[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]

Updated and stronger then ever.

EDIT:After playtesting for a while though I don't really like the conditional nature of only being immune to stun on full ES and relying on regen over vaal pact and leech.

New build is now a Guardian with better tankyness and full stun immunity


Current Gear/gems

Whispering Ice setup from highest priority to lowest

Faster Casting - Spell ecco - Cold Penetration - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Hypothermia

Hypothermia is really good but doesn't work against immune to chill bosses like atziri
so swap in added cold damage for that. If you are having mana problems swap in Iron will until you solve them as Iron will has no increased mana cost.

Conc effect giving best damage but will slow down map clear a bit due to smaller AOE. If you feel your damage is low or doing tough bosses swap spell ecco for Conc effect.

The Vertex
Empower - Discipline - Purity of elements - Enlighten
+1 to these gems is good on empower and enlighten as its what allows you to squeeze in two 35% auras on life. +4 on discipline is worth its weight as well since flat ES is much better then %ES with this much Int scaling. Don't use empower until you can sustain it with your mana and level 3 enlighten.

Other two aura setups
Arctic Armour - Purity of Fire - Enlighten (level 2)
Blood magic - Purity of lightning - Purity of Ice

If your enlighten is only level 2 you'll need to grab another 4% reduced mana reserved node in the tree. This is my endgame aura setup so you'll need to drop purity of lightning or arctic Armour until you have enough mana to run everything and still cast icestorm.

A low level clarity can be squeezed in if you are just short of regen. Level 1-5 reserves little but with aura effect provides a ton of regen.

My other gem spots are all now just leveling gems. If you wanted more power or survivability I would suggest some combination of

Vaal discipline - Increased Duration - Faster Casting

Cast when Stunned - Molten Shell - Summon Chaos Golem

Cast when damage taken - Phase Run - Ice Wall - Immortal Call

Leapslam - Fortify - Faster Attacks

Warlords Mark - Cast when Damage Taken - (This is very good when not running gentle touch gloves but not needed when you are)

Lightning Warp - Faster Casting - Reduced Duration

Enduring Cry - Increased AOE

Which you chose is up to your own taste, Vaal discipline probably being the most effective one as its a panic "make me immortal" button


The Tree is focused on getting as much Int as possible. Int gives best value as its getting ES and damage at the same time.

Every Jewel is
Depending on the spot



Best choice here is occultist

Wicked Ward is the best node and what lets us survive without leech

Vile Bastion gives us the ability to run around maps without a care due to the regen

Proflame bloom is just kinda fun. Although it might be better to take one of the ES nodes instead since it doesn't help out on bosses. But it looks so neat and impoves clearspeed against trash ever so slightly :D

Leveling Guide


The build is high budget and I have never tried to run it as the first build in a league so its written assuming you have a currency base to have your gems and early gear all bought

Level as any spell you like, you don't get any elemental damage from the tree but elemental overload and one of the stronger base spells should carry you until you can use whispering Ice. Flame totem is nice and really safe, +1 scepter or lifesprig will do much of the heavy lifting

At level 33 you can wear the staff the perandus rings, astramentis and asenath's gloves. These items will carry you in damage until mapping where you can fill out the rest of the gear and gems into their proper places.

Until you have shavs your auras should be discipline and clarity, squeezing in purity of elements if you have room. Clarity will be dropped in endgame when your Int is high enough but its an easy way to give massive regen for leveling. Clarity can also be used with blood magic really early as it tends to not reserve that much and your life pool is mostly just there to deal with the odd chaos damage and should be manageable with health flasks

Skill Tree progression

First order of business is to head over to deep thoughts and elemental overload for easier leveling


Around this point you can start using whispering ice and the Int from gear should carry you in damage so go down towards Forsight, leadership and then up to influence


Next we head to grab Charisma and grab the socket along the way for more Int


Primal Spirit is good for the mana regen and you pick up pain attunment and arcane vision whenever you go lowlife, we get practical application around this time as well to reduce stuns that occur


Now you can grab the damage nodes. The two notables in shadow and templar are best because they give Int as well as damage stats


Lastly is the AOE nodes, path of the savant and the misc jewels along with the +30 dex nodes that will become Int after the jewel socket converts them. At this point you should have a feel for what you want first


Kill all every time. Simple really

Alternate Item options

Thanks to the signet rings each unique that has no Int on it is worth 60 Int. Most rares can only roll a max of 50 Int so uniques are just better.

