PvP Manifesto Post and Patch Notes Teaser
" Ditto. People who want to indulge in such an appalling display of language skills shouldn't go around calling others ignorant. Excused if English is a second language. |
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Added a new Strength/Intelligence Skill - Static Strike: Strike your enemies, building up static energy on you. This energy damages enemies around you when it expires. (Available from the Enemy at the Gate quest for the Templar and Marauder, and from the Mercy Mission quest for the Duelist and Witch.)
All i can think of is a duelist with furry socks on ... Seems silly. |
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" How could you replace their gear if pre-assigned gear cannot be removed ??? Help me complete my unique collection: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/335591 IGN: CGT_FR Last edited by Borow#3343 on Dec 11, 2014, 6:43:31 PM
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I like the idea on those counter-atacks. Not only for Leo's Pvpness, but it is promising for PvE, I hope they are really good
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" You didn't read it correctly its a chance when you are hit, not chance on block. "Added a new Strength Skill - Vengeance: Chance to perform a swift counter-attack against all enemies around you when you are hit. Weapon range increases the area of this attack. (Available from the Lost in Love quest for the Templar, Marauder and Duelist.)" God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
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Looks like a buff for shield users more than anything else. With the Acrobatics nerf to block I don't see any DW block builds in the future. OnBlock effects go badly with Evasion/Dodge anyway since you can only block attacks that hit.
I would like to see the Acrobatics block nerf only affect shield block and spell block from all sources but not affect DW or Staff block (it seems the new tree has nerfed DW block already no need to pile on with it). Riposte looks like its for DW IR builds, since Evasion even without Acrobatics greatly weakens On Block. Shield users get to use both Riposte and Reckoning; looks to me Duelist with Shield and IR bait. |
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" I did, in fact, read your entire post. You say that Melee doesnt need more damage, as a long time tank in other games, I can say that it is actually a benefit when a 1h/shield player has more damage as this leads to more survivability. More damage applies more Life Leech for example. As to the rest of your post, it seems to be a lot of yeeeeeah and yaaaaay which is why I quoted it that way. Yes I have been around since CB and so have you, (golf clap) It means nothing as this isnt OUR game, it is GGG's game. If you are not happy with the changes, don't play. Or you could learn to adapt as any long time gamer can tell you, you adapt or move on to another game. You also mention Uber Atziri - which is unatainable by the bulk of the players in this game so it isn't totally relevant to the game population as a whole. Personally (and this is the key point here) I like the game and am looking forward to the changes and seeing how I can adapt to them. That, to me, is what I like most about this game, changes and adaptability. So I have my [popcorn] ready when the patch drops. Oh, as I told my first wife, dont expect any apologies. ~ There are spectacular moments.
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so now we w8 for avatar of lighting in skill tree?
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I am not too much of a PvP player in POE (yet), but from the minor duels and whatnot that I've done, it was painfully obvious how overpowered the combination of block, dodge, and evasion were (I'm speaking only from a PvP standpoint). If there was any hope for PvP to be taken seriously, this kind of rebalancing was unavoidable. I've only participated in a handful of PvP matches, but other equally-geared PvE Block/Dodge builds, it was almost funny how difficult it was to even do enough damage to keep their life bars from regenerating back to full. By the time the match was over, I could maybe land 8-9 hits, and this was all while using projectile weakness (which at the time reduced enemy evasion chance), reduced block chance gem, and additional accuracy.
But seeing as the main reason these things are getting rebalanced, is for PvP, I'm sure that GGG will be making some adjustments in PvE as well, at least on the other end (how much damage monsters do, maybe their chance to hit?) The problem clearly wasn't block being overpowered in PvE, have some faith. |
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You guys are doing an amazing joob. Congratulations!
Next goal: guild system revamp! |
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