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Can I use all three counter skills at once?
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wowowow these counter gems are looking great!
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" No, becase 2 require you to block a hit and the other one requires you to be hit. Of course you can have all 3 linked at once, but they obviously trigger off 2 separate conditions. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
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" I think my problem is the alternative to block for casters is MoM+EB, which automatically means you need the Cloak of Defiance because lets be honest here, you cannot specc both of those passives in the same build, no way no how. They're what - 20 nodes apart? 30? Unfeasible for any build that needs that combo. (Would kill to have that MoM node moved at least a LITTLE closer to the spellcasting tree where it belongs -.- wtf is it doing down by duelist?) The thing is, while block might have been a staple, it was a defence stat. All defence stats are staples, you pick the 2/3 that you want/can use and you grab the points in them and add that to your build. You don't have a "block build" (well...you did, but it wasn't very good. Ironically was going to become a lot better with the cast-on-block skills ironically coming now). Now, that's being gutted. Yes, it might have been needed for one reason or another, but now a lot of spellcaster builds just had their primary defence method ripped out and (unless you're a freeze mage) now require that very specific and very expensive unique to even be considered viable and that, my fellow, is extremely poor game design. I eagerly await what GGG has in mind for casters, because I know more than a handful of them instantly became about 25% less viable at best. "If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is." ~David Dunning Last edited by TikoXi#0194 on Dec 11, 2014, 11:43:34 AM
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" Really?
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
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" and u my friend get what i mean :) its posible to get eb + mom ( its it totally limits the build ) @dragnar <<< ingame or pm me Last edited by dragnar#5819 on Dec 11, 2014, 11:51:17 AM
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" Dual Totem/Burn Prolif/Summoner Phys to Lightning with EK to split your damage types. Melee is desync the game which is why people play fake melee builds like Ground Slam so they can avoid the whole getting near enemies thing. |
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" While that looks nice and pretty and all, what - pray tell, is that build supposed to do with 90% mana regen and modest amounts of spelldamage/elemental damage with hardly any crit chance and token amounts of weapon/projectile damage? Sustain them to death? I can't figure what spell you're trying to use there. An elemental blender incinerate? "If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is." ~David Dunning Last edited by TikoXi#0194 on Dec 11, 2014, 11:50:40 AM
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" That's not a good idea IMO, you're going to fall far behind and it will be much harder to make $$$.. Start the night of the release and let all the other standard players do the testing.. lol Gotta get that money, son! IGN Ken__Kaniff Last edited by Knightmare101#0485 on Dec 11, 2014, 11:50:07 AM
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" You didnt factor in that casters are currently the only "viable" build option lately. Any nerf to casters is welcomed these days, how long have we been clearing the entire content with flameblast then respecing? If all defensive stats are staples then why can you only use block and not the other forms of mitigation, oh yeh block currently is too good to not pick, hence the nerf is justified. Theres nothing more boring then when 1 thing is used by everyone when theres so much diversity in the game. Everytime something is as commonly used as block, its nerfed and we adapt and the game changes. Who wants to play the same build year after year, seriously. Buy the ticket, take the ride. Last edited by p0t#2885 on Dec 11, 2014, 11:54:46 AM