Black Sun Crest with 15% increased Int gives insane damage. However the build already has good damage so losing the 1000-2000 ES really hurts so thats why I always chose the Vertex.

Budget option could try Solaris but your ES would plummet and you'd be a little under capped on lightning resistance

Until you have purity of lightning running Doryani's cold version will give the lightning resistance needed. In the end the flat ES from Bated breath is just really good defence while the Int makes up for the damage on the Doryani's. Auxium has better base ES but you'll lose some damage and barely increases your total due to lack of Int.

Nothing will beat the Signet rings or Astramentis for their Int.

Here we actually have a few options Atziri's Acuity has the most Int and therefore damage. Asenath's Gentle Touch is the most budget adding temp chains and decent Int for the price, I'm currently running them as temp chains + chill is a beast for defence. Voidbringer has the most ES which is tempting but in terms of defence I feel temp chains is better then that extra 1000ish ES. Also I would need to change nodes in the tree to get enough mana to sustain it which would lose ES in that opportunity cost. I would certainly at least test Acuity if I had one.

Currently using Rainbowstrides for their resistances but if you get some more from the tree in the form of nodes or jewels then you can swap to one of a few good options

Sin trek has comparable ES and with the 30 Int will give more damage and ES then rainbow

Steppan Eard gives no damage but pretty darn good ES

Skyforth. Wow you lucky person. I would rework the build around this item, So much is on it

Int Calculation

Thanks to our %Int increases each 10 int nodes is
10 Int = 17 Int

17 Int = 9.1%ish Increased Damage
(this is an average based off my math. Sometimes a 10 int node will give more sometimes less based on the complicated math of what supports are being used and the ratio of flat damage to %increase you already have)

17 Int = 3.4% ES

17 Int = 8.5 Mana

This makes Int nodes great hybrid ES and damage nodes meaning that the build focuses on getting the most effcient Int nodes in the tree. Getting a 6% ES node and then a 14% damage node for example will be worse then 2 just travel Int nodes that nets us 6.8% ES and 18.2% damage


Standard stuff here. You need a removes freeze and removes bleed flask.
Everything else is based off your situation and granite and other utility flasks are pretty cool too

Character stat screenshots

Offensive Stats

Defensive Stats

Aura Explanation

Through discipline a 6% aura effectiveness node grants more ES than a 6% increased ES node because this is flat ES that then goes through our massive %ES scaling from our high Int total.

This makes the best defensive option to get all the easily available increased aura effectiveness nodes from around the tree.

With all the reduced mana reserved we can then run all 4 purities to make our resistances shoot up to nearly capped just from auras. Just the walker node from the tree, rainbowstride and shavs gives us 81% all resist letting us choose the biggest ES and damage gear without need to worry about covering resistances

The current setup is https://poe.mikelat.com/#_rmMR1/kDpKz9W/7Satx4f/86LBSxb
However there is many alternative setups if you drop empower and play around with where things are. I do recommend this setup though as flat levels on discipline gives very significant levels of ES. (Note that the enlighten gem is not actually level 4 but getting +1 from being in the Vertex)

81% all resistances is a very high total for any build so you will feel very tanky against elemental damage of all kinds.

I have recently gained much respect for Artic Armour and swapped from herald of Ice into it. Physical damage is really the only threat so Artic Armour and Chaos golem help cut that down

Pre Ascendency build

2.0.2 Nerf Information

So with 2.0.2 the duration of ice storm was cut by 1/3 for people running high levels of Int and no %increased duration.

Stacking duration will lead to a longer storm then previously but now the build really need to get some % duration which previously it didn't need to so its a nerf.

Here is my current level 100 skill tree


It drops avatar of fire since temp chains + chill combo was nerfed and getting the freezes back helps the build still be very cc heavy.

This change makes fire penetration only work at roughly 70% effectiveness. Against really tanky bosses the increased duration gem will be more effective. For bosses that die within 6 seconds before the extra storms could be stacked up anyway fire penetration is still the best option.

Avatar of fire is still the best damage option. Most people still use it and it might still be better. I just miss freezing and its easy to swap back and forth

Build Information

I'm currently running the fire version of this build. So far I'm very happy with the results. It has more damage then previously as the cold to fire gem now has a juicy 30% more mutiplyer and 20% increased damage quality bonus. Also the snowforged node in the tree double dips for 50% increased damage in 1 node. Big damage increase from before.

