Mechanics thread
Well the diminishing returns part is recent and hasn't been shared with us yet as far as I know. So it's anyone's guess until someone from GGG decides to let us in on it.
Neither am I certain of the modifiers for blue and yellow monsters, I think we did get hold of some exact number for that a long time a go but I'm pretty sure the numbers have changed a few times since then. Furthermore, I'm not sure on the exact process that the game goes through when deciding whether or not to drop items. Single enemies can drop more than one item, so when thinking about %chance to drop an item, think of it as the average number of items that monster will drop. For instance the default for a regular enemy is 16% chance, so think of that as 0.16 items on average dropping from normal enemies. You might occasionally get a normal enemy dropping more than one item though. But to give you a better idea of how the modifiers stack, I'll just make up a number for blue monsters, imagine they have +500% quantity. Assume a player has +30% item quantity from gear, and +20% from skills, for a total of 50%. This is where the diminishing returns part would come in, if we knew what it was. The player is in a party of three, and lands the killing blow on a blue monster. Party bonus is +50% per player after the first, so +100%. Monster bonus is +500%, which we just totally made up. These stack additively for a total of +600%. Base_chance * (1 + Monster_bonus + Party_bonus) * (1 + Player_bonus) 0.16 * (1 + 6) * (1 + 0.5) = 1.68 = 168% chance to drop something, or that monster will drop an average of 1.68 items. Did that make any sense? |
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Do traps and totems use the players IIR/IIQ like minions are suppose to do. I only ask because many of the mobs that my shockwave totem gets the KB on do not drop any loot at all.
Luke: Sorry we have to leave you here, but it just ain't right to eat your wife's and daughter's brains. Plus you're really disgusting and I don't want to spend anymore time with you.
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you might want to update the basic STUN duration:
" it is now listed at 250 ms. Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
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" No idea " Nice catch, thanks |
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I have a small question:
Imagine I have 100% fire resistance from my gear/skills. Since it's capped at 75%, that's my final resistance value. Now a monster/player casts a debuff on me that reduces my resistances by 25%. What's the final result? Does my extra resistance from gear compensate the reduction so I'm still at the cap? Or will the reduction be applied on top of that final value? Will I be at 75 or 50%? |
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Cap is applied to the final value: 100% - 25% = 75%, capped to 75% = 75% final resistance.
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Does a Critical hit affect elemental damage too ?
What I mean... If I have a weapon with 100 damage and a ring 50 cold damage and 50 lighting damage. (with base 150% crit multiplier) If I score a hit will I deal 150 damagefrom the weapon Phisical damage ? ...Or 100 (base weapon dmg) + 50 cold + 50 light = 200 damage x 1.5 (multiplier) = 300 damage ? Thanks :) |
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A crit basically takes your final damage (which includes elemental/physical/chaos) and multiplies it by your crit multiplier. So yes, it includes elemental damage.
How Fusings Work:
IGN: TheHammer |
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Are traps' and mines' critical chances determined on cast or on trigger? (When should I use my diamond flask?)
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
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may s1 write sth about armour penalthies, please? I actually know that there's a movement speed penalthy. How is it affected by different armour classes, by shields? And are there other penalthies, too, like atk speed/cast speed? And in wich way can they be countered, except of the Armour Master passive (more DEX, more STR)? |
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