Did you remove /oos or fix desync?
" I can accept what you say about desync, also what Chris has mentioned a few times about people complaining about the rubberbanding when in actual fact the rubberbanding is correcting the desync, let's say..resync. I believe there is a bug, not with desync (as you have said, it isn't a bug), but rather in resync. Let me explain. First of all, I suffer real, real bad with desync, it is with me constantly. In closed beta I had it very rarely and in my case (in both betas) it is 95% mob desync rather than player desync. In open beta now, every single mob that comes towards me from off screen (and often not even from off screen), will resync back. It is quite humorous tbh. Like a rehearsal "Ok in a moment I'm going to come towards you like this, got it? OK one more time, like this, see? I'll do it again...." This has the annoyance of the mobs being invulnerable until I actually go to them, it also kind of removes the whole 'fear of not knowing what's coming'. Now, where I believe there is a pretty substantial bug... We know a player with desync is 'out of sync' in their position on client v server, I get that. So the time that you are in desync is the time where the client and server don't agree, the point of resync is the server putting you where it says you are, thus rubberbanding or porting on the client. It's also worth noting that while desynced, movement actions performed by you can result in you porting to a place you have never been, at least on your client. BUT. I have experienced on several occations, my character resyncing to a place I COULD NOT HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN TO. This happens most commonly in the Crypt Map, but also in many other places. A typical and real example. I am in the Crypt Map, I am synced, no problem. I am stationary. I have no skill bound to left mouse, only 'move only'. I am using skills to kill monsters with no desync. I don't touch my left mouse key. Directly north of the room I am in is another room, with a narrow door between the two. To the west of the north room is another room, again with a narrow door between it and the north room. So we have 3 rooms, in an inverted L formation. Lets call them... Room A, where I am. Room B, north of me. Room C, to the west of room B. B C A In Rooms B and C are a lot of monsters. In Room C is the Map Boss. I have never been in Rooms B or C. I am synced and stationary in Room A, killing monsters from Room B as they enter Room A. A necromancer begins to slowly walk from Room C, through Room B, and into Room A. The necromancer walks right up to me, it is invulnerable, it is desynced. This is common, for me, as explained in this post. The necromancer resyncs back to the Boss room, the west room, Room C. THE RESYNC TAKES MY CHARACTER WITH THE RESYNCED NECROMANCER AND PUTS ME INSIDE THE BOSS ROOM. Even had I used my left mouse while desynced to unknowingly run into Room C (which I hadn't and wasn't desynced any way) I could never have made it alive. But, I appear in Room C, resynced at the same time the necromancer resynced, with full life, but ofc not for long as I have the full room of monsters and a Boss on me. This, can not be working as intended, there is indeed a bug with resync and I believe it needs urgent attention. My latency is normally between 40 and 60. Thanks. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Feb 26, 2013, 11:09:00 AM
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" I too have had this happen to me, and even on smaller scales like resyncing up cliffs. |
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Yea this has gotten worse for me in the past few days...getting resynched to rooms ive never been too. Also, i used to be able to dodge rollers and projectiles, and now even though they miss me widely on screen I still get hit. I miss my manual dodging...
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Lvl 42 shadow gone to oos. 55 ranger gone. Lots of other low lvl toons which I deleted.. I really love hardcore but its unplayable for me. But I guess ill try again cause I dont like softcore.
Last edited by isand#3178 on Mar 1, 2013, 4:14:11 AM
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Also suffering rather heavily from this. Mostly movement-skill using enemies like goatmen and those rolling golems, but also teleporting ahead or enemies hitting me without any animation.
My latency is almost never more than 20 (milliseconds?), so I don't think that's the main cause. |
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" I'm wondering if it is to do with the right mouse, in some cases at least. For example my single target skill I have on right mouse and left free for run only. This allows me to lock onto a target with right mouse held down and while having the target locked I can continue single target spam or override it by using my AoE bind, while still having right mouse held down keeping the target locked and as the default skill being used when no other binds are down. It also has the added utility of allowing totems to be placed anywhere without releasing the target lock (you can move your cursor away from the target while still having it targeted to place a totem, a curse however will fire at the locked target). With a target locked, using right mouse, a ranged character will automatically move to keep a line on the target, should the target move so as the firing line is broken by on obstacle (but not by range). So, I was thinking, if you happen to right mouse skill a decynced monster (which will happen a lot) when the game resyncs that monster (often porting it back to a couple of rooms ahead) the server may perform the action on you too, because of the mechanic that auto moves your character normally. Casually casual.
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It's always nice when you're surrounded by enemies and run out of the pack only to continue being hit. Because client-side, there was enough room for your character to get away, but on server-side, your character couldn't get out of the pack. So you run around getting hit by nothing. You'd think the client would be like "Oh, he's taking damage from a source he couldn't possibly be taking damage from" and automatically resync, but no, I'm forced to enter, up, enter.
One of the worst things that happen is that sometimes when an enemy desyncs into a completely different room, when you /oos to get him to resync, he immediately desyncs back into the position he was before. Mob is in the wrong room, /oos, mob immediately walks from his synced position and desyncs back into the room. I can't maintain any sort of hope for this game's future when I see things like that. |
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" The above ^ was pretty much confirmed by Kripp in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ6VY9FRkBM What he didn't make exactly clear, is that not only will your character move, as in walk/run, to the server location of the targeted mob, it will actually port, through rooms full of mobs etc to the server location of the targeted desynced/resynced mob. This is the result we see when we magically appear 2 rooms ahead surrounded by mobs and no way out. I don't utilize 'attack in place' modifier, I probably should, but I never liked modifiers. I use the set up of single target on right mouse, run only on left mouse, all other skills including AoE spam on binds for the utility I explained in the quoted post. This set up not only gives great utility for casting other spells while locked on a target, but also allows my AoE spam (which carries life leech) to override the single target skill (which has no heal component) but all the while never losing the locked target. This cannot be done by having both Single and AoE skills on either mouse bind, they will not override and require a full skill switch of releasing both mouse buttons between, which will (amplified by the poor cursor visibility) loose the locked target. So, this leaves two possibilities. 1) To loose the utility explained, and be prey to the poor mouse cursor visibility. 2) To have the full utility, but always need to have 'attack in place' modifier held down while also using other key binds. Not a problem for concert pianists or probably the majority of keyboard savvy people, but for the old timer, 'one finger typists', arthritis riddled people such as myself, it's a nightmare. I thought of a solution I used in other games, any bind that is required to be always pressed can be assigned to the num-pad. By pressing the num-pad bind then pressing num-lock with the bind down, then releasing both...we have that bind locked down. This works great, any attacking has the 'attack in place' modifier, having run only on left mouse means I can still move freely while not attacking. Brilliant, problem solved, full utility, minimal cursor visibility issues, no need to be forever holding a modifier to not fall prey to resync porting to certain death. Great... other than the game won't allow you to loot or open chests or use a WP with the modifier down. /sigh. So every interaction requires the releasing then reapplying of 'num-pad + num-lock'. So, my point is.. the terrible desync problems in PoE are requiring the use of a modifier at all times, but that modifier disallows interaction. Can there not be a solution to this which is quite simple? Something like... 1) have 'attack in place' allow you to still interact with objects, portals, loot and WPs. or 2) have the loot modifier work as an 'interact' modifier while 'attack in place' is locked. or 3) have 'attack in place' as a simple toggle. or 4) fix it so the resyncing of a mob will not port the player to that location if a skill was used on the mob as a locked target, preferably so that the LoS movement of character still works for normal synced combat. Number 4 is obviously the most logical and the use of the 'attack in place' modifier in many cases is only necessary because of the desync problems associated with number 4. However, this still remaining in game after 2 years leads me to believe it isn't as simple a solution as the other 3. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Mar 10, 2013, 8:37:45 AM
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I am having problems even leveling up in softcore nevermind ever even thinking about trying hardcore. Rubberbanding mobs, getting hit from a screen away all sorts of stuff. I have 60mbit/10mbit pfsense in front it and 60ms. 0% loss across all hops all day. It was never like this in closed and I can barely play. If I do some days all the deaths I make no progress at all.
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" Things like this happen when you're attacking a mob who was out of sync, your character ends up chasing after the mob to attack it and you end up in a place you weren't expecting to be in. |
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