Feedback / MoM + duelist

Great read! I love the idea of using 'damage taken gained as mana' mods for use with MoM. Did you drop that idea?

Also, two things:

-What are your thoughts on getting Alira's +40 mana bandit quest reward?

-What are your thoughts on using the new Taste of Hate flask with this build?
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Catchafire2000 wrote:
Great read! I love the idea of using 'damage taken gained as mana' mods for use with MoM. Did you drop that idea?

Also, two things:

-What are your thoughts on getting Alira's +40 mana bandit quest reward?

-What are your thoughts on using the new Taste of Hate flask with this build?

No i did not drop that idea at all sir, the problem is that it only comes from corruption and those are RNG gated.

Combined with the fact there are no unique's bases to corrupt that suit this build makes it a very daunting task to commit to.
In fact i have purposely been aiming for the blood-rage idea after victor brought it to my attention, not so much for the blood rage itself but because of the fact i can use mings heart then, which is a unique that, while uncommon, still suits the build thus allows the corruption idea.


So far no luck yet. (will probably jump if i get one with damage to mana roll :o )

I am also attempting to corrupt my amulets, but since i need quite high tier rolls on it and i will need to use a rare version makes it very limited in attempts.


About alira ->

I would have to check but i think i still took kaoms +hp on this build, alira might be an option, but your main defensive pool stays hp (obviously) combined with the fact you take regeneration and a higher hp% then mana overall makes me confident hp is the way to go. (also leach cap limit, your still using life leach to a great extend)

About taste of hate ->

Yes, this is on my purchase list but i don't have the funds to buy it atm. But overall it is a GREAT flask for this build, you gain dps (like ming's, non aura dps increase) and it lowers the physical hits, thus alleviating the damage on hit to your mana pool.

I will have to use 3x resistance potions anyway on this build since it's a 2-hander version. This one will rightfully take a spot in my belt once i can purchase one.

One thing to note on this is that i am basically 100% physical immune atm, so while it does add physical defense, it will be utilized more for the burst increase and cold property's.

dareso's defiance coupled with IC cwdt combo and my speed creates a constant onslaught buff and immortal call up-time, it has been invaluable in phys reflect maps and vs extremely hard hitters, saving me from tons of damage to my mana pool. In fact most of the things that get true are spell/elemental based hits atm. Extremely noticeable when running X% as X element damage modifiers on maps.

Hope that answers your questions Catcha.



(stealth bump, hoping somebody takes a look at this from GGG's office)

And a mery hoho x-mas to y'all.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
So i tried out a academy map today, got totally butchered and it was not even such a hard one <.<

I got more 76/77/78 maps lined up, but i fear it would be a waste of time. I run them at 100% difficulty usually so i can sustain my map pool solo and this char will not be able to run them effectively.

I fear MoM with melee duelist is not a viable option in it's current state, the further you progress in maps the more obvious it becomes atm.

Trash is np, even vs most rares it has potential, but some bosses will just shred you.

When this happens, your mana is gone at a rate you cannot replenish, so suddenly your 30%ehp buffer just falls away :).

I also find this defensive form sort of weird (remember this is my first time testing it)

- if you stack more reduction measures it becomes more effective, on the other hand you have less reserve in your pool.
This is extremely counter productive. I could for instance use a purity aura and suddenly i would take %less damage of all forms of that element, thus increasing the effect of the mana barrier itself, but at the same time you lose out on reserve/buffer space.

For this buffer to be worthwhile, we would need a bigger pool and not even for the buffer itself, but for the mana regen it grants and the leach%.

We all know that mana leach is capped and thus having such a low pool of it severely undermines this defense.

If i would like anything to happen to MoM, it would be to get a node behind it that dramatically increases your mana leach effective % rate, with some intelligence to boot.

I am tempted to try a similar experiment with a shadow using cloak of defiance, just to look at the difference between a 1100 max mana pool (currently on my duelist, 780 unreserved pool) and a 4500 mana pool. (which i know from experience is possible with EB, quite easily even)

Imo focusing the MoM at duelist around a mana leach mechanic would be fun, since it would create a unique feel to MoM there and MoM on the cloak of defiance (which would be purely for casters then).


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
I've been following along with great interest. Guess it just comes down to needing some alternative type of elemental reduction in the s/sw part of the skill tree for the physical based melee players. Then, having MOM as a buffer beyond that would be something worth considering.

Kudos on taking up the experimental challenge, Boem. Seems like it was inevitable it would end this way.

Cheers & seasons greetings
Instead of MoM, what about getting max endurance charges and immortal call for defense? Duelist seems perfect for that.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
I am considering swapping armor's to something else. Instead of daresso's utilize something so i can stop using IC constantly but instead keep max charges up at all time.

(i get onslaught for charges when i am hit, so i would have to remove the armor to test it)

This might work out since it will give me resis/hp/etc so it free's up some other slots.

On the other hand, i lose my constant reflect impunity and 100%phys imune. Will see how that turns out lol.

I want to test as much of the angles as possible atm.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I assumed MoM was deliberately in the worst possible place, because otherwise it would be a no-brainer for a lot of life-based Int characters, especially given the life and mana passives in the Witch and Templar areas. The EB+MoM combo is too strong to make it cheaply available.

I wonder, could Testudo be useful on a MoM build? It's not exactly Aegis Aurora, but gaining mana on block could help smooth out some out of mana issues.

Also, MoM seems like a natural choice on builds that use Warlord's/Poacher's Mark (I see boem is using Poacher's). The mana leech/gained from the curse is more than most melee characters need for their skills, so it makes sense to feed the rest into recovering HP.
Think he's trying to make it work as a 2 hand build.
I am using poachers since i think with 2% mana leach on a 1100 total pool and 32k dps i am at the leach limit already.

(not sure do, on the look out for a killer amulet with 4% mana leach + life + phys damage :p)

So i figured since i have a 7.2 aps cleave, i could use poachers to benefit from this, coupled with revelry.
(and yes i think tetsudo could make a lot of difference on a dedicated block build, with anvils combined and some of the new trigger gems with mana leach etc?) it gives me a lot of mana at a steady pace, and in groups the mana gain only increases.

Also using a devourer totem, since i think it stacks on all the other mana regen, without leach cap limitations attached to it.

Looking forward to testing with a 4% mana leach amulet actually (5% with my gloves then) and perhaps a new armor to just run with endurance charges.



Edit : ow yeah, i am trying to make this work with a 2h build :p, i wanted to test this instead of dodge/spell dodge for 2-handers.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on Dec 26, 2014, 8:46:09 PM

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