Did you remove /oos or fix desync?
Idm desyncs anymore, I've used to them. But yea if you die sometimes because of that it's annoying, if you keep dying to them your build is too squishy anyways
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" So because I didn't quote a sizable wall of text you assume I didn't read it? I've read just about everything in this thread and I stand by my statement. You get off on putting down people with legitimate concerns about the state of the game, we would all be better off if you kept your mouth shut. |
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I'm only on page 12 currently, but I wanted to add my voice.
I do not play a melee class (half) because of the desync issue. (The other half because right-click driving is not in the game; thread here) When I play my witch, I rarely see desyncs. It happens the most when I'm moving fast and quickly use a skill, say ice nova. I can see clear as day that the range isn't the same in the direction I was moving if I use it while on the move. I have seen it with other skills of course, but it's usually not bad at all; usually. I've only needed to use /oos about three times since open beta started. When I tried playing a marauder however, holy expletive. From level 1 I could tell there was a syncing issue. I'm now level 14 with a lot more skills and I desync just about every, single, mob pack; it's neigh unplayable. I've taken to just spamming leap slam because it's the most reliable method I have to kill anything now, along with moving my character at the same time in hopes of resyncing with the server. Now, I by no means spammed /oos on my marauder; I tried using it maybe about 35 times total, usually when I saw some heavy desync or was going up against a tough enemy (I play in hardcore). I tested using it mid combat, but even so it still went out of sync again. I ended up just giving up and going back to my witch. My latency meter usually reads 62ms at all times. This is a very big issue, and while it doesn't affect me as much as it does others (solely because of my issues with actually playing a melee character in this game, unlike in say Diablo 2), I really hope something is done about it soon, especially when hardcore players are dying over it (among other things..). 2-26 Update: Updating this after losing 2 of my character to desyncs in the races so far. I have never seen it so bad. Taking damage when running around groups, nearly getting killed, despite NEVER seeing an attack animation go off. Watching my character be 1/3 of the way across the screen when I use /oos to fix the sync issue. And finally experiencing the out of sync teleport I was oh so familiar with in D2 for the first time ever. I forfeited the race yesterday because of how bad it had gotten. I was actually lagging ingame, yet not lagging on my latency meter; things just registered after a big delay sometimes with zero change in my meter, implying server issues. There's been numerous complaints about this both ingame and on each of the race threads; desyncs and most importantly deaths to desyncs. I'm trying to enjoy things, but as it stands, I may just give up and revisit the game at a later date. Sad to say, but Diablo 3 doesn't have this issue (shame that the game is so terrible outside of the brutal combat, can't enjoy the overly simplistic and WoWlike nature of it). I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words. Last edited by DAOWAce#0876 on Feb 26, 2013, 4:52:23 AM
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They really need to bind /oos to a key. It would be a lot easier to hit something like F2 to re-sync yourself than having to stop and type /oos in the middle of combat.
Edit: Just read the GGG posts. You say you don't want to implement automated sync checks because it would cause continuous rubberbanding..? That sounds like you have a very very poorly made movement-estimation system, and should probably completely redo it. Rubberbanding is GOOD, it means that you are back in sync. I would rather Rubberband 20 times than die to a mob that isn't even on my screen because of desync. IGN: xOkiesmokiex or _Okiesmokie Last edited by xOkiesmokiex#4879 on Feb 19, 2013, 9:23:28 PM
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You only need to type /oos once then you can just do this:
Enter, Up, Enter And bam, you've now resynchronized the client with the server. This is obviously not an elegant solution when using a chat channel other then Local of course. I'd also like to mention that I've been noticing the server seems to be more interested in what you are targeting and less interested in where you are targeting. This allows the client to be a lot more responsive and for lag to be hardly felt. (With Latency upwards of 300ms in combat (233 outside of combat), the feedback seems to be mostly instant which is lovely) I hope fixing the desync issue won't increase the perceivable amount of lag in the game :/ Computer specifications: Windows 10 Pro x64 | AMD Ryzen 5800X3D | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | MSI Geforce 1070Ti Gamer | Corsair AX 760watt PSU | Samsung 860 Pro 512GB SSD & WD Black FZEX HDD Last edited by Nicholas_Steel#0509 on Feb 24, 2013, 8:06:02 AM
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" I really LMAO with this one /bow |
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Game was completely unplayable in the Sin academy level 2 tonight due to almost constant desyncs. =/
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Get some rest guys.
The world won't end if problems aren't solved immediately, and overtired people make mistakes they don't see until it's too late. I KNOW about the pressure of work. I'm in research and have to cram a helluva lot into fieldwork just to get the data we need to continue. We've written off one experimental drone due to sheer bloody exhaustion and we damned near wrote off another one late last year. Prioritise is the thing. Better the game keeps running the way it is for a while than it gets stuffed up because you've been pushing too hard. And Chris, LISTEN to me mate! I put my time in as head of research before I officially 'retired' and I know that some jobs (research being right up there at the top of the list) are a bloody sight more addictive than anything chemical. I may have to come to N.Z. to check a new experimental aircraft (the 'Kahu' if you're interested) - do I have to come and talk to you all with a lump of 2 by 4 just to make you take a bloody rest? | |
Died twice in the races I've played in so far.
First time I've died in hardcore since I started playing. Updated my original post. Going to give it a rest, or not play melee characters at all anymore. Shame that no matter what class I am, I'm still nearly getting killed by running near mobs that don't even show an attack. I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words.
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" i have been testing stuff around with desync issues and was participating in a lot of races so far. the first 2 were really tries died due player fault but when i played my duelist and i survived the 3h race where i acutally went the safety first method only hit lvl 19 which is roughly bad than good in a race. In a race u have to run fast and u have to kill fast or move fast but if u can´t do that because u have to stop every 20 to 30sec and hitting a mob or firing some spell/skill to sync again thats not really good in a race. Especially at the beginning the first30mins/45mins in a race are the hardest because u are way underlvled or underequipped usually. I have run a lot of pratice runs in hardcore even timed ones but the last 2 events i attempted i got desyched with 3 chars(witch, ranger and witch) again and died just because of this issue. I mean how will i be able to get at least 1 or 2 points per race if i don´t survive. I like this game really but i really was pissed yesterday after dying 3 times in a row cuz of desych issue. |
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