Mechanics thread

thomasmosekaer wrote:
I don't know how to maybe get this changed, but i noticed that on the wiki blind page the say that the dodge chance due to blind is increased as 1-0.5*(1-a) where a is your dodge chance without blind. That is correct, what i don't understand is why they don't just say that the chance of the enemy hitting you is halved:


First of all you're triggering my inner nitpicker... Dodge is NOT Evasion.

Second, unless I've missed a superceding citation by Mark_GGG, you're actually right that the Wiki should be nitpick-edited to say that "Chance to Hit" is halved...

Mark_GGG wrote:
The monster calculates it's chance to hit you, including blind. This gives your chance to evade, which is then modified further by Ondar's Guile. (modifying the chance to evade obviously also modifies the hit chance further, but this is the order it's done in).

Third, the importance of the difference between Chance to Hit and Chance to Evade is when you have multiplicative modifiers to both, namely Blind + a modifier to Chance to Evade, such as the Trickster's "20% more chance to Evade while on full Energy Shield." Suppose we calculate an initial Chance to Hit of 75%. You then get different results depending on whether you apply them in the same step or as the reverse:

75% / 2 = 37.5% CtH
37.5% CtH => 62.5% CtE
62.5% * 1.2 = 75% CtE

Suppose you had them in the same step (AKA Blind = doubles chance to evade):
75% CtH => 25% CtE
25% * 2 * 1.2 = 60% CtE

BGeezy wrote:
If I'm using Abberath's Hooves. Does Leap Slam or Flame Dash proc abberath's fury when I land? Can't really tell while testing.

Sorry I can't say for sure on this one, but Wiki says "Yes":

Movement skills: The majority of movement skills will only trigger explosions when the player reaches the target location, and not while in transit. The only exception is Shield Charge, as player is technically still walking but at a greatly increased speed.

BGeezy wrote:

Does Arc or Vaal Arc shock enemies if used by a spell totem?

Totems use your skills as if they are you, the main exception being that they are not "yourself" for the purposes of Ancestral Bond. As such, there's pretty much no difference between Shock-ability between Arc/Vaal Arc Spell Totem and self-cast.

(Shock is a natural property of Hits that deal Lightning Damage. Shock Duration, Shock Effect, and Chance to Shock are properties contained at the Skill level, and are thus "passed on" to your Totem.)

(A good rule of thumb to consider whether a modifier affects a skill and therefore affects a Totem using that skill is that most offensive stats modify skills, while most defensive stats do not. For example, maximum Life and Elemental Resistance are not properties of a Skill.)
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Jun 4, 2018, 4:52:33 PM
This is a pretty quick one.

Will the ignite modifier from Dyadian Dawn affect Ignites caused by Explosive Arrow's secondary explosions?

It states "by an attack" but I'm unsure whether how EA is treated by that.

EDIT: After some testing I'm pretty confident saying that it does work; I guess it's something similar with the change to make EDWAS affect the explosion.
Last edited by Morelikeew#4171 on Jun 12, 2018, 3:51:45 PM
Does the vine snare debuff count as hindered or maimed or is it something else?
im sorry about asking something like this but, i cant sleep.
my question is:

does the reflect damage from Hiltless works on Wall of Brambles.
more specific:
"40% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker"
or the reflect from hitless is not a melee hit?

edit: also what about the "Basalt Flask" "20% of Melee Physical Damage reflected to Attacker"
Last edited by ZLukoMK2#4902 on Jul 7, 2018, 12:57:54 AM
How does the damage per endurance charge from unyielding works? Cause it doesn't seem to give the REAL 5% per charge. So how that DAMAGE scales with a skill?
I have several questions about Molten Strike. Knowing the answers will help me improve the Molten Strike DPS Calculator. I've tried to include all the reasonable implementation choices in case it helps someone authoritative like Mark_GGG to be able to copy just the correct ones where possible.

  • I assume that molten strike projectiles and boss hitboxes are still squares, not circles. What controls the angle of the squares?
    • Nothing, they're circles now!
    • They are always diamonds, meaning the corners point to the top, bottom, left, and right of the screen. The squares are axis aligned to the game's 45 degree rotation.
    • They are always squares as seen on the screen, meaning the edges are parallel to screen edges.
    • The orientation is randomly picked for every hit (or something else).
    • Boss orientation is tied to where they're looking and they face a corner of a square.
    • Boss orientation is tied to where they're looking and they face an edge of a square.
    • Molten strike ball corners lie along the travel direction.
    • Molten strike ball edges lie along the travel direction.