Current Gear/gems

Whispering Ice setup from highest priority to lowest

Faster Casting - Spell ecco - Cold to Fire - Fire penetration - Hypothermia - Life Leech

Hypothermia is really good but doesn't work against immune to chill bosses like atziri
so swap in added cold damage for that. If you are having mana problems swap fire pen for Iron will until you solve them as Iron will has no increased mana cost.

Conc effect giving best damage but will slow down map clear a bit due to smaller AOE. If you feel your damage is low or doing tough bosses swap spell ecco for Conc effect.

The Vertex
Empower - Discipline - Purity of elements - Enlighten
+1 to these gems is good on empower and enlighten as its what allows you to squeeze in two 35% auras on life. +4 on discipline is worth its weight as well since flat ES is much better then %ES with this much Int scaling. Don't use empower until you can sustain it with your mana and level 3 enlighten.

Other two aura setups
Herald of Ice - Purity of Fire - Enlighten
Blood magic - Purity of lightning - Purity of Ice (don't need an enlighten in this one but I have a spare one to level)

For every level below 3 your enlighten is you'll need to grab another 4% reduced mana reserved node in the tree. This is my endgame aura setup so you'll need to drop purity of lightning or herald of ice until you have enough mana to run everything and still cast icestorm.

A low level clarity can be squeezed in if you are just short of regen. Level 1-5 reserves little but with aura effect provides a ton of regen.

My other gem spots are all now just leveling gems. If you wanted more power or survivability I would suggest some combination of

Vaal discipline - Increased Duration - Faster Casting

Cast when Stunned - Molten Shell - Summon Fire Golem/Summon Chaos Golem

Cast when damage taken - Phase Run - Ice Wall

Leapslam - Fortify - Faster Attacks

Warlords Mark - Cast when Damage Taken - (This is very good when not running gentle touch gloves but not needed when you are)

Lightning Warp - Faster Casting - Reduced Duration

Enduring Cry - Increased AOE

Which you chose is up to your own taste, Vaal discipline probably being the most effective one as its a panic "make me immortal" button


The tree is designed to get as much Int and efficient nodes as possible.
Almost every jewel will be either

or the dex one to convert the travel or +30 nodes into more int while also having 15-24 Int on them naturally. There is two jewels in the tree that don't need to convert any nearby travel nodes so keep an eye out for jewels with a flat Int roll, hybrid Int roll, Fire and/or Cold damage and %ES. A combination of these will be better then the unique jewel with just 24 Int.

In the final tree version you need an addition 6% fire and cold resistance to hit the 81% cap on them. This is easily obtainable on a jewel or two nodes in the Templar area
My Current Tree


For those who hate stuns and we can get practical application, nimbleness and heart of oak for 100% chance to avoid stuns while casting


Leveling Progression Guide

20 Points Rush Deep thoughts


40 Points Swap to fire version and grab the "walker" nodes


60 Points Grab Ghost Reaver and head down into the ranger area for Vaal pact


80 Points Grab Primal spirit then start getting the aura nodes. Grab arcane vision and pain attunement when you hit level 62 and can wear the shavronne's wrappings.


100 Points Get foresight for ES, the witch starting 16% damage node then go through Templar section and start getting the jewels


Complete Tree if you were level 100



New gear talkthrough

Level 78 map runthrough. (keep in mind due to framerate drops while recording I'm not dodging attacks that I would normally so I take more damage then normal)

Fire version Gorge Run

EDIT: These videos are a bit outdated as the tree and build is more refined now

Gear and Tree explanation
50 second Palace Dominious Kill (build isn't laggy when playing but my computer sucks so recording is choppy)
Gorge Map clear

Int Calculation

Thanks to our %Int increases each 10 int nodes is
10 Int = 17 Int

17 Int = 9.1%ish Increased Damage
(this is an average based off my math. Sometimes a 10 int node will give more sometimes less based on the complicated math of what supports are being used and the ratio of flat damage to %increase you already have)

17 Int = 3.4% ES

17 Int = 8.5 Mana

This makes Int nodes great hybrid ES and damage nodes meaning that the build focuses on getting the most effcient Int nodes in the tree. Getting a 6% ES node and then a 14% damage node for example will be worse then 2 just travel Int nodes that nets us 6.8% ES and 18.2% damage


Fire resistance flask is a must to pop for reflect
You need a removes freeze and removes bleed flask for those situations.
I like using two movement speed flasks for constant uptime on them.
I used to run Atziri's promise but with avatar of fire that no longer works.
Taste of Hate or Rumi's Concoction would be best but I don't have either so just topaz, granite, whatever you feel like.


Kill all every time. Simple really
Since the build is short 5% fire and cold resistance you could help Kraityn in normal for 10% resistances but I use a rare Jewel to fill that purpose.

Alternate Item options

Thanks to the signet rings each unique that has no Int on it is worth 60 Int. Most rares can only roll a max of 50 Int so uniques are just better.

Black Sun Crest with 15% increased Int gives insane damage. However the build already has good damage so losing the 1500ish ES really hurts so thats why I chose the Vertex.

Budget option could try Solaris but your ES would plummet and you'd need be a little under capped on lightning resistance

Until you have purity of lightning running Doryani's fire version will give the lightning resistance needed. In the end the flat ES from Bated breath is just really good defence while the Int makes up for the damage on the Doryani's. Losing the 0.2% leech is a shame but that nots much and the life leech gem gives all we need. Auxium has better base ES but you'll lose some damage. Either works fine.

Nothing will beat the Signet rings or Astramentis for their Int.

Here we actually have a few options Atziri's Acuity has the most Int and therefore damage. Asenath's Gentle Touch is the most budget adding temp chains and decent Int for the price, I'm currently running them as temp chains + chill is a beast for defence. Voidbringer has the most ES which is tempting but in terms of defence I feel temp chains is better then that extra 1000ish ES. Also I would need to change nodes in the tree to get enough mana to sustain it which would lose ES in that opportunity cost. I would certainly at least test Acuity if I had one.

Sin Trek gives us the most ES and Damage via their Int. I used Rainbowstride before getting all my auras up to give the needed resistances. Koams roots is an option if getting stunned really annoys you. You'll lose about 900 ES in exchange for cannot be stunned and 4 gem slots for the build

This build was written before Steppan Eard was released so now they are an appealing option. They don't have the Int of Sin Trek but the higher ES makes them more likely to be a better, I havn't yet tried them though

Why Avatar Of Fire?

Math Time!
Since 100% of our damage is cold damage with avatar of fire and cold to fire support gem we get full effectiveness from all cold damage and fire damage increases.
The cold to fire gem got huge buffs in 2.0 gives a 30% more damage at level 20 and 20% increased damage at quality 20. This alone was what made me look into using it as those numbers are really really solid for a support gem. The next best gems for a non crit icestorm being added cold damage, Iron Will and Increased duration which would all give a fair amount less damage then cold to fire.

Next we look at the efficient nodes in the tree we can now take

Fire Walker 18% damage
Snowforged cluster 33% increased fire damage and 43% increased cold damage both of which apply at full effect with full conversion.

This is then 18 + 33 + 43 = 94% increased damage for 5 nodes (avatar of fire, fire walker and 3 snowforged nodes) as well as 30% crit and 18% fire resistance.

Lets compare that to getting Heart of ice, for simplicity sake we'll say that we don't need to spend that extra travel node to get to it and 30% crit and 18% fire resistance is equal to 3% cold penetration. (3% cold penetration is pretty good but you'd need to sacrifice some points somewhere to make up that 18% fire resistance which would cancel that out)

So heart of Ice which is considered pretty much the best cold damage nodes is 10 + 12 + 12 + 12 +25 =
71% increased damage for 5 nodes

94 - 71 = 23 so be going avatar of fire we becomes 23% increased spell damage more efficient.

Adding this into the value of cold to fire gem it becomes 30% more and 43% increased spell damage as a gem choice. Currently I don't see a better damage option as a support gem.

Another thing is that due to the tiny increased mana cost of cold to fire 110% we can worry less about reserving almost all of our mana. Swapping to a higher cost support gem is likely to cost us a couple of points in the tree into mana regen which would also be at the opportunity cost of getting more ES/damage even more leading the math into cold to fire's favour.

