TapDatJass wrote:
Mark's comment on brittle confused me:
Mark_GGG wrote:
crystalwitch wrote:
So is Brittle base crit chance?
No, it's additional crit chance. Base crit chance can only come from weapons or gems.
But since there are no mechanics in the game that affect base or additional crit differently, the question is entirely irrelevant to actual mechanics.
I took this to mean that brittle's different wording implied that the hits got additional critical strike chance, which would be scaled by increased critical strike chance.
That is what my comment meant. However, it was incorrect. Brittle was explicitly intended to work that way, so we described it as such in game and here on the forums, but there was a mistake with the implementation. This is fixed in 3.6.0, alongside some balance changes to Brittle's numbers, which were shown to be necessary once balance testing was done with the correct mechanics.
The way it currently works was a weird nonstandard stat that was made way back in the day for the initial implementation of Assassin's Mark (then called Critical Weakness), which had to work in it's weird way because at the time we didn't have the tech for a stat on an enemy that would affect the stat calculation of your hit. Aul's also used it only because it was intended to replicate some of the effects of the Mark curses matching it's attribute. It was never supposed to be used on Brittle.
In 3.6.0, that old weird stat is finally fully removed in favour of stats (like the correct one for Brittle) which follow the regular stat rules of PoE and will interact correctly with other modifiers. Some uses of that old stat will now grant additional crit chance to hits, while others have been replaced with granting increased crit chance to hits. The new unique flask, as you have noted, is one of the former.
Posted byMark_GGGon Feb 19, 2019, 10:37:10 PMGrinding Gear Games
Mark_GGG wrote:
In 3.6.0, that old weird stat is finally fully removed in favour of stats (like the correct one for Brittle) which follow the regular stat rules of PoE and will interact correctly with other modifiers. Some uses of that old stat will now grant additional crit chance to hits, while others have been replaced with granting increased crit chance to hits. The new unique flask, as you have noted, is one of the former.
Does this mean that in 3.6.0 Assassin's Mark will no longer let you exceed the 95% crit cap?
Posted bykallixti#1390on Feb 20, 2019, 3:28:10 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
That is what my comment meant. However, it was incorrect. Brittle was explicitly intended to work that way, so we described it as such in game and here on the forums, but there was a mistake with the implementation. This is fixed in 3.6.0, alongside some balance changes to Brittle's numbers, which were shown to be necessary once balance testing was done with the correct mechanics.
The way it currently works was a weird nonstandard stat that was made way back in the day for the initial implementation of Assassin's Mark (then called Critical Weakness), which had to work in it's weird way because at the time we didn't have the tech for a stat on an enemy that would affect the stat calculation of your hit. Aul's also used it only because it was intended to replicate some of the effects of the Mark curses matching it's attribute. It was never supposed to be used on Brittle.
In 3.6.0, that old weird stat is finally fully removed in favour of stats (like the correct one for Brittle) which follow the regular stat rules of PoE and will interact correctly with other modifiers. Some uses of that old stat will now grant additional crit chance to hits, while others have been replaced with granting increased crit chance to hits. The new unique flask, as you have noted, is one of the former.
Just to clarify, does this mean the new flask gives additional base critical strike chance which can then be scaled by any %increased critical strike chance your character may have?
So with 10% base critical strike chance and 400% increased critical strike chance you would normally have 50% critical strike chance but with the flask you would have 60% critical strike chance against the enemy? Or does it function like assassin's mark currently works and you'd have 52% critical strike chance instead of 50% critical strike chance against the enemy?
Posted byStefan85734#3642on Feb 26, 2019, 5:23:20 PM
kallixti wrote:
Does this mean that in 3.6.0 Assassin's Mark will no longer let you exceed the 95% crit cap?
Now that the balance manifesto is posted and the information within public, I can say that the answer to this is (technically) no - because there will no longer be a 95% cap to exceed.
Posted byMark_GGGon Mar 4, 2019, 7:32:40 PMGrinding Gear Games
Does skill queue also work for skills being triggered ? Like coc or cospri´s/Mjolner.
Posted byKuujha#6756on Jun 25, 2019, 7:08:55 AM