  • Are boss hitboxes computed continuously, or are all hits computed on a discrete grid?
  • How does rounding affect the ball's hitbox?
    • Ball radii are continuous, implying that collision detection is continuous, at least on the ball side.
    • Ball radii are rounded to the nearest integer, but always toward 0.
    • Ball radii are rounded to the nearest integer, but always away from 0.
    • Ball radii are rounded to the nearest integer, ties toward zero.
    • Ball radii are rounded to the nearest integer, ties away from zero.
    • Ball radii are rounded to the nearest integer, ties to even.

  • Same question about the outer radius.
  • Do AoE modifiers actually modify the AoE coverage area (taking into account the fact that the inner deadzone's radius doesn't change, or do they simply scale the outer radius by sqrt(1+netIncrAoE)?
  • Do balls land at discrete or continuous distances? If discrete, is nearest-neighbor used, or something else?
  • How is the ball sprout location chosen when the melee hit cone overlaps with a mob?
    • Balls sprout from the center of the mob (e.g. a corner between grid points if the mob has radius 2 and the center of a grid point if the mob has radius 3).
    • Balls sprout from the nearest point of overlap between the cone and the hitbox, in a discrete sense.
    • Balls sprout from the nearest point of overlap between the cone and the hitbox, in a continuous sense.
    • Balls sprout from the center of mass of the overlap between the melee hit cone and the mob's hitbox, as a continuous location.
    • Balls sprout from the center of mass of the overlap between the melee hit cone and the mob's hitbox, as a discrete location.

  • I assume that for Ancestral Call, a ground hit is always at the maximum range, in the center of the cone. The start location of the 2nd attack is at the ground hit's location, and the centerline of its cone is oriented directly at the center of the auto-chosen target.

2.6 BLS Berserker budget shaper farmer build guide:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Some caveats:
1) If an attack would crit you, evasion is tested a second time, and if you evade, the hit is downgraded to a non-crit (it does not miss, since it's already tested for that and hit). This roll is purely random and does not increase the entropy value - it just generates a number from 1 to 100 and compares to the chance to hit.

sry for bad english, i am not native english speaker. but i truely want to figure it out, about crit and the second roll.

as you say, it just generates a number from 1 to 100 and compares to the chance to hit.

when i use a weapon with "hits cant be evaded" modifier or shied "Lycosidae", it makes my "chance to hit" 100% in the character sheet. therefore it doesnt matter whatever the second roll is and that is fine.

but what if "hits cant be evaded" is conditional? such as "Your Hits can't be Evaded by Blinded Enemies" on "effigon" or "Enemies Taunted by you cannot Evade Attacks" by "worthy foe".

the number generated randomly still compares to "the chance to hit" in the character sheet or
compares to 100% because under the circumstance "my hits cant be evaded".(assume that i make the condition available)

hopefully i could figure it out and appreciate it if someone make a reply at the earlies convenience.
"Attacks with this weapon penetrate 16% Chaos Resistance" is a new mod for Betrayal league. Does this mod apply to Toxic Rain's Spore Pod Damage Over Time? Does this mod apply to Poisons created by attacks using this weapon?
Frogfriend wrote:
"Attacks with this weapon penetrate 16% Chaos Resistance" is a new mod for Betrayal league. Does this mod apply to Toxic Rain's Spore Pod Damage Over Time? Does this mod apply to Poisons created by attacks using this weapon?

Penetration only applies to hits, never to DoT.
I have a question regarding wording on additional critical strike chance in the game.

Both assassin's mark and aul's uprising have consistent wording:
"Enemies have an additional ()% chance to receive a Critical Strike"

This is added to the end of the critical strike calculation, and ignores the 95% cap. Because it is added at the end of the calculation is not scaled by increased or more critical strike chance modifiers.

However, wording on brittle is different:
"Hits have up to +20% Critical Strike Chance against Brittle Enemies, based on the Cold Damage of the Hit which inflicted Brittle, for 2 seconds"

Mark's comment on brittle confused me:
Mark_GGG wrote:
crystalwitch wrote:
So is Brittle base crit chance?
No, it's additional crit chance. Base crit chance can only come from weapons or gems.

But since there are no mechanics in the game that affect base or additional crit differently, the question is entirely irrelevant to actual mechanics.

I took this to mean that brittle's different wording implied that the hits got additional critical strike chance, which would be scaled by increased critical strike chance. However after extensive testing, it seems very likely that in fact Brittle works identically to assassin's mark and aul's uprising: it is not scaled by increased critical strike chance and ignores the 95% critical strike chance cap.

I am also interested to see how this observation will relate to the newly announced unique, Bottled Faith, with the affix "+2% to Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect."

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