If you were to use cold to fire without avatar of fire to get the damage but still shatter then, these numbers would all get lowered due to the new math without 100% conversion. The biggest factor is your penetration gem would be reduced in effectiveness, I'm not certain how much of a damage loss you would see here as its really tricky to quantify how much damage the penetration gem is giving at full value and only 70ish% value. Either way I wouldn't recommend dropping the penetration gem as its the biggest damage gem out there for bosses.

Arguments against avatar of fire:

"I could go crit" Yup if you go crit then a critical damage gem is better then cold to fire. Just gotta find that fire resistance somewhere. Probably a Jewel.

"I like to freeze and shatter" Totally legitimate. I do miss the shattering, at my damage level I felt like killing everything in one echoed cast was more important then a freeze since they wouldn't hit me after getting caught in the storm anyway but I do admit to satisfying sound of shattering.

This choice was to maximise my damage efficiency but make sure to maximise your FUN! :)

Character stat screenshots (a few patches old now so outdated)

Mapping Damage w/o Conc effect

Boss Damage with Conc effect

Defensive stats

Aura Explanation

Through discipline a 6% aura effectiveness node grants more ES than a 6% increased ES node because this is flat ES that then goes through our massive %ES scaling from our high Int total.

Knowing that the best defensive option is to get all the easily available increased aura effectiveness nodes from around the tree.

With all the reduced mana reserved we can also run all 4 purities to make our resistances shoot up to nearly capped just from auras. With a Shavron's wrappings for lightning resistance and the walker nodes in my tree we only need 5% more cold and fire resistance from a jewel to be capped at 81% all resist letting all our gear be whatever we want it to be and letting us choose the biggest ES and damage gear without need to worry about covering resistances

The current setup is https://poe.mikelat.com/#_rmMR1/kDpKz9W/z75hkVb/86LBSxb
However there is many alternative setups if you drop empower and play around with where things are. I do recommend this setup though as flat levels on discipline gives very significant levels of ES. (Note that the enlighten gem is not actually level 4 but getting +1 from being in the Vertex)

81% all resistances is a very high total for any build so you will feel very tanky against elemental damage of all kinds.

Some people have swapped herald of ice for arctic armour and I understand that choice. I don't feel like its needed though and its a big damage loss. The flat damage from herald of ice isn't that huge but the 15% global cold damage from its 20% quality version makes all the difference

Thanks for Reading, Feel free to ask me any questions. In this thread or through private message
Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jul 6, 2016, 4:07:34 PM
Last bumped on Oct 8, 2016, 2:31:42 PM
Can you please tell me which passives i should get early on ? Also, what ring should i use if i can't get a legacy Perandus ?
I got 2 non-legacy perandus and it seems fine. Got already 1272 int with lvl 75 :D

€: WTS Scrolls of Wisdom, haha
Last edited by Rhareg#0846 on Jul 22, 2015, 3:24:27 PM
non-legacy perandus would probably still be best in slot you just won't get up to 1500+ int like this build can.

For the tree I would rush mana regen as you can use the staff early and want to have as many of your supports as well. The mana regen on the perandus rings is also essential. I would go Deep Thoughts then Dreamer then into the Templar area to get Storm Weaver and Rightious Decree. Then just grab all the Templar stuff
BTW do u think this is atziri viabli? haven't tried yet, since my gems are low lvl with no %, just wondering if doable.
Could be possible to try this build without those high budget items?
The build is Atziri viable and I've done it. Your biggest problem is the trio as their damage can be stupid. I suggest vaal discipline and perhaps a cast on stunned setup to be safe.

For atziri herself your biggest danger is letting the storm clip the mirror atziri as even 90% cold resistance won't save you there. Mechanically a bit more tricky then some builds due to that, could swap in spell totem if you wanted to be safe from that but I havn't tried that.

without high budget items I would question exactly what you were looking with the build. Could easily scrap the whole lowlife thing and just go CI with all your rares having as much Int as possible. Would need to get more mana regen in tree to drop the rings though
just got a cwdt - ice nova - blind - increased aoe setup.
What's a good cwstunned setup?
I enjoy using frost wall. It deals damage, pushes them back and blocks them off :).

Phase run also works to de agro them off you to hit whatever golem you decided to run.
Seems like a very interested build, I have all your setup gear and I was considering to use this build, but I wasn't completely sure about it. Anyway, can you add atziry video? I would appreciate.
IGN: Haylamscrunch

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