Feedback / MoM + duelist
" Well you dont lose any dps or a gem slot, you replace life leech gem which doesnt offer any dps, for BM, which also doesnt give dps, but its the BM gem that makes the build a lot easier to do and actually indirectly gives you more dps than before because you get to use that build just swap out the blind gem for bloodrage, life leech for BM and use that tree, i guarantee on my testisatchel that youll be doing a lot better I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Dec 20, 2014, 6:53:31 PM
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^it's cool man, save your testiknuggets. I just did the 70 map run with MoM active on a 410 mana pool (free mana)
And it went perfectly. Only dropped to no mana at the boss fight once and it was easily recovered within 1 sec of dodging. then one of my mates wanted to do zana before they reset, so i jumped in with the MoM still active and it went great :). 0 issue's so far, it even saved my ass from magnus flameblast (took a big chunk of the dps), so all in all, quite content so far with this. also i just looked at your passive tree's, you are forgetting mana investment and intelligence, but i do understand the logic behind your idea and i might give it a go later on. Probably gonna think and spec this build a bit more. Peace, -Boem- (also just wanna write a quick note, that i am doing a 2H style, a person using a shield would have A LOT more freedom with this key-stone, resis/mana/mana regen availability on shields would be a big boon + 8 mana on block etc) Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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@victor, i am going to adopt your idea, maybe even without the blood rage gem, not sure yet on that.
It seems necessary vs boss fights in higher maps! Still going pretty ok. Thx for the input sir. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" Nonono, you need the bloodrage, otherwise you have to get life leech on gear, which is a wasted mod and expensive too when you can just use a cheap gem instead. And i guarantee youll be able to run it with that build, youll easily out-regen it mate, the gem at lower levels degens 4% of life, you have -34% chaos rez, whcih means it would degen 5.2% of life, youll have 6.4% regen, youll outregen it by 1.2% life regen, it will be easy to run. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Dec 21, 2014, 2:38:51 AM
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I know this victor :D, but the fact is that i have 3% life leach from gear (daresso's defiance armor) and 3% more from the tree (down the marauder), so technically i have 6% already covered.
But i am using blood rage atm non-the-less for the free frenzy's and will probably spec out of the marauder life leach just to save nodes. Nodes are more important with this build, so it's cool of blood rage saves me around 6 points invested. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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So thought i would update this project.
current gear
Not a minimal investment as you can see :O Currently my stats are 34k solo dps with cleave (its plenty for solo play imo) 4500hp (will jump to roughly 4750/4800 with next 10% node) 1100 mana (700+- unreserved mana atm, running a lvl 11 clarity and HoA for minimal investment on mana pool) I have also adopted victors suggestion and even specced around it now in terms of gear. One of the main issue's was finding stuff to corrupt for the damage to mana corruption which is so beneficial to this build. Most amulets that would be upgrades for me would be extremely pricy at this point and moving down in tier just for the corruption would not be worth it imo atm. So i decided to utilize ming's heart, this saves me regen on the passive tree (nodes) and act's like an aura in itself (adds % chaos) it is also a unique that will drop constantly in the league so i can keep corrupting them as i buy them. The project is going well, but still my original points remain valid, lack of intel and a very high gear wall for the results attained.(it's fun just to try and make something new/weird, however i could invest 1/5th of my budget of this char on another and probably be stronger both defensively as offensively) The duelist needs more support for this key-stone in it's area to truly make it worthwhile. And this has nothing to do with "making sacrifices to make it work" believe me lol, i am making a shitload of them with this build on all sides of the spectrum and the return is "okaish". Peace, -Boem- edit : some stash links fucked up Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes Last edited by Boem#2861 on Dec 23, 2014, 7:28:21 PM
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Trying to use that keystone in its current placement sounds like a huge headache. Kudos for making it work though.
Standard Forever
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" Thank you sir, much appreciated, my character needs all the love it can get currently <.< After some additional playing etc i have thought of two other ways to make this key-stone appealing in the area it currently occupies. I am confident it is possible to make it's location and character alignment a positive feat instead of the frowned upon one it currently is. Additional suggestion - a node behind MoM that increases mana leach effective rate% and optionally %mana leach.(note this node would be behind the MoM key-stone, so not available to all duelist arche-types) It has come to my attention while playing this character that regeneration is not the way to go, the nodes are to far away and it is extremely taxing on gear to find pieces with all the stats combined. Obviously, mana regeneration is welcome in all the amounts one can muster while creating this type of character. However, mana leach is quite effective given the duelist is a master of combat and should posses a fair amount of physical damage, but again, because of the restriction of "flat intelligence" and "flat mana base" the effect of the leach is rendered to a minimum. Thus instead of increasing the total amount of mana (which imo, should also receive some love) maybe another route would be to optimize the mana leach to have more potency on a lower total amount of mana instead. - i will copy paste this to my original post, because i believe it is a route worthwhile taking for GGG, mana leach is already naturally "capped" by gear pieces that can have it and by a gem slot, thus utilizing it is already hard-capped as is, making this a safe choice to optimize MoM- Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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Awesome build Boem. I'm parsecs far away from such quality builds (even if they are underpowered!).
Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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" Thanks for the kind words sir. My main reason for playing this game is for the huge potential of theory-crafting and the depth of the mechanics and combo's this game offers. So this league i wanted to gain some experience with the MoM key-stone which i have never utilized before. And i thought some feedback was in order in terms of placement and viability in it's current state.(relative to its position in the passive tree) I am a sucker for melee builds :o) and ehp plays a very big role in those builds so i am constantly trying to gain experience with all the forms of defenses the game offers and there combinations. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes