speed versus a little extra peace of mind.
Thanks for all your hard work on both builds :) |
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I also stay with the non-Avatar of Fire build, but will keep my Cold to Fire Gem, because it still adds an absurd anmount of damage. It doesn't matter to me that the enemies burn sometimes, because Ice can also "burn" somehow, so it fits... =P This way I also don't give up the Herald of Ice explosions, and can keep the "safety" urgatorbait mentions.
With your help I settled to this tree at 90 and it should be optimized now for my needs with Grace and Evasion. (YAY for Sin Trek being double-good for me) Thanks for your help and stuff, if you still see something to critique on my tree, go on. =) Oh, on a sidenote, I read about the Kaom Boots on the last page, but I think you might lose too much with it, because you effectively drop 2 Unique-slots (Boots and Gloves) for no relevant "defensive stats" (meaning Res/Movementspeed/ES). I don't think the 3 "gained" Skillpoints and Antistun are worth the trade. (Also, you'd need to find a new way to the Fire/Ice Walkers) |
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@urgatorbait Thanks very much for your kind words. Theorycrafting is my favourite part of this game which is why I'm always looking to see what I can tweak and improve
" Tree looks good to me :) I'm curious as to what aura setup you are using. Without Deep thoughts or Primal spirit in the tree to give you mana I'm guessing clarity as well? What have you dropped to make room for grace while stilling getting those resistances up? I havn't actually worn Kaom's roots at all but I like considering as many angles as I can. Some people dislike stuns so much they travel allll the way down to get unwavering stance manually and I think swapping the boots would be better then that choice. I don't think which of the boots I chose would effect my gloves choice at all. I didn't chose my gloves because I felt I could lose some defence in order to get damage but that I felt they were a better choice overall and regardless of what boots I was wearing. If I was wearing the koams roots I would rework the tree a bit as there is an efficient pathing you can take across templar to make everything Int so by swapping from Sin Trek to Kaoms you lose 30 Int on boots and gain 30 Int in tree (plus one node closer to a Jewel later on) It was more to notice that the 30 Int on the boots isn't a consideration its just if losing that ES is worth "cannot be stunned" which for some people it is even If I don't really see myself ever making the change. Possibly If I die to an unfortunate stunlock I will decide to shake things up a bit and try them out. Taking the different pathing as an excuse to go back to the cold version and cut that entire walker limb from the build to just see how it goes :P Since your build scales evasion unwavering stance is definitely not going to be appealing to your plan though :) |
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I run an Alpha's Howl instead of a Vertex. A Vertex has a bit more Evasion and more ES, but I think the tradeoff is worth it. Additionaly, I get the cannot be Frozen mod for free and don't need a flask for it. ;) I also don't need to bother with the additional Mana Cost of Empower as the Helm grants Natural +2 Auras. I also have socketed a Conqueror's Efficiency.
This gives me 10% additional reservation. Alpha's Howl has Discipline / Grace / Purity of Ice & Fire. 4L BM is Blood Magic, Purity of Lightning, Herald of Ice, Clarity. Also don't forget that my Skilltree has 16% more allresist due to Nullification & Void Barrier With that much reservation it is also possible to adjust the level of Clarity a bit down and also run AA or Herald of Thunder with lvl 21 Blood Magic and lvl 4 Enlighten in a 6 link Armor. Last edited by Necro#5866 on Aug 4, 2015, 6:56:12 PM
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So flipping excited right now. Got home from work and began searching for two rare jewels to fill the slots to the right and left of the ES wheel. Keeping in mind that I needed to pick up 8 cold resist and 22 fire resist (running cold build) and then looking for useful mods on top of that, I find these beauties....
for 16 chaos and this one for 1 EX I know jewel prices are all over the map but I feel like I got a nice deal on the second one. That totals a whopping 60% extra damage not including the little I pick up from the int and str (I run Iron Will). It's a good night so far :) |
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